Fire and plants WJ Bond, BW Van Wilgen Springer Science & Business Media, 2012 | 2125 | 2012 |
Invasive alien species: a toolkit of best prevention and management practices R Wittenberg, MJW Cock Cabi Publishing, 2001 | 1025 | 2001 |
What limits fire? An examination of drivers of burnt area in Southern Africa S Archibald, DP Roy, BW van Wilgen, RJ Scholes Global Change Biology 15 (3), 613-630, 2009 | 836 | 2009 |
Invasive alien plants in South Africa: how well do we understand the ecological impacts?: working for water DM Richardson, BW Van Wilgen South African Journal of Science 100 (1), 45-52, 2004 | 648 | 2004 |
The effect of fire season, fire frequency, rainfall and management on fire intensity in savanna vegetation in South Africa N Govender, WSW Trollope, BW Van Wilgen Journal of Applied Ecology 43 (4), 748-758, 2006 | 579 | 2006 |
Invasive alien trees and water resources in South Africa: case studies of the costs and benefits of management DC Le Maitre, BW van Wilgen, CM Gelderblom, C Bailey, RA Chapman, ... Forest Ecology and management 160 (1-3), 143-159, 2002 | 418 | 2002 |
Wildfire management in Mediterranean-type regions: paradigm change needed F Moreira, D Ascoli, H Safford, MA Adams, JM Moreno, JMC Pereira, ... Environmental Research Letters 15 (1), 011001, 2020 | 391 | 2020 |
An assessment of the effectiveness of a large, national-scale invasive alien plant control strategy in South Africa BW van Wilgen, GG Forsyth, DC Le Maitre, A Wannenburgh, JDF Kotzé, ... Biological Conservation 148 (1), 28-38, 2012 | 367 | 2012 |
The economic consequences of alien plant invasions: examples of impacts and approaches to sustainable management in South Africa BW van Wilgen, DM Richardson, DC Le Maitre, C Marais, D Magadlela Environment, development and sustainability 3, 145-168, 2001 | 365 | 2001 |
Spread and impact of introduced conifers in South America: lessons from other southern hemisphere regions D Simberloff, MA Nuñez, NJ Ledgard, A Pauchard, DM Richardson, ... Austral Ecology 35 (5), 489-504, 2010 | 348 | 2010 |
Conflicting values: ecosystem services and invasive tree management IA Dickie, BM Bennett, LE Burrows, MA Nuñez, DA Peltzer, A Porté, ... Biological invasions 16, 705-719, 2014 | 345 | 2014 |
Invasive plants and water resources in the Western Cape Province, South Africa: modelling the consequences of a lack of management DC Le Maitre, BW Van Wilgen, RA Chapman, DH McKelly Journal of applied ecology, 161-172, 1996 | 345 | 1996 |
Conflicts of interest in environmental management: estimating the costs and benefits of a tree invasion MP De Wit, DJ Crookes, BW Van Wilgen Biological invasions 3, 167-178, 2001 | 332 | 2001 |
Response of savanna fire regimes to changing fire‐management policies in a large African national park BW Van Wilgen, N Govender, HC Biggs, D Ntsala, XN Funda Conservation Biology 18 (6), 1533-1540, 2004 | 330 | 2004 |
A proposed classification of invasive alien plant species in South Africa: towards prioritizing species and areas for management action: working for water JL Nel, DM Richardson, M Rouget, TN Mgidi, N Mdzeke, DC Le Maitre, ... South African Journal of Science 100 (1), 53-64, 2004 | 327 | 2004 |
A biome-scale assessment of the impact of invasive alien plants on ecosystem services in South Africa BW van Wilgen, B Reyers, DC Le Maitre, DM Richardson, L Schonegevel Journal of environmental management 89 (4), 336-349, 2008 | 326 | 2008 |
Ecosystem services, efficiency, sustainability and equity: South Africa's Working for Water programme BW Van Wilgen, DC Le Maitre, RM Cowling Trends in Ecology & Evolution 13 (9), 378, 1998 | 262 | 1998 |
The effects of alien shrub invasions on vegetation structure and fire behaviour in South African fynbos shrublands: a simulation study BW Van Wilgen, DM Richardson Journal of applied Ecology, 955-966, 1985 | 260 | 1985 |
Trends in woody vegetation cover in the Kruger National Park, South Africa, between 1940 and 1998 HC Eckhardt, BW Van Wilgen, HC Biggs African Journal of Ecology 38 (2), 108-115, 2000 | 255 | 2000 |
Valuation of ecosystem services BW Van Wilgen, RM Cowling, CJ Burgers BioScience 46 (3), 184-189, 1996 | 235 | 1996 |