Alenka Višnić
Alenka Višnić
Dr.sc. dr.med
在 uniri.hr 的电子邮件经过验证
Myricitrin exhibits antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antifibrotic activity in carbon tetrachloride-intoxicated mice
R Domitrović, K Rashed, O Cvijanović, S Vladimir-Knežević, M Škoda, ...
Chemico-biological interactions 230, 21-29, 2015
Proteins in urine–Possible biomarkers of endometriosis
A Višnić, GČ Jurešić, R Domitrović, M Klarić, TS Šepić, D Barišić
Journal of reproductive immunology 157, 103941, 2023
The characteristics of a fibroid in pregnancy can influence the perinatal outcome
A Višnić
Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics 310 (4), 1905-1918, 2024
Concentration of total proteins in urine as a non-invasive biomarker of endometriosis
A Višnić, D Barišić, GČ Jurešić, M Klarić, TS Šepić
JBRA Assisted Reproduction 27 (4), 624, 2023
Complete restoration of fertility in a patient treated for androgen-secreting granulosa cell tumor-Case report
TS Šepić, NS Severinski, S Eminović, AR Badovinac, A Višnić
JBRA Assisted Reproduction 27 (4), 747, 2023
Protein CYFRA 21-1–potencijalni marker endometrioze.
A Višnić, GČ Jurešić, D Barišić, N Smajla, TS Šepić, NS Severinski
Medicina Fluminensis 59 (3), 2023
Identification of urine biomarkers of endometriosis—Protein mass spectrometry
A Višnić, D Barišić, G Čanadi Jurešić, T Sušanj Šepić, ...
American journal of reproductive immunology 91 (5), e13856, 2024
CYFRA 21-1 Protein-a Potential Marker of Endometriosis
A Višnić, G Čanadi Jurešić, D Barišić, N Smajla, T Sušanj Šepić, ...
Medicina Fluminensis: Medicina Fluminensis 59 (3), 251-255, 2023
Treatment of infertility by natural factors in a patient who had seven failed procedures of in vitro fertilization
G Radmilović, V Matijević, A Višnić, Z Vezmar
ARC journal of gynecology and obstetrics 2 (2), 1-3, 2017
Agressive vs expectant management of severe preeclampsia in preterm gestations
S Škrablin, EG Vesna, N Veček, T Goluža, A Višnić
XXXIII Alpe Adria Meeting of Perinatal Medicine/XXV Alpe Adria Perinatal …, 2011
Anemije u trudnoći
A Višnić, V Gašparović Elveđi, D Hulina
VIII Kongres o ginekološkoj endokrinologiji, humanoj reprodukciji i …, 2011
Differential Effects of Rutin and its Aglycone Quercetin on Colon Cancer Cells Cytotoxicity and Chemosensitization
I Suman, A Jezidžić, D Dobrić, A Višnić, R Domitrović
Available at SSRN 5005400, 0
Utjecaj mioma na perinatalni ishod
A Višnić, S Škrablin, D Hulina
XXVII perinatalni dani" Ante Dražančić, 0
Uloga citokeratina 19-9 u etiopatogenezi endometrioze
A Višnić, N Smiljan Severinski, G Čanadi Jurešić, T Sušanj Šepić
13. Hrvatski kongres o ginekološkoj endokrinologiji, humanoj reprodukciji i …, 0
Perinatalni ishod ovisno o dužini trajanja RVP-a
A Višnić, S Škrablin, D Hulina
IX kongres o ginekološkoj endokrinologiji, humanoj reprodukciji i menopauzi, 0
Proteini u urinu medijatori endometrioze
A Višnić, N Smiljan Severinski, D Barišić, T Sušanj Šepić, N Smajla
6. Hrvatski kongres o reprodukcijskom zdravlju, planiranju obitelji …, 0
Utjecaj anemije majke na ishod trudnoće
A Višnić, V Gašparović Elveđi
XXV Perinatalni dani" Ante Dražančić", 0
Delaying the delivery after premature rupture of membranes: cost-benefit analysis
A Višnić, S Škrablin, D Hulina
XXV Alpe-Adria kongres, 0
Protein CYFRA 21-1 u urinu i antigen CA 125 u serumu–biomarkeri endometrioze
A Višnić, T Sušanj Šepić, M Klarić, D Barišić
14. Hrvatski kongres o ginekološkoj endokrinologiji, humanoj reprodukciji i …, 0
Perinatalni ishod trudnoća uz miome
A Višnić, S Škrablin, D Hulina
3. hrvatski kongres o reprodukcijskom zdravlju, kontracepciji i IVF-u, 0
文章 1–20