Julian Ford
Julian Ford
Professor of Psychiatry, University of Connecticut
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Complex trauma
A Cook, J Spinazzola, J Ford, C Lanktree, M Blaustein, M Cloitre, ...
Psychiatric annals 35 (5), 390-398, 2005
Understanding interpersonal trauma in children: why we need a developmentally appropriate trauma diagnosis.
W D'Andrea, J Ford, B Stolbach, J Spinazzola, BA Van der Kolk
American journal of orthopsychiatry 82 (2), 187, 2012
Creating trauma-informed systems: Child welfare, education, first responders, health care, juvenile justice.
SJ Ko, JD Ford, N Kassam-Adams, SJ Berkowitz, C Wilson, M Wong, ...
Professional psychology: Research and practice 39 (4), 396, 2008
Treating complex traumatic stress disorders: An evidence-based guide
CA Courtois, JD Ford
Guilford Press, 2009
Poly-victimization and risk of posttraumatic, depressive, and substance use disorders and involvement in delinquency in a national sample of adolescents
JD Ford, JD Elhai, DF Connor, BC Frueh
Journal of Adolescent Health 46 (6), 545-552, 2010
Childhood maltreatment, emotional dysregulation, and psychiatric comorbidities
Y Dvir, JD Ford, M Hill, JA Frazier
Harvard review of psychiatry 22 (3), 149-161, 2014
Randomized trial of cognitive-behavioral therapy for chronic posttraumatic stress disorder in adult female survivors of childhood sexual abuse.
A McDonagh, M Friedman, G McHugo, J Ford, A Sengupta, K Mueser, ...
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 73 (3), 515, 2005
Treatment of complex trauma: A sequenced, relationship-based approach
CA Courtois, JD Ford
Guilford Press, 2012
Child maltreatment, other trauma exposure, and posttraumatic symptomatology among children with oppositional defiant and attention deficit hyperactivity disorders
JD Ford, R Racusin, CG Ellis, WB Daviss, J Reiser, A Fleischer, J Thomas
Child maltreatment 5 (3), 205-217, 2000
Group therapy
JD Ford, RD Fallot, M Harris
Treating complex traumatic stress disorders: An evidence-based guide, 415-440, 2009
Complex trauma and aggression in secure juvenile justice settings
JD Ford, J Chapman, DF Connor, KR Cruise
Criminal Justice and Behavior 39 (6), 694-724, 2012
Treatment of complex posttraumatic self‐dysregulation
JD Ford, CA Courtois, K Steele, O Hart, ERS Nijenhuis
Journal of Traumatic Stress: Official Publication of the International …, 2005
Psychometric review of PTSD Checklist (Pcl-C, Pcl-S, Pcl-M, Pcl-Pr)
F Weathers, J Ford
Measurement of stress, trauma, and adaptation 1, 250-251, 1996
The ISTSS expert consensus treatment guidelines for complex PTSD in adults
M Cloitre, CA Courtois, JD Ford, BL Green, P Alexander, J Briere, ...
Early childhood trauma and disorders of extreme stress as predictors of treatment outcome with chronic posttraumatic stress disorder
JD Ford, P Kidd
Journal of Traumatic Stress: Official Publication of The International …, 1998
Psychometric evaluation of trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder assessments in persons with severe mental illness.
KT Mueser, SD Rosenberg, L Fox, MP Salyers, JD Ford, P Carty
Psychological assessment 13 (1), 110, 2001
Unseen wounds: The contribution of psychological maltreatment to child and adolescent mental health and risk outcomes.
J Spinazzola, H Hodgdon, LJ Liang, JD Ford, CM Layne, R Pynoos, ...
Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy 6 (S1), S18, 2014
Treatment implications of altered affect regulation and information processing following child maltreatment
JD Ford
Psychiatric Annals 35 (5), 410, 2005
Predicting posttraumatic stress after hospitalization for pediatric injury
WB Daviss, D Mooney, R Racusin, JD Ford, A Fleischer, GJ McHUGO
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 39 (5), 576-583, 2000
Disorders of extreme stress following war-zone military trauma: Associated features of posttraumatic stress disorder or comorbid but distinct syndromes?
JD Ford
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 67 (1), 3, 1999
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