Badan Riset Inovasi Nasional / National Research and Innovation Agency
在 brin.go.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Population dynamics of yeasts and lactic acid bacteria (LAB) during tempeh production
Efriwati, A Suwanto, G Rahayu, L Nuraida
Hayati Journal of Biosciences 20 (2), 57-64, 2013
Isozyme evidence for three sibling species in the Anopheles sundaicus complex from Indonesia
S Sukowati, V Baimai, S Harun, Y Dasuki, H Andris, M Efriwati
Medical and Veterinary Entomology 13 (4), 408-414, 1999
Kontribusi asupan zat besi dan vitamin c terhadap status anemia gizi besi pada balita Indonesia
AN Herawati, NS Palupi, N Andarwulan, E Efriwati
Effect of two production methods on macro nutrient and isoflavone-aglycone composition in tempeh produced by household industries
E Efriwati, L Nuraida
Health Science Journal of Indonesia 4 (2), 69-73, 2013
A Comparison of Logistic Regression and Geographically Weighted Logistic Regression (GWLR) on Covid-19 Data in West Sumatra
I Haq, MN Aidi, A Kurnia, E Efriwati
Barekeng: Jurnal Ilmu Matematika dan Terapan 17 (3), 1749-1760, 2023
Province clustering based on the percentage of communicable disease using the BCBimax biclustering algorithm
MN Aidi, C Wulandari, SD Oktarina, TR Aditra, F Ernawati, E Efriwati, ...
Geospatial Health 18 (2), 2023
Spatial distribution and identifying biochemical factors affecting haemoglobin levels among women of reproductive age for each province in Indonesia: A geospatial analysis
MN Aidi, F Ernawati, E Efriwati, N Nurjanah, R Rachmawati, ED Julianti, ...
Geospatial Health 17 (2), 2022
Bionomic of malaria vector Anopheles maculatus and An. balabacensis in Menoreh hills, Purworejo, Central Java
EW Lestari, S Sukowati, Y Arianti, E Efriwati, S Shinta, RA Wigati
Jakarta: NIHRD, Ministry of Health Indonesia, 26, 2000
Identifying the Characteristics of Pregnant Women with Inflammation/Infection in Indonesia
MN Aidi, E Efriwati, S Suryanty, K Nurfadilah, F Ernawati
Jurnal Gizi Dan Pangan 17 (3), 177-186, 2022
Microbiological Quality of Fresh, Cold, and Frozen Beef at the Bogor Traditional Markets and Supermarkets
D Sundari, F Ernawati, K Sariadji, E E, N Imanningsih, N Nurjanah, ...
4th International Symposium on Health Research (ISHR 2019), 192-196, 2020
Kinetika Vitamin B Komplek pada Proses Pembuatan Tahu dan Oncom Merah /Kinetics of Vitamine B Complex In The Prosess of Making Tofu and Red Oncom
E Efriwati, D Sundari
Media Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan 25 (3), 20739, 2015
Wigati, 2000
EW Lestari, S Sukowati, Y Ariati, S Efriwati
Bionomik vektor malaria Anopheles maculatus dan An. balabacensis di Bukit …, 0
Clustering of Communicable Diseases in Indonesia and the Factors that Affect Them: 2018 Basic Health Research Data Statistical Review
MN Aidi, TR Aditra, F Ernawati, N Nurjanah, E Efriwati, ED Julianti, ...
Journal of Population and Social Studies [JPSS] 33, 88-109, 2025
25 (OH) D Status in Metabolic Syndrome, Metabolic Syndrome Components, and Healthy Adult.
E Efriwati, F Ernawati, N Nurjanah, ED Julianti, GK Aji, D Sundari, ...
Amerta Nutrition 8 (4), 2024
Domestication and Formulation of Rhizopodopsis Javensis as Tempeh Starter
G Rahayu, E EFRIWATI, S Veronica
Microbiology Indonesia 15 (3), 1-1, 2021
Laporan Status Gizi Mikro Anak Balita dan Usia Sekolah Tahun 2021
F Ernawati, M Prihatini, N Nurjanah, E Efriwati, F Retiaty, E Sahara, ...
Puslitbang Biomedis dan Teknologi Dasar Kesehatan, 2021
Yeast Community of Indonesia Tempeh Based on ITS-PCR/TRFLP Analysis
Efriwati, A Suwanto, G Rahayu, L Nuraida
Current Research in Environmental & Applied Mycology 4 (2), 202– 210, 2014
Dinamika populasi dan keragaman Bakteri Asam Laktat (BAL) dan khamir selama produksi tempe.
Efriwati, A Suwanto, G Rahayu, L Nuraida
Disertasi, 2013
Disain Suplemen Mengandung Asam Lemak Terkonyugasi (ALT) Untuk Meningkatkan Pertumbuhan Tulang
K Komari
Pusat Biomedis Teknologi Dasar Kesehatan, 2012
Stabilitas Mikrokapsul Yodium dalam Garam Beryodium terhadap Bumbu dalam Masakan, Penentuan Nilai Biologi dan Nilai Ekonominya
K Komari, E Yuniati, Heru
Center for Research and Development of Nutrition and Food, NIHRD, 2001
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