Andrej Košir
Andrej Košir
Professor of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana
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Predicting students’ attention in the classroom from Kinect facial and body features
EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing, 0
Predicting and detecting the relevant contextual information in a movie-recommender system
A Odić, M Tkalčič, JF Tasič, A Košir
Interacting with Computers 25 (1), 74-90, 2013
Audio-Visual Emotion Fusion (AVEF): A Deep Efficient Weighted Approach
Y Ma, Y Hao, M Chen, J Chen, P Lu, A Košir
Information Fusion, 2018
Using affective parameters in a content-based recommender system for images
M Tkalčič, U Burnik, A Košir
User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction 20, 279-311, 2010
Database for contextual personalization= Podatkovna baza za kontekstualno personalizacijo
A Košir, A Odić, M Kunaver, M Tkalčič, JF Tasič
Elektrotehniski vestnik 78 (5), 270-274, 2011
Affective recommender systems: the role of emotions in recommender systems
M Tkalcic, A Kosir, J Tasic
The RecSys 2011 Workshops-Decisions@ RecSys 2011 and UCERSTI-2: Human …, 2011
Radio environment maps: The survey of construction methods
M Pesko, T Javornik, A Kosir, M Stular, M Mohorcic
KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS) 8 (11), 3789-3809, 2014
Personality based user similarity measure for a collaborative recommender system
M Tkalcic, M Kunaver, J Tasic, A Košir
Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Emotion in Human-Computer Interaction …, 2009
The million musical tweet dataset: what we can learn from microblogs
D Hauger, M Schedl, A Košir, M Tkalčič
Proceedings of the 14th Conference of the International Society for Music …, 2013
Relevant context in a movie recommender system: Users’ opinion vs. statistical detection
A Odić, M Tkalčič, J Tasič, A Košir
CARS-2012. Context-Aware Recommender Systems 2012: Proceedings of the 4th …, 2012
Affective labeling in a content-based recommender system for images
M Tkalcic, A Odic, A Kosir, J Tasic
IEEE transactions on multimedia 15 (2), 391-400, 2012
Unsupervised quantification of whisking and head movement in freely moving rodents
I Perkon, A Košir, PM Itskov, J Tasič, ME Diamond
Journal of Neurophysiology 105 (4), 1950-1962, 2011
Addressing the new user problem with a personality based user similarity measure
M Tkalčič, M Kunaver, A Košir, J Tasič
The UMAP 2011 Workshops-DEMRA 2011 and UMMS 2011: Decision Making and …, 2011
The music perception abilities of prelingually deaf children with cochlear implants
KK Stabej, L Smid, A Gros, M Zargi, A Kosir, J Vatovec
International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology 76 (10), 1392-1400, 2012
Detection of peripheral arterial disease with an improved automated device: comparison of a new oscillometric device and the standard Doppler method
M Špan, G Geršak, SC Millasseau, M Meža, A Košir
Vascular health and risk management, 305-311, 2016
The indirect self-tuning method for constructing radio environment map using omnidirectional or directional transmitter antenna
M Pesko, T Javornik, L Vidmar, A Košir, M Štular, M Mohorčič
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2015, 1-12, 2015
Personal content recommender based on a hierarchical user model for the selection of TV programmes
M Pogacnik, J Tasic, M Meza, A Kosir
User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction 15, 425-457, 2005
Is the ABO incompatibility a risk factor in bone marrow transplantation?
P Rožman, A Košir, M Bohinjec
Transplant immunology 14 (3-4), 159-169, 2005
Emotions and personality in personalized services
M Tkalčič, B De Carolis, M De Gemmis, A Odić, A Košir
Human-Computer Interaction Series. Elsevier, 2016
Emotion-aware recommender systems–a framework and a case study
M Tkalčič, U Burnik, A Odić, A Košir, J Tasič
ICT innovations 2012: secure and intelligent systems, 141-150, 2013
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