Jonathan Pisane
Jonathan Pisane
在 sdr-engineering.be 的电子邮件经过验证
Automatic target recognition for passive radar
J Pisane, S Azarian, M Lesturgie, J Verly
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 50 (1), 371-392, 2014
Automatic real-time collection of RCS of airplanes in a real bistatic low-frequency configuration using a software defined passive radar based on illuminators of opportunity
J Pisane, S Azarian, M Lesturgie, J Verly
2012 IEEE Radar Conference, 0950-0955, 2012
Automatic target recognition using passive bistatic radar signals.
J Pisane
Supélec; Université de Liège, 2013
FM passive bistatic radar imaging of airplanes in a real configuration
P Abiven, TJ Lim, J Pisane
2014 International Radar Conference, 1-6, 2014
Robust automatic target recognition using extra-trees
J Pisane, R Marée, L Wehenkel, J Verly
2010 IEEE Radar Conference, 1454-1458, 2010
QVMix and QVMix-Max: extending the deep quality-value family of algorithms to cooperative multi-agent reinforcement learning
P Leroy, D Ernst, P Geurts, G Louppe, J Pisane, M Sabatelli
arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.12062, 2020
An extra-trees-based automatic target recognition algorithm
J Pisane, R Maree, P Ries, L Wehenkel, JG Verly
2009 International Radar Conference" Surveillance for a Safer World"(RADAR …, 2009
IMP-MARL: a suite of environments for large-scale infrastructure management planning via MARL
P Leroy, PG Morato, J Pisane, A Kolios, D Ernst
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36, 2024
A new method and a case study in statistical modeling of bistatic radar cross section
M Meller, M Wielgo, M Malanowski, J Pisane, S Azarian
2020 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf20), 1-6, 2020
Experimental RCS acquisition system: Using software defined radio to build a classification dataset
S Azarian, J Pisane, M Lesturgie
2013 International Conference on Radar, 476-481, 2013
FPGA-based digital tunable wireless transceiver for the TETRA-TETRAPOL bands
N Harb, C Valderrama, J Pisane
2017 12th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES …, 2017
Passive radar testbed and preliminary experiments in recognition of non-cooperative aircraft intruding into controlled airspace
J Pisane, S Azarian, M Lesturgie, J Verly
URSI Forum 2012, 2012
Value-based CTDE methods in symmetric two-team markov game: From cooperation to team competition
P Leroy, J Pisane, D Ernst
arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.11886, 2022
Recognition of airplanes using merged subspace classifiers
J Pisane, S Azarian, M Lesturgie, G Xin
2014 IEEE Radar Conference, 0556-0560, 2014
Target classification system based on the characterization of targets by subspaces
J Pisane, M Lesturgie, J Verly
Proceedings of 2011 IEEE CIE International Conference on Radar 1, 621-625, 2011
Educational assessment of four years of CubeSat activities at the University of Liège, Belgium.
A Denis, J Pisane, J Verly, G Kerschen
International Astronautical Congress 2011, 2011
Holding a technical review in an educational project: implementation and lessons learned for the OUFTI-1 CubeSat
A Denis, J Pisane, J Wertz, G Kerschen
International Astronautical Conference 2010, 2010
OUFTI-1, the educative nanosatellite of the University of Liège, Belgium.
A Denis, J Pisane
International Astronautical Congress 2009, 2009
OUFTI-1, the first student nanosatellite of Belgium
J Pisane
Odissea award, 2008
OUFTI-1: The CubeSat developed at the University of Liège, Belgium
S Galli, J Pisane, P Ledent, A Denis, JF Vandenrijt, P Rochus, J Verly, ...
5th CubeSat Developers' Workshop, 2008
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