Leonardo Martins Rodrigues
Leonardo Martins Rodrigues
Engenheiro de Desenvolvimento de Produto, Embraer S.A.
在 posgrad.ufsc.br 的电子邮件经过验证
Estimating the lifetime of wireless sensor network nodes through the use of embedded analytical battery models
LM Rodrigues, C Montez, G Budke, F Vasques, P Portugal
Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks 6 (2), 8, 2017
A temperature-dependent battery model for wireless sensor networks
LM Rodrigues, C Montez, R Moraes, P Portugal, F Vasques
Sensors 17 (2), 422, 2017
A system based on interval fuzzy approach to predict the appearance of pests in agriculture
LM Rodrigues, GP Dimuro, DT Franco, JC Fachinello
2013 Joint IFSA World Congress and NAFIPS Annual Meeting (IFSA/NAFIPS), 1262 …, 2013
An advanced battery model for WSN simulation in environments with temperature variations
L Rodrigues, E Leao, C Montez, R Moraes, P Portugal, F Vasques
IEEE Sensors Journal 18 (19), 8179-8191, 2018
Experimental validation of a battery model for low-power nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks
LM Rodrigues, C Montez, F Vasques, P Portugal
2016 IEEE World Conference on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS), 1-4, 2016
RT‐JADE: A preemptive real‐time scheduling middleware for mobile agents
TP Filgueiras, LM Rodrigues, L de Oliveira Rech, LMS de Souza, ...
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 31 (13), e5061, 2019
Attitudes and opinions of Portuguese community pharmacy professionals towards patient reporting of adverse drug reactions and the pharmacovigilance system
C Matos, L Rodrigues, J Joaquim
Drugs & Therapy Perspectives 33, 188-194, 2017
An analytical model to estimate the state of charge and lifetime for batteries with energy harvesting capabilities
LM Rodrigues, NL Bitencourt, L Rech, C Montez, R Moraes
International Journal of Energy Research 44 (7), 5243-5258, 2020
A study on socio-spatial segregation models based on multi-agent systems
C Quadros, FN da Silva, J Silveira, LM Rodrigues, LS Antiqueira, SL Briao, ...
2012 Third Brazilian Workshop on Social Simulation, 31-38, 2012
Estratificação horizontal do ensino superior brasileiro e as profissões imperiais: os concluintes de Medicina, Engenharia e Direito entre 2009 e 2017
L Rodrigues
Dados 67 (1), e20210118, 2023
Eficácia terapêutica do hidróxido de ferro III polimaltosado na anemia ferropriva em crianças menores de seis anos em Carrancas, Minas Gerais
JA Lamounier, M Sampaio, B Bracarense, MP Pereira, BC Chamone, ...
Rev. méd. Minas Gerais, 26-31, 2004
Measuring the Quality of Internet Shopping: An Experiment Using Fuzzy Logic
LM Rodrigues, GP Dimuro
2011 Workshop-School on Theoretical Computer Science, 60-66, 2011
A multiagent system-based solution for shipment operations with priorities in a container terminal
LM Rodrigues, GP Dimuro, AC da Rocha Costa, LR Emmendorfer
2011 Workshop and School of Agent Systems, their Environment and …, 2011
Utilizando Lógica Fuzzy para Avaliar a Qualidade de uma Compra Via Internet
LM Rodrigues, GP Dimuro
UFRGS, 2010
Educação superior e resultados no mercado de trabalho no Brasil: uma revisão da literatura e dos dados disponíveis
AHP Vieira, G Honorato, L Rodrigues
Revista Brasileira de Sociologia 10 (25), 193-218, 2022
Quem modela o trabalho dos professores: Currículos dos cursos de formação de professores no Brasil
G Gripp, L Rodrigues
Congresso da Associação Latino-Americana de Sociologia, Montevidéu 31, 2017
Recovery effect in low-power nodes of wireless sensor networks
LM Rodrigues, C Montez, F Vasques, P Portugal
Communication in Critical Embedded Systems: First Workshop, WoCCES 2013 …, 2017
Escalonamento de Sono e Efeito Recuperaçao em Baterias de Nodos em Redes de Sensores sem Fio
LM Rodrigues, CB Montez, P Portugal, F Vasques
Higher Education in Brazil: Institutional Actions for the Retention of Students in Public and Private Sectors
ML Barbosa, EHN Borges, A Gouvea, F Picanço, L Rodrigues, A Vieira
The Impact of Covid-19 on the Institutional Fabric of Higher Education: Old …, 2023
Horizontal Stratification in Brazilian Higher Education and “Imperial Professions:” Medicine, Engineering, and Law Graduates from 2009 to 2017
L Rodrigues
Dados 67, e20210118, 2023
文章 1–20