Teresa Silva, PhD
Teresa Silva, PhD
Marine and Freshwater Research Institute
在 hafogvatn.is 的电子邮件经过验证
Distribution, abundance, and feeding ecology of baleen whales in Icelandic waters: have recent environmental changes had an effect?
GA Víkingsson, DG Pike, H Valdimarsson, A Schleimer, T Gunnlaugsson, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 3, 6, 2015
Abundance, composition, and development of zooplankton in the Subarctic Iceland Sea in 2006, 2007, and 2008
A Gislason, T Silva
ICES Journal of Marine Science 69 (7), 1263-1276, 2012
Comparison between automated analysis of zooplankton using ZooImage and traditional methodology
A Gislason, T Silva
Journal of Plankton Research 31 (12), 1505, 2009
Long-term changes of euphausiids in shelf and oceanic habitats southwest, south and southeast of Iceland
T Silva, A Gislason, P Licandro, G Marteinsdóttir, ASA Ferreira, ...
Journal of plankton research 36 (5), 1262-1278, 2014
Distribution, maturity and population structure of Meganyctiphanes norvegica and Thysanoessa inermis around Iceland in spring
T Silva, A Gislason, OS Astthorsson, G Marteinsdottir
PLoS One 12 (11), e0187360, 2017
Abundance and distribution of early life stages of krill around Iceland during spring
T Silva, A Gislason, OS Astthorsson, G Marteinsdottir
Marine Biology Research 12 (8), 864-873, 2016
Sampling for the MEESO project during the International Ecosystem Summer Survey in Nordic Seas on the R/V Arni Fridriksson in July 2020
Á Gíslason, K Jakobsdóttir, K Guðmundsson, S Egilsdóttir, T Silva
www.hafogvatn.is, 26, 2021
7. Feeding ecology of capelin at new feeding grounds
H Petursdottir, T Silva, SÞ Jónsson, B Singh, W. and Bárðarson
In W. Singh, A.H. Ólafsdóttir, S.Þ. Jónsson & G.J. Óskarsson (Eds.), Capelin …, 2023
Editorial: Physical Drivers of Biogeographical Shifts in the Northeastern Atlantic-and Adjacent Shelves
H Hátún, TSG Silva, Ø Skagseth, P Grønkjaer
Frontiers in Marine Science, 2022
Physical Drivers of Biogeographical Shifts in the Northeastern Atlantic – and Adjacent Shelves.
H Hátún, O Skagseth, TSG Silva, eds. Grønkjær, P.
Ecology of krill in Icelandic waters
TSG Silva
University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty …, 2018
Patchiness of plankton ecosystem structure due to nutrient mixing along the shelf edge in the North Sea
A Cordier, J Bendtsen, N Daugbjerg, N From, SH Jónasdóttir, EA Mousing, ...
Fæða loðnu á nýrri fæðuslóð
H Pétursdóttir, T Silva, SÞ Jónsson, WSB Bárðarson
Í Warsha Singh (ritstj.), Loðna á tímum umhverfisbreytinga – afrakstur …, 2023
Dreifing loðnu í mismunandi sjógerðum við AusturGrænland á fæðutíma á haustin
W Singh, K Guðnason, SÞ Jónsson, T Silva
Í Warsha Singh (ritstj.), Loðna á tímum umhverfisbreytinga – afrakstur …, 2023
Áhrif lóðrétts fars og lífeðlisfræðilegra þátta á endurvarpsstyrk loðnu
T Silva, SÞ Jónsson, B Bárðarson, W Singh
Í Warsha Singh (ritstj.), Loðna á tímum umhverfisbreytinga – afrakstur …, 2023
Rýni á stofnmati og ráðgjöf loðnustofnsins við Ísland, Austur-Grænland og Jan Mayen árið 2022
B Bárðarson, K Guðnason, T Silva, SÞ Jónsson, W Singh, S Bjarnason, ...
Í Warsha Singh (ritstj.), Loðna á tímum umhverfisbreytinga – afrakstur …, 2023
Benchmark assessment of the Iceland-East Greeenland-Jan Mayen capelin stock in 2022.
B Bárðarson, K Guðnason, T Silva, SÞ Jónsson, ...
In W. Singh, A.H. Ólafsdóttir, S.Þ. Jónsson & G.J. Óskarsson (Eds.), Capelin …, 2023
Capelin distribution in the East Greenland water masses during autumn feeding.
W Singh, K Guðnason, SÞ Jónsson, T Silva
In W. Singh, A.H. Ólafsdóttir, S.Þ. Jónsson & G.J. Óskarsson (Eds.), Capelin …, 2023
The influence of vertical movement and physiology on capelin target strength.
T Silva, SÞ Jónsson, B B., W Singh
In W. Singh, A.H. Ólafsdóttir, S.Þ. Jónsson & G.J. Óskarsson (Eds.), Capelin …, 2023
Ljósáta í Ísafjarðardjúpi – nýtanleg auðlind? / Euphausiids in Ísafjarðardjúp ‐ a harvestable resource?
Á Gíslason, P Reynisson, H Karlsson, E Hreinsson, T Silva, K Jóakimsson
Haf-og Vatnarannsóknir, 43, 2021
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