Accessibility indicators for transport planning JM Morris, PL Dumble, MR Wigan Transportation Research Part A: General 13 (2), 91-109, 1979 | 1054 | 1979 |
Big data's big unintended consequences MR Wigan, R Clarke Computer 46 (6), 46-53, 2013 | 250 | 2013 |
Agent-based modelling of pedestrian movements: the questions that need to be asked and answered J Kerridge, J Hine, M Wigan Environment and planning B: Planning and design 28 (3), 327-341, 2001 | 220 | 2001 |
Valuing long-haul and metropolitan freight travel time and reliability M Wigan, N Rockliffe, T Thoresen, D Tsolakis United States. Department of Transportation. Bureau of Transportation Statistics, 2000 | 86 | 2000 |
Uberveillance K Michael, MG Michael Innovative Automatic Identification and Location-Based Services: From Bar …, 2009 | 70 | 2009 |
You are where you’ve been: The privacy implications of location and tracking technologies R Clarke, M Wigan Journal of Location Based Services 5 (3-4), 138-155, 2011 | 63 | 2011 |
The transport implications of activity and time budget constraints MR Wigan, JM Morris Transportation Research Part A: General 15 (1), 63-86, 1981 | 54 | 1981 |
The kinematic features of motorcycles in congested urban networks TC Lee, JW Polak, MGH Bell, MR Wigan Accident Analysis & Prevention 49, 203-211, 2012 | 42 | 2012 |
Converging infrastructures: intelligent transportation and the national information infrastructure LM Branscomb, J Keller MIT press, 1996 | 41 | 1996 |
Modeling of motorcycle ownership and commuter usage: a UK study P Burge, J Fox, M Kouwenhoven, C Rohr, MR Wigan Transportation research record 2031 (1), 59-68, 2007 | 38 | 2007 |
Treatment of walking as a mode of transportation M Wigan Transportation Research Record 1487, 60, 1995 | 38 | 1995 |
Motorcycles as a full mode of transportation M Wigan Transportation research record 1818 (1), 39-46, 2002 | 37 | 2002 |
Social impacts of transport surveillance M Wigan, R Clarke Prometheus 24 (4), 389-403, 2006 | 36 | 2006 |
What's wrong with freight models? M Wigan, F Southworth PROCEEDINGS OF ETC 2005, STRASBOURG, FRANCE 18-20 SEPTEMBER 2005-TRANSPORT …, 2005 | 35 | 2005 |
Using artificial adaptive agents to explore strategic landscapes SE Phelan La Trobe University, 1997 | 35 | 1997 |
Transforming urban transport: The ethics, politics and practices of sustainable mobility N Low Routledge, 2013 | 34 | 2013 |
The fitting, calibration, and validation of simulation models MR Wigan Simulation 18 (5), 188-192, 1972 | 33 | 1972 |
From dataveillance to überveillance and the realpolitik of the transparent society K Michael, MG Michael Proc. 2nd Workshop on Social Implications of National Security, Uni. of …, 2007 | 28 | 2007 |
The trouble with antidepressants: why the evidence overplays benefits and underplays risks—an essay by John B Warren JB Warren bmj 370, 2020 | 27 | 2020 |
Measurements of the differential cross section and polarization in proton-proton scattering at about 98 MeV MR Wigan, RA Bell, PJ Martin, ON Jarvis, JP Scanlon Nuclear Physics A 114 (2), 377-391, 1968 | 27 | 1968 |