Kramarets Volodymyr / Крамарець Володимир
Kramarets Volodymyr / Крамарець Володимир
其他姓名Крамарець Володимир Олександрович, Крамарець В.О.
UKRAINIAN NATIONAL FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, Національний лісотехнічний університет України
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Widespread Phytophthora infestations in European nurseries put forest, semi‐natural and horticultural ecosystems at high risk of Phytophthora diseases
T Jung, L Orlikowski, B Henricot, P Abad‐Campos, AG Aday, ...
Forest Pathology 46 (2), 134-163, 2016
Identifying the ecological and societal consequences of a decline in Buxus forests in Europe and the Caucasus
R Mitchell, S Chitanava, R Dbar, V Kramarets, A Lehtijärvi, I Matchutadze, ...
Biological Invasions 20, 3605-3620, 2018
Box tree moth Cydalima perspectalis as a threat to the native populations of Buxus colchica in Republic of Georgia
I Matsiakh, V Kramarets, G Mamadashvili
Journal of the Entomological Research Society 20 (2), 29-42, 2018
Declining of common ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) in Western Ukraine
IP Matsiakh, VO Kramarets
Scientific Bulletin of UNFU 24 (7), 67-74, 2014
Occurrence and diversity of Phytophthora species in declining broadleaf forests in western Ukraine
I Matsiakh, V Kramarets, M Cleary
Forest Pathology 51 (1), e12662, 2021
Dothistroma spp. in western Ukraine and Georgia
I Matsiakh, HT Doğmuş‐Lehtijärvi, V Kramarets, AG Aday Kaya, F Oskay, ...
Forest Pathology 48 (2), e12409, 2018
Forest management peculiarities in secondary Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.) stands of the Ukrainian Carpathians
VI Parpan, YS Shparyk, P Slobodyan, T Parpan, V Korshov, R Brodovich, ...
Proceedings of the Forestry Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: Collection of …, 2014
Система лісівничих заходів щодо ліквідації наслідків масового всихання ялинників у буково-ялицевих типах лісу Карпат
ГТ Криницький, ВО Крамарець
Лісівництво і агролісомеліорація 115, 256-260, 2009
Tissue‐specific DNA levels and hyphal growth patterns of Hymenoscyphus fraxineus in stems of naturally infected Fraxinus excelsior saplings
I Matsiakh, H Solheim, NE Nagy, AM Hietala, V Kramarets
Forest Pathology 46 (3), 206-214, 2016
Phytophthora and Pythium species detected in rivers of the Polish-Ukrainian border areas
I Matsiakh, T Oszako, V Kramarets, JA Nowakowska
Baltic Forestry 22 (2), 230-238, 2016
Оцінка стану та ймовірних загроз виживанню ялинових лісів Карпат у зв'язку із змінами клімату
ВО Крамарець, ГТ Криницький
Науковий вісник НЛТУ Укр 19 (15), 38-50, 2009
National Nature Park Skolivski Beskydy
VA Solomakha, DM Yakushenko, VO Kramarets, LI Milkina, DP Vorontsov, ...
Phytosociocentre, Kyiv, 2004
Extensive morphological and behavioural diversity among fourteen new and seven described species in Phytophthora Clade 10 and its evolutionary implications
T Jung, I Milenković, T Corcobado, T Májek, J Janoušek, T Kudláček, ...
Persoonia-Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi 49 (1), 1-57, 2022
Distribution of invasive species and their threat to natural populations of boxwood (Buxus colchica Pojark) in Georgia
I Matsiakh, V Kramarets, M Kavtarishvili, G Mamadashvili
PPT Presentation. National Forestry Agency of Georgia, ENPI East Fleg II …, 2016
Інвазії комах-філофагів на територію України
I Matsiakh, V Kramarets
Наукові праці Лісівничої академії наук України, 11-25, 2020
Assessment and possible threats to the survival of the spruce forests of the Carpathians in connection with climate change
VA Kramarets, HT Krynytskyy
Scientific Bulletin of UNFU 19 (15), 38-50, 2009
Lichen indication of air pollution in Lviv
SY Kondratyuk, VO Koucheriavyi, VO Kramarets, YV Zinko, IM Sirenko
Ukrainsk i Botanichn i Zhurnal 48 (2), 72-76, 1991
Climate, host and geography shape insect and fungal communities of trees
I Franić, E Allan, S Prospero, K Adamson, F Attorre, MA Auger-Rozenberg, ...
Scientific reports 13 (1), 11570, 2023
Invasive phyllophagous insects in Ukraine
I Matsiakh, V Kramarets
The role of biotic factors in spruce decline in the Ukrainian Carpathians
V Kramarets, I Matsiakh
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