Micaela Morettini
Micaela Morettini
在 univpm.it 的电子邮件经过验证
Artificial neural network for atrial fibrillation identification in portable devices
D Marinucci, A Sbrollini, I Marcantoni, M Morettini, CA Swenne, L Burattini
Sensors 20 (12), 3570, 2020
Early temporal prediction of type 2 diabetes risk condition from a general practitioner electronic health record: a multiple instance boosting approach
M Bernardini, M Morettini, L Romeo, E Frontoni, L Burattini
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 105, 101847, 2020
Effects of walking on low-grade inflammation and their implications for Type 2 Diabetes
M Morettini, F Storm, M Sacchetti, A Cappozzo, C Mazzà
Preventive medicine reports 2, 538-547, 2015
Covid-19 in italy: Dataset of the italian civil protection department
M Morettini, A Sbrollini, I Marcantoni, L Burattini
Data in brief 30, 105526, 2020
Validation of the heart-rate signal provided by the Zephyr bioharness 3.0
D Nepi, A Sbrollini, A Agostinelli, E Maranesi, M Morettini, F Di Nardo, ...
2016 Computing in Cardiology Conference (CinC), 361-364, 2016
A dataset for the development and optimization of fall detection algorithms based on wearable sensors
V Cotechini, A Belli, L Palma, M Morettini, L Burattini, P Pierleoni
Data in brief 23, 2019
A system model of the effects of exercise on plasma Interleukin-6 dynamics in healthy individuals: Role of skeletal muscle and adipose tissue
M Morettini, MC Palumbo, M Sacchetti, F Castiglione, C Mazza
PloS one 12 (7), e0181224, 2017
CTG Analyzer: A graphical user interface for cardiotocography
A Sbrollini, A Agostinelli, L Burattini, M Morettini, F Di Nardo, S Fioretti, ...
2017 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2017
TyG-er: An ensemble Regression Forest approach for identification of clinical factors related to insulin resistance condition using Electronic Health Records
M Bernardini, M Morettini, L Romeo, E Frontoni, L Burattini
Computers in biology and medicine 112, 103358, 2019
Personalizing physical exercise in a computational model of fuel homeostasis
MC Palumbo, M Morettini, P Tieri, F Diele, M Sacchetti, F Castiglione
PLoS computational biology 14 (4), e1006073, 2018
CaRiSMA 1.0: cardiac risk self-monitoring assessment
A Agostinelli, M Morettini, A Sbrollini, E Maranesi, L Migliorelli, F Di Nardo, ...
The Open Sports Sciences Journal 10 (1), 2017
Wavelet filtering of fetal phonocardiography: A comparative analysis
S Tomassini, A Strazza, A Sbrollini, I Marcantoni, M Morettini, S Fioretti, ...
Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 16 (5), 6034-6046, 2019
eCTG: an automatic procedure to extract digital cardiotocographic signals from digital images
A Sbrollini, A Agostinelli, I Marcantoni, M Morettini, L Burattini, F Di Nardo, ...
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 156, 133-139, 2018
Sport Database: Cardiorespiratory data acquired through wearable sensors while practicing sports
A Sbrollini, M Morettini, E Maranesi, I Marcantoni, A Nasim, R Bevilacqua, ...
Data in brief 27, 104793, 2019
Statistical baseline assessment in cardiotocography
A Agostinelli, E Braccili, E Marchegiani, R Rosati, A Sbrollini, L Burattini, ...
2017 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2017
Fetal phonocardiogram denoising by wavelet transformation: robustness to noise
A Sbrollini, A Strazza, M Caragiuli, C Mozzoni, S Tomassini, A Agostinelli, ...
2017 Computing in Cardiology (CinC), 1-4, 2017
Mathematical model of glucagon kinetics for the assessment of insulin-mediated glucagon inhibition during an oral glucose tolerance test
M Morettini, L Burattini, C Göbl, G Pacini, B Ahrén, A Tura
Frontiers in endocrinology 12, 611147, 2021
The onset of type 2 diabetes: proposal for a multi-scale model
F Castiglione, P Tieri, A De Graaf, C Franceschi, P Liò, B Van Ommen, ...
JMIR research protocols 2 (2), e2854, 2013
Identification of an integrated mathematical model of standard oral glucose tolerance test for characterization of insulin potentiation in health
R Burattini, M Morettini
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 107 (2), 248-261, 2012
Artificial intelligence methodologies applied to technologies for screening, diagnosis and care of the diabetic foot: A narrative review
G Chemello, B Salvatori, M Morettini, A Tura
Biosensors 12 (11), 985, 2022
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