Jess McBeck
Jess McBeck
Researcher, Physics of Geological Processes, Njord Centre, University of Oslo
在 geo.uio.no 的电子邮件经过验证
Dynamic in situ three-dimensional imaging and digital volume correlation analysis to quantify strain localization and fracture coalescence in sandstone
F Renard, J McBeck, B Cordonnier, X Zheng, N Kandula, JR Sanchez, ...
Pure and Applied Geophysics 176, 1083-1115, 2019
Volumetric and shear processes in crystalline rock approaching faulting
F Renard, J McBeck, N Kandula, B Cordonnier, P Meakin, Y Ben-Zion
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (33), 16234-16239, 2019
Investigating the onset of strain localization within anisotropic shale using digital volume correlation of time‐resolved X‐ray microtomography images
J McBeck, M Kobchenko, SA Hall, E Tudisco, B Cordonnier, P Meakin, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 123 (9), 7509-7528, 2018
Real Time 3D Observations of Portland Cement Carbonation at CO2 Storage Conditions
EA Chavez Panduro, B Cordonnier, K Gawel, I Børve, J Iyer, SA Carroll, ...
Environmental science & technology 54 (13), 8323-8332, 2020
How porosity controls macroscopic failure via propagating fractures and percolating force chains in porous granular rocks
J McBeck, K Mair, F Renard
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 124 (9), 9920-9939, 2019
Predicting the proximity to macroscopic failure using local strain populations from dynamic in situ X-ray tomography triaxial compression experiments on rocks
J McBeck, JM Aiken, Y Ben-Zion, F Renard
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 543, 116344, 2020
Deformation precursors to catastrophic failure in rocks
JA McBeck, JM Aiken, J Mathiesen, Y Ben‐Zion, F Renard
Geophysical Research Letters 47 (24), e2020GL090255, 2020
Volumetric and shear strain localization in Mt. Etna basalt
JA McBeck, B Cordonnier, S Vinciguerra, F Renard
Geophysical Research Letters 46 (5), 2425-2433, 2019
Energy budget and propagation of faults via shearing and opening using work optimization
EH Madden, ML Cooke, J McBeck
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 122 (8), 6757-6772, 2017
Volumetric and shear strain localization throughout triaxial compression experiments on rocks
J McBeck, Y Ben-Zion, F Renard
Tectonophysics 822, 229181, 2022
The mixology of precursory strain partitioning approaching brittle failure in rocks
J McBeck, Y Ben-Zion, F Renard
Geophysical Journal International 221 (3), 1856-1872, 2020
Isolating the factors that govern fracture development in rocks throughout dynamic in situ X‐ray tomography experiments
J McBeck, N Kandula, JM Aiken, B Cordonnier, F Renard
Geophysical Research Letters 46 (20), 11127-11135, 2019
Mixed‐mode strain localization generated by hydration reaction at crustal conditions
X Zheng, B Cordonnier, J McBeck, E Boller, B Jamtveit, W Zhu, F Renard
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 124 (5), 4507-4522, 2019
Work optimization predicts accretionary faulting: An integration of physical and numerical experiments
JA McBeck, ML Cooke, JW Herbert, B Maillot, P Souloumiac
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 122 (9), 7485-7505, 2017
The competition between fracture nucleation, propagation, and coalescence in dry and water-saturated crystalline rock
JA McBeck, W Zhu, F Renard
Solid Earth 12 (2), 2021
Growth by Optimization of Work (GROW): A new modeling tool that predicts fault growth through work minimization
JA McBeck, EH Madden, ML Cooke
Computers & geosciences 88, 142-151, 2016
Imaging strain localisation in porous andesite using digital volume correlation
MJ Heap, P Baud, JA McBeck, F Renard, L Carbillet, SA Hall
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 404, 107038, 2020
Creep burst coincident with faulting in marble observed in 4‐D synchrotron X‐ray imaging triaxial compression experiments
F Renard, N Kandula, J McBeck, B Cordonnier
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 125 (9), e2020JB020354, 2020
Competition between slow slip and damage on and off faults revealed in 4D synchrotron imaging experiments
F Renard, J McBeck, B Cordonnier
Tectonophysics 782, 228437, 2020
The evolving energy budget of experimental faults within continental crust: Insights from in situ dynamic X-ray microtomography
J McBeck, B Cordonnier, K Mair, F Renard
Journal of Structural Geology 123, 42-53, 2019
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