Civilización y violencia: la búsqueda de la identidad en el siglo XIX en Colombia C Rojas, E Maldonado Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2023 | 391 | 2023 |
Civilization and violence: Regimes of representation in nineteenth-century Colombia C Rojas U of Minnesota Press, 2002 | 249 | 2002 |
Contesting the colonial logics of the international: Toward a relational politics for the pluriverse C Rojas International Political Sociology 10 (4), 369-382, 2016 | 158 | 2016 |
Ethical capitalism A Barry Global governmentality, 195-211, 2004 | 118 | 2004 |
Governing Through the Social: Representations of poverty and global governmentality 1 C Rojas Global governmentality, 97-115, 2004 | 112 | 2004 |
Securing the state and developing social insecurities: the securitisation of citizenship in contemporary Colombia C Rojas War, Peace and Progress in the 21st Century, 227-245, 2013 | 69 | 2013 |
International political economy/development otherwise C Rojas Recognition and Redistribution, 143-156, 2019 | 64 | 2019 |
La construcción de la ciudadanía en Colombia durante el gran siglo diecinueve 1810-1929 C Rojas Poligramas 29, 295-333, 2008 | 62 | 2008 |
Resveratrol enhances palmitate-induced ER stress and apoptosis in cancer cells C Rojas, B Pan-Castillo, C Valls, G Pujadas, S Garcia-Vallve, L Arola, ... PLoS One 9 (12), e113929, 2014 | 58 | 2014 |
The effect of overweight and obesity on proliferation and activation of AKT and ERK in human endometria A Villavicencio, G Aguilar, G Argüello, C Dünner, F Gabler, E Soto, ... Gynecologic oncology 117 (1), 96-102, 2010 | 52 | 2010 |
Ecuador: informaciones generales sobre productos non madereros en Ecuador C Rojas, E Mansur Memoria, consulta de expertos sobre productos forestales no madereros para …, 1995 | 51 | 1995 |
Elusive peace: International, national, and local dimensions of conflict in Colombia J Meltzer, C Rojas Elusive Peace: International, National, and Local Dimensions of Conflict in …, 2005 | 43 | 2005 |
Resveratrol potently counteracts quercetin starvation‐induced autophagy and sensitizes HepG2 cancer cells to apoptosis S Tomas‐Hernández, J Blanco, C Rojas, J Roca‐Martínez, ... Molecular nutrition & food research 62 (5), 1700610, 2018 | 38 | 2018 |
Characterization of the activity and stability of amylase from saliva and detergent: Laboratory practicals for studying the activity and stability of amylase from saliva and … C Valls, C Rojas, G Pujadas, S Garcia‐Vallve, M Mulero Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education 40 (4), 254-265, 2012 | 38 | 2012 |
Cuadros depresivos en el postparto y variables asociadas en una cohorte de 125 mujeres embarazadas R Alvarado, M Rojas, J Monardes, E Neves, E Olea, E Perucca, A Vera Rev Psiquiat 3 (4), 1168-76, 1992 | 38 | 1992 |
Ficha de observación C Rojas Recuperado el 27, 2021 | 34 | 2021 |
Factores que limitan la participación ciudadana en el presupuesto participativo. Caso: distrito de Mariano Melgar C Rojas Recuperado de http://tesis. pucp. edu. pe/repositorio/handle/20.500 12404, 6374, 2015 | 30 | 2015 |
Forging Civic Culture in Bogota City C Rojas Inter-American Development Bank and Japan International Cooperation Agency …, 2002 | 29 | 2002 |
La Escala de Edinburgo para la detección de cuadros depresivos en el postparto R Alvarado M, A Vera C, M Rojas C, E Olea, J Morandes, E Neves Rev. psiquiatr.(Santiago de Chile), 1177-81, 1992 | 24 | 1992 |
Un enfoque transcultural de la depresión SJ Villaseñor, C Rojas, AJ Albarrán, AG Gonzáles Revista de Neuro-psiquiatría 69 (1-4), 43-50, 2006 | 23 | 2006 |