João Pedro Nunes
João Pedro Nunes
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Resistance training reduces metabolic syndrome and inflammatory markers in older women: a randomized controlled trial
CM Tomeleri, MF Souza, RC Burini, CR Cavaglieri, AS Ribeiro, ...
Journal of diabetes 10 (4), 328-337, 2018
Effect of whey protein supplementation combined with resistance training on body composition, muscular strength, functional capacity, and plasma-metabolism biomarkers in older …
HCG Nabuco, CM Tomeleri, RR Fernandes, PS Junior, EF Cavalcante, ...
Clinical nutrition ESPEN 32, 88-95, 2019
Resistance training performed with single and multiple sets induces similar improvements in muscular strength, muscle mass, muscle quality, and IGF-1 in older women: a …
PM Cunha, JP Nunes, CM Tomeleri, MA Nascimento, BJ Schoenfeld, ...
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 34 (4), 1008-1016, 2020
What influence does resistance exercise order have on muscular strength gains and muscle hypertrophy? A systematic review and meta-analysis
JP Nunes, J Grgic, PM Cunha, AS Ribeiro, BJ Schoenfeld, BF de Salles, ...
European Journal of Sport Science 21 (2), 149-157, 2021
Does stretch training induce muscle hypertrophy in humans? A review of the literature
JP Nunes, BJ Schoenfeld, M Nakamura, AS Ribeiro, PM Cunha, ...
Clinical physiology and functional imaging 40 (3), 148-156, 2020
Improvements in phase angle are related with muscle quality index after resistance training in older women
JP Nunes, AS Ribeiro, AM Silva, BJ Schoenfeld, L Dos Santos, PM Cunha, ...
Journal of aging and physical activity 27 (4), 515-520, 2019
Effects of a high-volume static stretching programme on plantar-flexor muscle strength and architecture
K Yahata, A Konrad, S Sato, R Kiyono, R Yoshida, T Fukaya, JP Nunes, ...
European Journal of Applied Physiology 121, 1159-1166, 2021
Improvement of cellular health indicators and muscle quality in older women with different resistance training volumes
PM Cunha, CM Tomeleri, MA Nascimento, JP Nunes, M Antunes, ...
Journal of Sports Sciences 36 (24), 2843-2848, 2018
Selection of resistance exercises for older individuals: the forgotten variable
AS Ribeiro, JP Nunes, BJ Schoenfeld
Sports Medicine 50, 1051-1057, 2020
Elbow joint angles in elbow flexor unilateral resistance exercise training determine its effects on muscle strength and thickness of trained and non-trained arms
S Sato, R Yoshida, R Kiyono, K Yahata, K Yasaka, JP Nunes, K Nosaka, ...
Frontiers in Physiology 12, 734509, 2021
Comparison between high-and low-intensity static stretching training program on active and passive properties of plantar flexors
M Nakamura, R Yoshida, S Sato, K Yahata, Y Murakami, K Kasahara, ...
Frontiers in physiology 12, 796497, 2021
The effects of static stretching programs on muscle strength and muscle architecture of the medial gastrocnemius
S Sato, K Hiraizumi, R Kiyono, T Fukaya, S Nishishita, JP Nunes, ...
PLoS One 15 (7), e0235679, 2020
Creatine supplementation elicits greater muscle hypertrophy in upper than lower limbs and trunk in resistance-trained men
JP Nunes, AS Ribeiro, BJ Schoenfeld, CM Tomeleri, A Avelar, ...
Nutrition and health 23 (4), 223-229, 2017
Acute effects of different training loads on affective responses in resistance-trained Men
AS Ribeiro, ED Dos Santos, JP Nunes, BJ Schoenfeld
International journal of sports medicine 40 (13), 850-855, 2019
Effects of different resistance training systems on muscular strength and hypertrophy in resistance-trained older women
AS Ribeiro, AF Aguiar, BJ Schoenfeld, JP Nunes, EF Cavalcante, ...
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 32 (2), 545-553, 2018
Resistance training performed with single-set is sufficient to reduce cardiovascular risk factors in untrained older women: The randomized clinical trial. Active Aging …
PM Cunha, AS Ribeiro, JP Nunes, CM Tomeleri, MA Nascimento, ...
Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 81, 171-175, 2019
Resistance training improves a cellular health parameter in obese older women: a randomized controlled trial
AS Ribeiro, BJ Schoenfeld, L dos Santos, JP Nunes, CM Tomeleri, ...
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 2018
Body water content and morphological characteristics modify bioimpedance vector patterns in volleyball, soccer, and rugby players
F Campa, AM Silva, CN Matias, CP Monteiro, A Paoli, JP Nunes, J Talluri, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (18), 6604, 2020
Training and detraining effects following a static stretching program on medial gastrocnemius passive properties
M Nakamura, K Yahata, S Sato, R Kiyono, R Yoshida, T Fukaya, ...
Frontiers in Physiology 12, 656579, 2021
Comment on:“Comparison of periodized and non-periodized resistance training on maximal strength: A meta-analysis”
JP Nunes, AS Ribeiro, BJ Schoenfeld, ES Cyrino
Sports Medicine 48, 491-494, 2018
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