Fasil Ejigu Eregno
Fasil Ejigu Eregno
Professor (Associate) In Water and Environmental Engineering
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Quantitative microbial risk assessment combined with hydrodynamic modelling to estimate the public health risk associated with bathing after rainfall events
FE Eregno, I Tryland, T Tjomsland, M Myrmel, L Robertson, A Heistad
Science of the Total Environment 548, 270-279, 2016
Treated greywater reuse for hydroponic lettuce production in a green wall system: Quantitative health risk assessment
FE Eregno, ME Moges, A Heistad
Water 9 (7), 454, 2017
Role and important properties of a membrane with its recent advancement in a microbial fuel cell
A Banerjee, RK Calay, FE Eregno
Energies 15 (2), 444, 2022
On-Line Monitoring of Escherichia coli in Raw Water at Oset Drinking Water Treatment Plant, Oslo (Norway)
I Tryland, FE Eregno, H Braathen, G Khalaf, I Sjølander, M Fossum
International journal of environmental research and public health 12 (2 …, 2015
Modeling hydrological impacts of climate change in different climatic zones
FE Eregno, CY Xu, NO Kitterød
International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management 5 (3), 344-365, 2013
Performance study of biofilter system for on-site greywater treatment at cottages and small households
ME Moges, D Todt, FE Eregno, A Heistad
Ecological Engineering 105, 118-124, 2017
Hydrodynamic modelling of recreational water quality using Escherichia coli as an indicator of microbial contamination
FE Eregno, I Tryland, T Tjomsland, M Kempa, A Heistad
Journal of Hydrology 561, 179-186, 2018
Decay rate of virus and faecal indicator bacteria (FIB) in seawater and the concentration of FIBs in different wastewater systems
FE Eregno, I Tryland, M Myrmel, A Wennberg, A Oliinyk, M Khatri, ...
Microbial Risk Analysis 8, 14-21, 2018
Performance of biochar and filtralite as polishing step for on-site greywater treatment plant
ME Moges, FE Eregno, A Heistad
Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal 26 (4), 607-625, 2015
On-site treated wastewater disposal systems–The role of stratified filter medias for reducing the risk of pollution
FE Eregno, A Heistad
Environment international 124, 302-311, 2019
Evaluating the trend and extreme values of faecal indicator organisms in a raw water source: a potential approach for watershed management and optimizing water treatment practice
FE Eregno, V Nilsen, R Seidu, A Heistad
Environmental Processes 1, 287-309, 2014
Multiple linear regression models for estimating microbial load in a drinking water source case from the Glomma river, Norway
FE Eregno
Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås, 2014
Monitoring of β-d-Galactosidase Activity as a Surrogate Parameter for Rapid Detection of Sewage Contamination in Urban Recreational Water
I Tryland, H Braathen, AC Wennberg, F Eregno, AL Beschorner
Water 8 (2), 65, 2016
Treated greywater reuse for hydroponic lettuce production in a green wall system: Quantitative health risk assessment. Water (Switzerland), 9 (7)
FE Eregno, ME Moges, A Heistad
Regional flood frequency analysis using L-moment in the tributaries of Upper Blue Nile River, South Western Ethiopia
FE Eregno
Merit Journal of Engineering, Pure and Applied Sciences 2 (2), 12-21, 2014
Product inhibition of biological hydrogen production in batch reactors
S Das, RK Calay, R Chowdhury, K Nath, FE Eregno
Energies 13 (6), 1318, 2020
Quantitative microbial rsk assessment and water quality modelling: on drinking water sources, recreational and recycled waters
FE Eregno
Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås, 2017
Design approach for treatment wetlands
G Langergraber, M Regelsberger, FE Eregno, A Heistad
Wetland technology: practical information on the design and application of …, 2020
Effekt av endret værmønster på hygienisk badevannskvalitet og kvalitet på sjømat i Indre Oslofjord
I Tryland, AC Wennberg, C Vogelsang, T Tjomsland, AL Beschomer, ...
Norsk institutt for vannforskning, 2016
Role and Important Properties of a Membrane with Its Recent Advancement in a Microbial Fuel Cell. Energies 2022, 15, 444
A Banerjee, RK Calay, FE Eregno
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