Miguel Crespo
Miguel Crespo
Head Participation & Education, Integrity & Development Department, International Tennis Federation
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ITF advanced coaches manual
M Crespo, D Miley
(No Title), 1998
Sport coaching as a'profession': challenges and future directions: challenges and future directions
P Duffy, H Hartley, J Bales, M Crespo, F Dick, D Vardhan, L Nordmann, ...
International journal of coaching science 5 (2), 93-123, 2011
Motivational climate and goal orientations as predictors of perceptions of improvement, satisfaction and coach ratings among tennis players
I Balaguer, JL Duda, M Crespo
Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports 9 (6), 381-388, 1999
Skill acquisition in tennis: Research and current practice
M Reid, M Crespo, B Lay, J Berry
Journal of science and medicine in sport 10 (1), 1-10, 2007
Análisis de la validez de constructo y de la validez predictiva del cuestionario de clima motivacional percibido en el deporte (PCMSQ-2) con tenistas españoles de competición
I Balaguer Solá, M Guivernau, JL Duda, M Crespo
Revista de psicología del deporte 6 (1), 0041-058, 1997
Quantification of the physiological and performance characteristics of on-court tennis drills
M Reid, R Duffield, B Dawson, J Baker, M Crespo
British Journal of Sports Medicine 42 (2), 146-151, 2008
Biomechanics of advanced tennis
B Elliott, M Reid, M Crespo
International Tennis Federation, 2003
The relationship between match statistics and top 100 ranking in professional men’s tennis
M Reid, D McMurtrie, M Crespo
International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport 10 (2), 131-138, 2010
Mechanics and learning practices associated with the tennis forehand: a review
M Reid, B Elliott, M Crespo
Journal of sports science & medicine 12 (2), 225, 2013
Technique development in tennis stroke production
B Elliott, M Reid, M Crespo
International Tennis Federation, 2009
The importance of the International Tennis Federation's junior boys' circuit in the development of professional tennis players
M Reid, M Crespo, L Santilli, D Miley, J Dimmock
Journal of sports sciences 25 (6), 667-672, 2007
Tennis psychology: 200+ practical drills and the latest research
M Crespo, M Reid, A Quinn
International Tennis Federation. ITF Ltd, 2006
Performance factors related to the different tennis backhand groundstrokes: A review
C Genevois, M Reid, I Rogowski, M Crespo
Journal of sports science & medicine 14 (1), 194, 2015
Coaching beginner and intermediate tennis players: a manual of the ITF coaching programme
M Crespo, M Reid
International Tennis Federation, 2009
Review of modern teaching methods for tennis.(Análisis de los métodos actuales de enseñanza del tenis).
P Unierzyski, M Crespo
RICYDE. Revista Internacional de Ciencias del Deporte. doi: 10.5232/ricyde 3 …, 2007
Motivation in tennis
M Crespo, MM Reid
British journal of sports medicine 41 (11), 769-772, 2007
Strength and conditioning for tennis/edited by Macahar Reid, Ann Quinn and Miguel Crespo
International Tennis Federation, M Reid, A Quinn, M Crespo
International tennis federation, 2003
Tenisový trenérský manuál 2. stupně
M Crespo, D Miley
UP Olomouc 2, 2002
Análisis psicométrico de la versión española de la escala de liderazgo para el deporte de Chelladurai y Saleh en la versión entrenadores
F Atienza, IB Solá, MC Celda
Revista de Psicología Social Aplicada, 5-23, 1994
Tennis: Applied examples of a game-based teaching approach
M Crespo, MM Reid, D Miley
Strategies 17 (4), 27-30, 2004
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