在 inonu.edu.tr 的电子邮件经过验证
Arachnoid cyst associated with subdural hematoma: report of three cases and review of the literature
B Bilginer, MB Onal, KK Oguz, N Akalan
Child's Nervous System 25, 119-124, 2009
Sedimentology, petrography and diagenesis of Eocene–Oligocene evaporites: the tuzhisar formation, SW Sivas Basin, Turkey
I Gündogan, M Önal, T Depçi
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 25 (5), 791-803, 2005
Aplasia cutis congenita of the scalp, skull and dura associated with Adams-Oliver syndrome.
B Bilginer, MB Onal, S Bahadir, N Akalan
Turkish Neurosurgery 18 (2), 191-193, 2008
Tectonic characteristics and structural evolution of the Beypazarı and Nallıhan Neogene basin, Central Anatolia
F Yağmurlu, C Helvacı, U İnci, M Önal
METU Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences 21 (1-3), 127-143, 1988
Stratigraphy and tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Upper Cretaceous–Tertiary sequence in the southern part of the Malatya Basin, East Anatolia, Turkey
M Önal, M Kaya
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 29 (5-6), 878-890, 2007
Harran Ören Yeri Arkeolojik Kazı Alanınındın Çıkarılan Bazı Küçük Arkeolojik Buluntuların Fotogrametrik Olarak 3B Modellenmesi
N Polat, M Önal, FB Ernst, Hİ Şenol, A Memduhoglu, S Mutlu, Sİ Mutlu, ...
Türkiye Fotogrametri Dergisi 2 (2), 55-59, 2020
Durum wheat in Turkey; yesterday, today and tomorrow
İ Özberk, F Özberk, A Atlı, L Cetin, T Aydemir, Z Keklikci, MA Onal, ...
Durum wheat breeding: current aproaches and future strategies, 981-1010, 2005
Origin and nature of the mineralizing fluids of thrust zone fluorites in Celikhan (Adiyaman, Eastern Turkey): A geochemical approach
A Sasmaz, A Önal, A Sagiroglu, M Önal, B Akgul
Geochemical Journal 39 (2), 131-139, 2005
Campanian-Maastrichtian rudist-bearing mixed silisiclasticcarbonate transgressive-regressive system tracts of the eastern and southeastern Anatolia: faunal correlation …
S Özer, B Sari, M Önal
Eighth International Congress on Rudists June, 23-25, 2008
Gelibolu Yarımadası orta bölümünün sedimanter fasiyesleri ve tektonik evrimi, KB Anadolu, Türkiye [Tectonic evolution and sedimentary facies of the central part of the Gelibolu …
M Önal
Jeoloji Mühendisliği 29, 37-46, 1986
Chemical Composition, Antioxidant Capacity, Acetyl-and Butyrylcholinesterase Inhibitory Activities of the Essential Oil of Thymus haussknechtii Velen.
HG Sevindik, T Özek, KÖ Yerdelen, M Önal, H Özbek, Z Güvenalp, ...
Records of Natural Products 10 (4), 503, 2016
Geology and trona potential of the middle Miocene Gürün (Sivas) basin, Central Anatolia, Turkey
M Önal, C Helvaci, F Ceyhan
Carbonates and Evaporites 19, 118-132, 2004
Organic geochemical characterization and mineralogic properties of Mengen oil shale (Lutetian), Bolu-Turkey
I Senguler, T Ayyildiz, Y Onal, M Onal
Oil Shale 25 (3), 359-376, 2008
Malatya Metamorfitleri Üstündeki Örtü Birimlerinin Stratiğrafisi, Yaşı, Sedimanter Fasiyesleri, Depolanma Ortamları ve Tektonik Evrimi
M Önal, AM Gözübol
TPJD Bülteni 4 (1), 119-127, 1992
Stratigraphic, mineralogic and geochemical characterization of Gurun oil shales, Central Anatolia, Turkey
M Onal, T Ayyildiz, Y Onal, C Akmil-Basar
Oil Shale 23 (4), 297-313, 2006
Çayırhan kuzeybatı Ankara kuzeyindeki Soğukçam kireçtaşı, Nardin formasyonu ve Kızılçay grubunun stratigrafisi, yaşı, fasiyesi ve depolanma ortamları
M Önal, C Helvacı, U İnci, F Yağmurlu, E Meriç, T İzver
TPJD Bülteni 1 (2), 153-163, 1988
Gelibolu (Çanakkale) kuzeybatısının jeolojisi
M Önal
Doktora Tezi, İÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 188 p., İstanbul (yayınlanmamış), 1984
Miocene stratigraphy and lignite potential of the northern part of the Malatya graben, Eastern Anatolia—Turkey. International Earth Sciences Colloquıum on the Aegean Region
M Önal
Proceedings, 607-621, 1995
Yeşilyurt-Çelikhan (Malatya-Adıyaman) Dolayının Hidrojeolojik İncelemesi
M Önal, A Şahinci, AM Gözübol
Jeoloji Mühendisliği 29, 5-12, 1986
Stratigraphy, age, facies and depositional environments of the Soğukcam Limestone, Nardin Formation and Kızılcay Group in north of Çayırhan, northwest of Ankara
M Önal, C Helvacı, U Inci, F Yağmurlu, E Meriç, T İzver
TAPG Bull 1 (2), 152-163, 1988
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