Entangled evolutions: Media and democratization in Eastern Europe P Gross Woodrow Wilson Center Press, 2002 | 275 | 2002 |
Mass media in revolution and national development: The Romanian laboratory P Gross (No Title), 1996 | 138 | 1996 |
Between reality and dream: Eastern European media transition, transformation, consolidation, and integration P Gross East European politics and societies 18 (1), 110-131, 2004 | 116 | 2004 |
Romania since 1989: politics, economics, and society HF Carey Lexington books, 2004 | 92 | 2004 |
Journalism in Central Asia: A victim of politics, economics, and widespread self-censorship T Kenny, P Gross The International Journal of Press/Politics 13 (4), 515-525, 2008 | 91 | 2008 |
Eastern European journalism: before, during and after communism J Aumente Hampton Press, 1999 | 62 | 1999 |
Media transformations in the post-communist world: Eastern Europe's tortured path to change P Gross, K Jakubowicz Rowman & Littlefield, 2012 | 54 | 2012 |
The end of postcommunism in Romania P Gross, V Tismaneanu Journal of Democracy 16 (2), 146-162, 2005 | 54 | 2005 |
Colosul cu picioare de lut: aspecte ale presei românești post-comuniste P Gross Polirom, 1999 | 53 | 1999 |
Mass media şi democraţia în ţările Europei de Est P Gross, M Iordan, M Coman Polirom, 2004 | 51 | 2004 |
Forward to the Past: The intractable problems of Romania's media system P Gross The International journal of press/politics 13 (2), 141-152, 2008 | 50 | 2008 |
New relationships: Eastern European media and the post-communist political world P Gross Journalism Studies 4 (1), 79-89, 2003 | 48 | 2003 |
Understanding foreign correspondence: A Euro-American perspective of concepts, methodologies, and theories P Gross, GG Kopper Peter Lang, 2011 | 36 | 2011 |
A prolegomena to the study of the Romani media in Eastern Europe P Gross European Journal of Communication 21 (4), 477-497, 2006 | 36 | 2006 |
Uncommonly common or truly exceptional? An alternative to the political system–based explanation of the romanian mass media I Coman, P Gross The International Journal of Press/Politics 17 (4), 457-479, 2012 | 33 | 2012 |
Media and journalism in Romania M Coman, P Gross, ... Vistas Verlag, 2006 | 33 | 2006 |
Dances with wolves: a meditation on the media and political system in the European Union's Romania P Gross na, 2008 | 31 | 2008 |
Remedial education: The remaking of Eastern European journalists R Hiebert, P Gross Journalism education in Europe and North America, 257-282, 2003 | 28 | 2003 |
Mass media in revolution and national development P Gross The Romanian Laboratory, Ames, Ia, 1996 | 27 | 1996 |
Before, during and after: Journalism education P Gross Eastern European Journalism. Before, During and After Communism, 147-184, 1999 | 23 | 1999 |