Toroidal Lie algebras and vertex representations RV Moody, SE Rao, T Yokonuma Geometriae dedicata 35 (1), 283-307, 1990 | 297 | 1990 |
Vertex representations forN-toroidal Lie algebras and a generalization of the Virasoro algebra S Eswara Rao, RV Moody Communications in mathematical physics 159 (2), 239-264, 1994 | 201 | 1994 |
Irreducible representations of the Lie-algebra of the diffeomorphisms of a d-dimensional torus SE Rao Journal of Algebra 182 (2), 401-421, 1996 | 95 | 1996 |
Classification of irreducible integrable modules for toroidal Lie-algebras with finite dimensional weight spaces SE Rao arXiv preprint math/0209060, 2002 | 75 | 2002 |
Partial classification of modules for Lie-algebra of diffeomorphisms of -dimensional torus S Eswara Rao Journal of mathematical physics 45 (8), 3322-3333, 2004 | 74 | 2004 |
Classification of irreducible integrable modules for multi-loop algebras with finite-dimensional weight spaces SE Rao Journal of Algebra 246 (1), 215-225, 2001 | 57 | 2001 |
Classification of irreducible integrable representations for the full toroidal Lie algebras SE Rao, C Jiang Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 200 (1-2), 71-85, 2005 | 46 | 2005 |
On representations of loop algebras SE Rao Communications in Algebra 21 (6), 2131-2153, 1993 | 40 | 1993 |
Irreducible representations for toroidal Lie-algebras SE Rao Journal of Pure and applied algebra 202 (1-3), 102-117, 2005 | 34 | 2005 |
Highest weight irreducible representations of rank 2 quantum tori SE Rao, K Zhao | 33 | 2004 |
Classification of loop modules with finite dimensional weight spaces SE Rao Mathematische Annalen 305, 651-663, 1996 | 33 | 1996 |
Lie algebras and Weyl groups arising from vertex operator representations SE Rao, RV Moody, T Yokonuma Nova J. of Algebra and Geometry 1, 15-57, 1992 | 32 | 1992 |
Iterated loop modules and a filtration for vertex representation of toroidal Lie algebras S Rao Pacific Journal of mathematics 171 (2), 511-528, 1995 | 30 | 1995 |
Integrable modules for affine Lie superalgebras S Eswara Rao, V Futorny Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 361 (10), 5435-5455, 2009 | 27* | 2009 |
On integrable representations for toroidal Lie superalgebras SE Rao, K Zhao Contemporary Mathematics 343, 243-262, 2004 | 24 | 2004 |
Representations of Witt algebras SE Rao Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences 30 (2), 191-201, 1994 | 23 | 1994 |
Complete reducibility of integrable modules for the affine Lie (super) algebras SE Rao Journal of Algebra 264 (1), 269-278, 2003 | 22 | 2003 |
A class of integrable modules for the core of EALA coordinatized by quantum tori SE Rao Journal of Algebra 275 (1), 59-74, 2004 | 19 | 2004 |
Finite dimensional modules for multiloop superalgebras of types 𝐴 (𝑚, 𝑛) and 𝐶 (𝑚) S Rao Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 141 (10), 3411-3419, 2013 | 14 | 2013 |
Integrable modules for twisted toroidal extended affine Lie algebras SE Rao, SS Sharma, P Batra Journal of Algebra 556, 1057-1072, 2020 | 13 | 2020 |