North Korean foreign policy: Security dilemma and succession Y Kim Lexington Books, 2010 | 91 | 2010 |
Security dilemmas and signaling during the North Korean nuclear standoff Y Kim, Y Yi Asian perspective, 73-97, 2005 | 19 | 2005 |
North Korea's use of terror and coercive diplomacy: Looking for their circumstantial variants Y Kim The Korean Journal of Defense Analysis 14 (1), 45-67, 2002 | 16 | 2002 |
Russo-North Korean relations in the 2000S: Moscow's continuing search for regional influence SH Yang, W Kim, Y Kim Asian Survey 44 (6), 794-814, 2004 | 15* | 2004 |
North Korea's Threat Perception and Provocation Under Kim Jong-un: The Security Dilemma and the Obsession with Political Survival Y Kim North Korean Review, 6-19, 2013 | 14 | 2013 |
The future of the North Korean system CI Moon, Y Kim The North Korean System in Post-Cold War Era, New York, NY: Palgrave, 221-258, 2001 | 14 | 2001 |
North Korea's Risk-taking vis-à-vis the US Coercion in the Nuclear Quagmire Y Kim, M Kim The Korean Journal of Defense Analysis 19 (4), 51-69, 2007 | 13 | 2007 |
대북정책과 국제관계이론: 4 자회담과 햇볕정책을 중심으로한 비판적 고찰: 4 자회담과 햇볕정책을 중심으로한 비판적 고찰 김용호 한국정치학회보 36 (3), 135-153, 2002 | 11 | 2002 |
Framing Anti‐Americanism and the Media in South Korea: TV vs Newspaper Y Kim, J Hur Pacific Focus 24 (3), 341-364, 2009 | 10 | 2009 |
China in the North Korean Nuclear Quagmire: Rethinking Chinese Influence on North Korea Y Kim, MC Kim Issues & Studies 44 (3), 149-175, 2008 | 9 | 2008 |
Forty Years of the Sino-North Korean Alliance: Beijing's Declining Credibility and Pyongyang's Bandwagoning with Washington YH Kim Issues & Studies 37 (2), 147-176, 2001 | 8 | 2001 |
비대칭동맹에 있어 동맹신뢰성과 후기동맹딜레마: 북․ 중동맹과 북한의 대미접근을 중심으로 김용호 통일문제연구, 2001 | 8 | 2001 |
“North Korea: A Perpetual Rogue State?” Y Kim The United States & Northeast Asia: Debates, Issues and New Order, 2008 | 7 | 2008 |
Balance of Influence vs. Balance of Power: An Eclectic Approach for East Asian Security C Moon, Y Kim Northeast Asian Regional Security Order and Strategic Calculus on the Taiwan …, 2003 | 6 | 2003 |
Alliance versus Governance: Theoretical Debates Regarding Security of Northeast Asia KJ Kim, Y Kim Pacific Focus 17 (1), 5-28, 2002 | 6 | 2002 |
김대중 정부의 외교정책과 언론: 관계유형의 모색과 사례분석을 중심으로 김기정, 김용호, 정병석 국제정치논총 40 (4), 363-397, 2000 | 6 | 2000 |
Neorealism, Neoliberalism, Constructivism & Peace on the Korean Peninsula Y Kim Asian Perspective 24 (2), 199-217, 2000 | 6 | 2000 |
INCONSISTENCY OR FLEXIBILITY? THE KIM YOUNG SAM GOVERNMENT'S NORTH KOREA POLICY AND ITS DOMESTIC VARIANTS 김용호 International Journal of Korean unification studies 8, 225-245, 1999 | 5 | 1999 |
Managing North Korea Y Kim Routledge handbook of Korean politics and public administration, 210-227, 2020 | 4 | 2020 |
Peace of cake? Comparative analysis of Northern Irish and Korean peace processes A Haym, D Doherty, Y Kim Asian Perspective 44 (1), 55-76, 2020 | 4 | 2020 |