Rachel E. Williamson
Rachel E. Williamson
在 umontana.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Authenticity attenuates the negative effects of interpersonal conflict on daily well-being
RE Wickham, RE Williamson, CL Beard, CLB Kobayashi, TW Hirst
Journal of Research in Personality 60, 56-62, 2016
Mental health responses to COVID-19 around the world
M Olff, I Primasari, Y Qing, BM Coimbra, A Hovnanyan, E Grace, ...
European Journal of Psychotraumatology 12 (1), 1929754, 2021
Establishing the psychometric properties of the Self and Perceived-partner Authenticity in Relationships Scale-Short Form (AIRS-SF): Measurement invariance, reliability, and …
RE Wickham, DE Reed, RE Williamson
Personality and Individual Differences 77, 62-67, 2015
Mood management effects of brief unsupported internet interventions
EL Bunge, RE Williamson, M Cano, Y Leykin, RF Muñoz
Internet Interventions 5, 36-43, 2016
Comparing Amazon Mechanical Turk with unpaid internet resources in online clinical trials
E Bunge, HM Cook, M Bond, RE Williamson, M Cano, AZ Barrera, ...
Internet interventions 12, 68-73, 2018
Consortium, TGC (2021)
M Olff, I Primasari, Y Qing, BM Coimbra, A Hovnanyan, E Grace, ...
Mental health responses to COVID-19 around the world. European Journal of …, 0
Symptom networks of COVID-19-related versus other potentially traumatic events in a global sample
RE Williamson, CM Hoeboer, I Primasari, Y Qing, BM Coimbra, ...
Journal of Anxiety Disorders 84, 102476, 2021
The impact of neighborhood context on telomere length: a systematic review
BM Coimbra, CM Carvalho, M van Zuiden, RE Williamson, VK Ota, ...
Health & Place 74, 102746, 2022
The mediational role of posttraumatic stress in the relationship between domestic violence exposure and peer victimisation: a Cambodian sample
RE Williamson, DE Reed, RE Wickham, NP Field
Emotional and behavioural difficulties 23 (1), 28-38, 2018
Empirical evaluation of rainbow reflections: a comic book anthology on body image for queer men
SEM Gauvin, P Joy, BL Dunn, M Lee, RE Williamson
Archives of Sexual Behavior 50, 69-82, 2021
A traumatic dissonance theory of perpetrator‐related distress
RE Williamson, DE Reed, RE Wickham
Journal of Theoretical Social Psychology 4 (2), 75-91, 2020
Memento Mori: understanding existential anxiety through the existential pathway model
DE Reed, RE Williamson, RE Wickham
Journal of Theoretical Social Psychology 5 (1), 14-25, 2021
The relationship between tonic immobility and the development, severity, and course of posttraumatic stress disorder: Systematic and meta-analytic literature review
BM Coimbra, CM Hoeboer, M van Zuiden, RE Williamson, AT D’Elia, ...
Journal of anxiety disorders 97, 102730, 2023
Trauma and its consequences in Iran: Cross-cultural adaption and validation of the Global Psychotrauma Screen in a representative sample
Y Salimi, C Hoeboer, SA Motevalli Haghi, RE Williamson, MD Rahimi, ...
BMC psychiatry 23 (1), 65, 2023
Fetch the bolt cutters: The existential labor and liberation of# MeToo.
RE Williamson, EP Courtney, JL Goldenberg
The Humanistic Psychologist 50 (3), 443, 2022
Definitions and scope of the mental health burden of global climate change
F Vergunst, R Williamson, A Mazzazza, H Berry, M Olff
European Psychiatry 66 (Suppl 1), S751-S751, 2023
Mapping the Pathways Between Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Depression, and Alcohol and Cannabis Use: A Network Analysis
RE Williamson, KS Macia, J Burton, RE Wickham
Journal of Dual Diagnosis, 1-9, 2024
Sexual Victimization and the Existential Impact of# MeToo
RE Williamson, S Hardt, EP Courtney, JL Goldenberg
Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 00221678241234949, 2024
Climate x TMT in College-Age Sample
B King, RE Williamson
OSF, 2024
The Influence of Political Affiliation on Climate Change Attitudes
IG McMillian, B King, REG Williamson
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