Wenting Tu (PhD, HKU)
Wenting Tu (PhD, HKU)
Associate Professor in SUFE
在 hku.hk 的电子邮件经过验证 - 首页
Attention based LSTM for target dependent sentiment classification
M Yang, W Tu, J Wang, F Xu, X Chen
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 31 (1), 2017
A subject transfer framework for EEG classification
W Tu, S Sun
Neurocomputing 82, 109-116, 2012
Detecting time synchronization attacks in cyber-physical systems with machine learning techniques
J Wang, W Tu, LCK Hui, SM Yiu, EK Wang
2017 IEEE 37th international conference on distributed computing systems …, 2017
Neural attentive network for cross-domain aspect-level sentiment classification
M Yang, W Yin, Q Qu, W Tu, Y Shen, X Chen
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 12 (3), 761-775, 2019
Personalized response generation by dual-learning based domain adaptation
M Yang, W Tu, Q Qu, Z Zhao, X Chen, J Zhu
Neural Networks 103, 72-82, 2018
Personalized location recommendation by aggregating multiple recommenders in diversity
Z Lu, H Wang, N Mamoulis, W Tu, DW Cheung
GeoInformatica 21, 459-484, 2017
Multitask learning and reinforcement learning for personalized dialog generation: An empirical study
M Yang, W Huang, W Tu, Q Qu, Y Shen, K Lei
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 32 (1), 49-62, 2020
Ordering-sensitive and semantic-aware topic modeling
M Yang, T Cui, W Tu
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 29 (1), 2015
Cross-domain representation-learning framework with combination of class-separate and domain-merge objectives
W Tu, S Sun
Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Cross Domain Knowledge …, 2012
View construction for multi-view semi-supervised learning
S Sun, F Jin, W Tu
Advances in Neural Networks–ISNN 2011: 8th International Symposium on Neural …, 2011
Investment recommendation using investor opinions in social media
W Tu, DW Cheung, N Mamoulis, M Yang, Z Lu
Proceedings of the 39th International ACM SIGIR conference on Research and …, 2016
Advanced community question answering by leveraging external knowledge and multi-task learning
M Yang, W Tu, Q Qu, W Zhou, Q Liu, J Zhu
Knowledge-Based Systems 171, 106-119, 2019
Semi-supervised feature extraction for EEG classification
W Tu, S Sun
Pattern Analysis and Applications 16, 213-222, 2013
Exploring human-like reading strategy for abstractive text summarization
M Yang, Q Qu, W Tu, Y Shen, Z Zhao, X Chen
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 33 (01), 7362-7369, 2019
Lcct: a semisupervised model for sentiment classification
M Yang, W Tu, Z Lu, W Yin, KP Chow
Human Language Technologies: The 2015 Annual Conference of the North …, 2015
Assessing dynamic qualities of investor sentiments for stock recommendation
J Chang, W Tu, C Yu, C Qin
Information Processing & Management 58 (2), 102452, 2021
Investment recommendation by discovering high-quality opinions in investor based social networks
W Tu, M Yang, DW Cheung, N Mamoulis
Information Systems 78, 189-198, 2018
A topic drift model for authorship attribution
M Yang, X Chen, W Tu, Z Lu, J Zhu, Q Qu
Neurocomputing 273, 133-140, 2018
HHMF: hidden hierarchical matrix factorization for recommender systems
H Li, Y Liu, Y Qian, N Mamoulis, W Tu, DW Cheung
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 33, 1548-1582, 2019
Activity-partner recommendation
W Tu, DW Cheung, N Mamoulis, M Yang, Z Lu
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 19th Pacific-Asia …, 2015
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