Lena Låstad
Lena Låstad
Senior lecturer at the Department of Education, Stockholm University
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A meta-analysis of job insecurity and employee performance: Testing temporal aspects, rating source, welfare regime, and union density as moderators
M Sverke, L Låstad, J Hellgren, A Richter, K Näswall
International journal of environmental research and public health 16 (14), 2536, 2019
Measuring quantitative and qualitative aspects of the job insecurity climate: Scale validation
L Låstad, E Berntson, K Näswall, P Lindfors, M Sverke
Career Development International 20 (3), 202-217, 2015
Do core self-evaluations and coping style influence the perception of job insecurity?
L Låstad, E Berntson, K Näswall, M Sverke
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 23 (5), 680-692, 2014
The roles of shared perceptions of individual job insecurity and job insecurity climate for work-and health-related outcomes: A multilevel approach
L Låstad, K Näswall, E Berntson, A Seddigh, M Sverke
Economic and Industrial Democracy 39 (3), 422-438, 2018
Job insecurity from a gender perspective: Data collection and psychometric properties
K Näswall, L Låstad, TS Vetting, R Larsson, A Richter, M Sverke
Reports from the Department of Psychology, Stockholm University 1, 2010
On the reciprocal relationship between individual job insecurity and job insecurity climate
L Låstad, T Vander Elst, H De Witte
Career Development International 21 (3), 246-261, 2016
The “silent assassin” in your organization? Can job insecurity climate erode the beneficial effect of a high-quality leader-member exchange?
I Nikolova, B Van der Heijden, L Låstad, G Notelaers
Personnel Review 47 (6), 1174-1193, 2018
How do job insecurity profiles correspond to employee experiences of work-home interference, self-rated health, and psychological well-being?
L Låstad, AS Tanimoto, P Lindfors
journal of Occupational Health 63 (1), e12253, 2021
Job insecurity climate: The nature of the construct, its associations with outcomes, and its relation to individual job insecurity
L Låstad
Stockholm University, 2015
Associations between cognitive and affective job insecurity and incident purchase of psychotropic drugs: a prospective cohort study of Swedish employees.
L Blomquist, S., Tianwei, X., Persitera, P., Låstad, L., & Magnusson-Hansson
Journal of Affective Disorders, 2020
Otrygghet–oro–ohälsa?: En studie bland handelsanställda
E Strandlund, C Bernhard-Oettel, L Låstad
Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv 24 (1-2), 27-46, 2018
30 års forskning om anställningsotrygghet: En litteraturöversikt
L Låstad, J Hellgren, K Näswall, A Richter, M Sverke
Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv 22 (3/4), 8-27, 2016
Meta-analysis on job insecurity and its outcomes: investigating cross-sectional and longitudinal associations
M Sverke, L Låstad, J Hellgren, K Näswall, A Richter
13th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference 2018 …, 2018
Behavioral reactions to job insecurity climate perceptions: exit, voice, loyalty, and neglect
Ü Yüce-Selvi, N Sümer, Y Toker-Gültaş, L Låstad, M Sverke
International journal of environmental research and public health 20 (9), 5732, 2023
Under crtitical scrutiny, a normal task for Swedish Executive Municipal HealthCare Managers
M Wilmar, W Jacobsson, C Ray, J Dellve, L Låstad
Journal of Social Science Research 14, 100, 2019
HSO Managers spokesperson self-efficacy (SSE) when meeting the media
C Jacobsson, L Låstad, M Wramsten Wilmar
Clinical and Experimental Psychology 4 (3), 1-5, 2018
Meta-analysis on job insecurity and its outcomes: An extension of previous knowledge
J Hellgren, K Näswall, A Richter, L Låstad, M Sverke
European Association for Work & Organizational Psychology, Dublin, Ireland …, 2017
Profiling Job Insecurity Among Full-Time Working Women and Men in Sweden
P Lindfors, AS Tanimoto, L Låstad
15th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology …, 2022
Individual Job Insecurity and Job Insecurity Climate: Construct Validation in a Turkish Context
Ü Yüce-Selvi, N Sümer, M Sverke, L Låstad
The 32nd International Congress of Psychology, Prague, Czechia, July 18-23, 2021, 2021
The Effect of Shared Job Insecurity Perceptions on Exit, Voice, Loyalty, and Neglect Behaviours
Ü Yüce-Selvi, Y Toker, M Sverke, L Låstad
The 32nd International Congress of Psychology (ICP), Prague, Czech Republic …, 2021
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