Juan A. Freire
The gentrification of dual language education
VE Valdez, JA Freire, MG Delavan
The Urban Review 48, 601-627, 2016
The marketing of dual language education policy in Utah print media
VE Valdez, G Delavan, JA Freire
Educational Policy 30 (6), 849-883, 2016
Dual language teachers’ stated barriers to implementation of culturally relevant pedagogy
JA Freire, VE Valdez
Bilingual Research Journal 40 (1), 55-69, 2017
The (dis) inclusion of Latina/o interests from Utah’s dual language education boom
JA Freire, VE Valdez, MG Delavan
Journal of Latinos and Education 16 (4), 276-289, 2017
Language as whose resource?: When global economics usurp the local equity potentials of dual language education
MG Delavan, VE Valdez, JA Freire
International Multilingual Research Journal 11 (2), 86-100, 2017
Promoting Sociopolitical Consciousness and Bicultural Goals of Dual Language Education: The Transformational Dual Language Educational Framework
JA Freire
Journal of Language, Identity & Education 19 (1), 56-71, 2020
Nepantleras/os and their Teachers in Dual Language Education: Developing Sociopolitical Consciousness to Contest Language Education Policies
JA Freire
Association of Mexican American Educators Journal 10 (1), 36-52, 2016
The expropriation of dual language bilingual education: Deconstructing neoliberalism, whitestreaming, and English-hegemony
JA Freire, J Gambrell, GS Kasun, LM Dorner, C Cervantes-Soon
International Multilingual Research Journal 16 (1), 27-46, 2022
“Everybody wants a choice” in dual language education of El Nuevo Sur: Whiteness as the gloss for everybody in media discourses of multilingual education
C Cervantes-Soon, J Gambrell, GS Kasun, W Sun, JA Freire, LM Dorner
Journal of Language, Identity & Education 20 (6), 394-410, 2021
School–university–community pathways to higher education: Teacher perceptions, school culture and partnership building
E Alemán, JA Freire, A McKinney, D Delgado Bernal
The Urban Review 49, 852-873, 2017
Vernacular Spanish as a promoter of critical consciousness in dual language bilingual education classrooms
JA Freire, E Feinauer
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 25 (4), 1516-1529, 2022
Editorial introduction: A historical overview of the expanding critique (s) of the gentrification of dual language bilingual education
MG Delavan, JA Freire, K Menken
Language Policy 20 (3), 299-321, 2021
“Two schools within a school”: Elitism, divisiveness, and intra-racial gentrification in a dual language strand
JA Freire, E Alemán Jr
Bilingual Research Journal 44 (2), 249-269, 2021
The fiftyfication of dual language education: One-size-fits-all language allocation’s “equality” and “practicality” eclipsing a history of equity
JA Freire, MG Delavan
Language policy 20 (3), 351-381, 2021
Spanish-English dual language teacher beliefs and practices on culturally relevant pedagogy in a collaborative action research process
JA Freire
The University of Utah, 2014
Grassroots resistance and activism to one-size-fits-all and separate-but-equal policies by 90: 10 dual language schools en comunidades latinas
JA Freire, MG Delavan, VE Valdez
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 25 (6), 2124-2141, 2022
Conscientization calls: A white dual language educator’s development of sociopolitical consciousness and commitment to social justice
JA Freire
Education and Urban Society 53 (2), 231-248, 2021
The Intersectionality of Neoliberal Classing with Raciolinguistic Marginalization in State Dual Language Policy: A Call for Locally Crafted Programs
MG Delavan, JA Freire, VE Valdez
Bilingualism for All?: Raciolinguistic Perspectives on Dual Language …, 2020
Conscripted into thinking of scarce, selective, privatized, and precarious seats in dual language bilingual education: The choice discourse of mercenary exclusivity
M Garrett Delavan, JA Freire, T Morita-Mullaney
Current issues in language planning 24 (3), 245-271, 2023
The Holistic Analysis of Multicultural Teaching Framework: Capturing Teachers’ Pauses and their Hybrid and Fluid Multicultural Practices
JA Freire, VE Valdez
International Journal of Multicultural Education 23 (2), 127-144, 2021
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