Koko Joni
Koko Joni
在 trunojoyo.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Analysis of artificial intelligence application using back propagation neural network and fuzzy logic controller on wall-following autonomous mobile robot
A Budianto, R Pangabidin, M Syai'In, RY Adhitya, L Subiyanto, ...
2017 International Symposium on Electronics and Smart Devices (ISESD), 62-66, 2017
Rancang Bangun Sistem Monitoring Cairan Pembersih Pada Robot Permbersih Kaca Berbasis Mikrokontroller ATMega 8535
HS Hadi, A Abdurrakhman, B Sampurno
J-Eltrik 1 (1), 12-12, 2019
Robot Line Follower Berbasis Kendali Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) Untuk Lintasan Dengan Sudut Ekstrim
K Joni, M Ulum, Z Abidin
Jurnal Infotel 8 (2), 138-142, 2016
Optimalisasi Jaringan Internet Dengan Load Balancing Pada High Traffic Network
T Octavriana, K Joni, AF Ibadillah
Jurnal Teknik Informatika 14 (1), 28-39, 2021
Rancang Bangun Alat Pengusir Tikus dan Burung pada Tanaman Padi
MS Bana, D Rahmawati, K Joni, M Ulum
J-Eltrik 2 (1), 53-53, 2020
Lantai pembangkit listrik menggunakan piezoelektrik dengan buck converter LM2596
D Rahmawati, M Ulum, M Farisal, K Joni
Jurnal Arus Elektro Indonesia 7 (3), 84-89, 2021
Monitoring kesehatan menggunakan compiler arduino & modul wifi-esp8266 untuk komunitas pasien hipertensi
BD Satoto, A Yasid, K Joni, BK Khotimah
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Matematika dan Aplikasinya, hal, 323-340, 2017
Design of Monitoring Battery Solar Power Plant and Load Control System based Internet of Things
R Alfita, K Joni, FD Darmawan
TEKNIK 42 (1), 35-44, 2021
Rancang bangun indikator berat, temperatur dan kadar alkohol pada proses fermentasi singkong (tape) dengan metode Fuzzy Berbasis Microcontroller Atmega 16
N Isnainin, M Ulum, K Joni
Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer (JEECOM) 2 (1), 8-14, 2020
Rancang Bangun Sistem Monitoring Daya Baterai Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) dan Kontrol Beban Berbasis Internet of Things
R Alfita, K Joni, FD Darmawan
Rancang bangun sistem monitoring daya baterai pembangkit listrik tenaga …, 2021
Sistem Monitoring Kondisi Kendaraan Motor Injeksi Berbasis Mikrokontroler
N Sholeh, K Joni, M Ulum
Jurnal JEETech 1 (1), 37-42, 2020
Semi Automatic T-Shirt Folding Machine berbasis Proportional Integral Derivative (PID)
M Apriliyanto, M Ulum, K Jon
J-Eltrik 2 (1), 47-47, 2020
Rancang Bangun Alat Penetas Telur Ayam Otomatis Dengan Metode Pid (Proportional Integral Derivative) Berbasis Energy Hybrid
S Syafik, K Joni, AF Ibadillah
Jurnal Teknik Elektro dan Komputer TRIAC 4 (2), 21-26, 2017
Rancang Bangun Robot Penghindar Halangan Berbasis Kamera Menggunakan Deteksi Kontur
K Joni, Z Abidin, AF Ibadillah
JURNAL INFOTEL 9 (3), 248-256, 2017
pengujian protokol ieee 802.15. 4/zigbee di lingkungan outdoor
K Joni, R Hidayat, S Sumaryono
Seminar Nasional Informatika (SEMNASIF) 1 (2), 2015
The Erythemato-Squamous Dermatology Diseases Severity Determination using Self-Organizing Map
H Haryanto, M Ulum, DR Rahmawati, K Joni, A Ubaidillah, R Alfita, ...
IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series 1 (1), 2015
Design of alcohol detection and classification devices in traditional legen/tuak drinks using an IoT-based MQ-3 sensor
D Rahmawati, K Joni, RS Febriana, H Setiawan
Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics, Medical …, 2020
Smart garbage based on Internet of Things (IoT)
K Joni, DF Rohim
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 953 (1), 012139, 2018
Pengujian Jarak dan Waktu Gabung Protokol IEEE 802.15. 4/ZigBee di Lingkungan Indoor
K Joni, R Hidayat, S Sumaryono
Jurnal Nasional Teknik Elektro dan Teknologi Informasi 1 (2), 48-52, 2012
Enhancement of Computer Network Performance with VLAN
A Ubaidillah, K Joni, MI Bachtiar, SI Kholida
E3S Web of Conferences 328, 02004, 2021
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