Capital K Marx Social Theory Re-Wired, 145-151, 2016 | 96129* | 2016 |
Capital K Marx Social Theory Re-Wired, 145-151, 2016 | 68691* | 2016 |
El capital: crítica de la economía política K Marx Fondo de Cultura Económica de España, 2019 | 39227* | 2019 |
The german ideology K Marx, F Engels Social Theory Re-Wired, 123-127, 2023 | 16634* | 2023 |
The communist manifesto K Marx, F Engels Ideals and ideologies, 243-255, 2019 | 16013 | 2019 |
Grundrisse: Foundations of the critique of political economy K Marx Penguin UK, 1993 | 15929 | 1993 |
A ideologia alemã K Marx, F Engels Martins Fontes, 2007 | 14102 | 2007 |
Das kapital K Marx DigiCat, 2023 | 14047* | 2023 |
Manifiesto del partido comunista K Marx, F Engels, B García Vázquez Dykinson, 2023 | 12891* | 2023 |
Economic and philosophic manuscripts of 1844 K Marx Social theory re-wired, 152-158, 2016 | 12861 | 2016 |
Manuscritos econômico-filosóficos K Marx Boitempo Editorial, 2015 | 9409 | 2015 |
Manifesto of the communist party K Marx, F Engels Social Theory Re-Wired, 136-144, 2016 | 9172* | 2016 |
Theses on feuerbach K Marx Newcomb Livraria Press, 2008 | 7907 | 2008 |
El capital II. El Proceso De Circulación Del Capital K Marx axioma, 2014 | 7681* | 2014 |
A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy: Part One Preface K Marx Marx today: Selected works and recent debates, 91-94, 2010 | 7220 | 2010 |
The eighteenth brumaire of Louis Bonaparte K Marx, D De Leon Progress, 1954 | 7144 | 1954 |
Contribuição à crítica da economia política K Marx, F Fernandes Martins fontes, 1983 | 5592 | 1983 |
El 18 Brumario de Luis Bonaparte K Marx Greenbooks editore, 2019 | 5443 | 2019 |
La ideología alemana K Marx, F Engels Ediciones Akal, 2015 | 4826 | 2015 |
Капиталъ: критика политической экономіи К Маркс ОН Попова, 1906 | 4680* | 1906 |