Dr Krzysztof Muszka
Dr Krzysztof Muszka
AGH University of Krakow, Krakow, Poland
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Effect of strain path on dynamic strain-induced transformation in a microalloyed steel
L Sun, K Muszka, BP Wynne, EJ Palmiere
Acta Materialia 66, 132-149, 2014
The effect of strain path reversal on high-angle boundary formation by grain subdivision in a model austenitic steel
L Sun, K Muszka, BP Wynne, EJ Palmiere
Scripta Materialia 64 (3), 280-283, 2011
Mechanical properties of ultra fine-grained HSLA and Ti-IF steels
J Majta, K Muszka
Materials Science and Engineering: A 464 (1-2), 186-191, 2007
Computer aided development of the levelling technology for flat products
L Madej, K Muszka, K Perzyński, J Majta, M Pietrzyk
CIRP annals 60 (1), 291-294, 2011
The effects of deformation and microstructure inhomogeneities in the Accumulative Angular Drawing (AAD)
K Muszka, L Madej, J Majta
Materials Science and Engineering: A 574, 68-74, 2013
Effect Of Grain Refinment On Mechanical Properties Of Microalloyed Steels
K Muszka, J Majta, Ł Bienias
Metallurgy and foundry engineering 32 (2), 87-87, 2006
On the interactions between strain path reversal and dynamic recrystallisation in 316L stainless steel studied by hottorsion
L Sun, K Muszka, BP Wynne, EJ Palmiere
Materials Science and Engineering: A 568, 160-170, 2013
Study of the effect of grain size on the dynamic mechanical properties of microalloyed steels
K Muszka, PD Hodgson, J Majta
Materials Science and Engineering: A 500 (1-2), 25-33, 2009
Three-dimensional frontal cellular automata modeling of the grain refinement during severe plastic deformation of microalloyed steel
DS Svyetlichnyy, K Muszka, J Majta
Computational Materials Science 102, 159-166, 2015
Modeling of the inhomogeneity of grain refinement during combined metal forming process by finite element and cellular automata methods
J Majta, Ł Madej, DS Svyetlichnyy, K Perzyński, M Kwiecień, K Muszka
Materials Science and Engineering: A 671, 204-213, 2016
Modeling of the mechanical behavior of nanostructured HSLA steels
K Muszka, J Majta, PD Hodgson
ISIJ international 47 (8), 1221-1227, 2007
Modeling of microstructure evolution of BCC metals subjected to severe plastic deformation
D Svyetlichnyy, J Majta, K Muszka, Ł Łach
AIP Conference Proceedings 1315 (1), 1473-1475, 2011
К вопросу выбора математической функции уравнения состояния для описания реологических свойств стали 20 в процессе горячей пластической деформации
АС Ишимов, МП Барышников, МВ Чукин
Вестник Магнитогорского государственного технического университета им. ГИ …, 2015
Influence of strain path changes on microstructure inhomogeneity and mechanical behavior of wire drawing products
K Muszka, M Wielgus, J Majta, K Doniec, M Stefanska-Kadziela
Materials Science Forum 654, 314-317, 2010
The impact of strain reversal on microstructure evolution and orientation relationships in Ti-6Al-4V with an initial alpha colony microstructure
K Muszka, M Lopez-Pedrosa, K Raszka, M Thomas, WM Rainforth, ...
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 45, 5997-6007, 2014
Modelling of deformation inhomogeneity in the angular accumulative drawing process—multiscale approach
K Muszka
Materials Science and Engineering: A 559, 635-642, 2013
The analysis of flow behavior of Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo alloy based on the processing maps
O Lypchanskyi, T Śleboda, M Wojtaszek, K Muszka, A Łukaszek-Sołek, ...
International Journal of Material Forming 14 (4), 523-532, 2021
A parallel version of the cellular automata static recrystallization model dedicated for high performance computing platforms–Development and verification
M Sitko, Q Chao, J Wang, K Perzynski, K Muszka, L Madej
Computational Materials Science 172, 109283, 2020
A physical based modeling approach for the dynamic behavior of ultrafine grained structures
K Muszka, PD Hodgson, J Majta
Journal of materials processing technology 177 (1-3), 456-460, 2006
Application of the digital material representation to strain localization prediction in the two phase titanium alloys for aerospace applications
K Muszka, L Madej, BP Wynne
Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering 16 (2), 224-234, 2016
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