Southern Hemisphere humpback whales wintering off Central America: insights from water temperature into the longest mammalian migration K Rasmussen, DM Palacios, J Calambokidis, MT Saborío, L Dalla Rosa, ... Biology letters 3 (3), 302-305, 2007 | 432 | 2007 |
Movements and population structure of humpback whales in the North Pacific J Calambokidis, GH Steiger, JM Straley, LM Herman, S Cerchio, ... Marine mammal science 17 (4), 769-794, 2001 | 295 | 2001 |
Insights into the underwater diving, feeding, and calling behavior of blue whales from a suction-cup-attached video-imaging tag (CRITTERCAM) J Calambokidis, GS Schorr, GH Steiger, J Francis, M Bakhtiari, G Marshall, ... Marine Technology Society Journal 41 (4), 19-29, 2007 | 162 | 2007 |
Interchange and isolation of humpback whales off California and other North Pacific feeding grounds J Calambokidis, GH Steiger, JR EvENsoN, KR Flynn, KC Balcomb, ... Marine Mammal Science 12 (2), 215-226, 1996 | 154 | 1996 |
Sightings and movements of blue whales off central California 1986-88 from photo-identification of individuals J Calambokidis, GH Steiger, JC Cubbage, KC Balcomb, C Ewald, S Kruse, ... Report of the International Whaling Commission (special issue 12), 343-348, 1990 | 123 | 1990 |
Distribution and haul-out behavior of harbor seals in Glacier Bay, Alaska J Calambokidis, BL Taylor, SD Carter, GH Steiger, PK Dawson, LD Antrim Canadian Journal of Zoology 65 (6), 1391-1396, 1987 | 121 | 1987 |
4. Biologically important areas for selected cetaceans within US waters-west coast region J Calambokidis, GH Steiger, C Curtice, J Harrison, MC Ferguson, ... Aquatic Mammals 41 (1), 39, 2015 | 102 | 2015 |
Movement of humpback whales between California and Costa Rica GH Steiger, J Calambokidis, R Sears, KC Balcomb, JC Cubbage Marine Mammal Science 7 (3), 306-310, 1991 | 102 | 1991 |
Migratory destinations of humpback whales that feed off California, Oregon and Washington J Calambokidis, GH Steiger, K Rasmussen, J Urbán, KC Balcomb, ... Marine Ecology Progress Series 192, 295-304, 2000 | 99 | 2000 |
Baleen whales are not important as prey for killer whales Orcinus orca in high-latitude regions AV Mehta, JM Allen, R Constantine, C Garrigue, B Jann, C Jenner, ... Marine Ecology Progress Series 348, 297-307, 2007 | 85 | 2007 |
Distribution and migratory destinations of humpback whales off the Pacific coast of Central America during the boreal winters of 1996–2003 K Rasmussen, J Calambokidis, GH Steiger Marine Mammal Science 28 (3), E267-E279, 2012 | 84 | 2012 |
Geographic variation in killer whale attacks on humpback whales in the North Pacific: implications for predation pressure GH Steiger, J Calambokidis, JM Straley, LM Herman, S Cerchio, ... Endangered Species Research 4 (3), 247-256, 2008 | 81 | 2008 |
Mortality of harbor seal pups at different sites in the inland waters of Washington GH Steiger, J Calambokidis, JC Cubbage, DE Skilling, AW Smith, ... Journal of Wildlife Diseases 25 (3), 319-328, 1989 | 79 | 1989 |
Distribution and abundance of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) and other marine mammals off the northern Washington coast J Calambokidis, GH Steiger, DK Ellifrit, BL Troutman, CE Bowlby | 76 | 2004 |
Abundance and population structure of humpback whales in the North Pacific basin J Calambokidis, GH Steiger, JM Straley, T Quinn, LM Herman, S Cerchio, ... Final Contract Report 50ABNF500113 to Southwest Fisheries Science Center, PO …, 1997 | 73* | 1997 |
Migratory destinations of humpback whales wintering in the Mexican Pacific JK Jacobsen, KC Balcomb, DE Claridge, J Calambokidis, GH Steiger, ... J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 2 (2), 101-110, 2000 | 65 | 2000 |
Population estimates of humpback whales in the Gulf of the Farallones, California J Calambokidis, JC Cubbage, GH Steiger, KC Balcomb, P Bloedel Report to the International Whaling Commission (special issue 12), 325-333, 1990 | 64 | 1990 |
Reproductive rates of humpback whales off California GH Steiger, J Calambokidis Marine Mammal Science 16 (1), 220-239, 2000 | 50 | 2000 |
Biology of Puget Sound marine mammals and marine birds: Population health and evidence of pollution effects J Calambokidis US Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration …, 1985 | 50 | 1985 |
Update on abundance, trends, and migrations of humpback whales along the US West Coast J Calambokidis, J Barlow, K Flynn, E Dobson, GH Steiger IWC Report SC A 17, 18-21, 2017 | 43 | 2017 |