Marco Fossati
Hybrid grid generation for two-dimensional high-Reynolds flows
D Dussin, M Fossati, A Guardone, L Vigevano
Computers & fluids 38 (10), 1863-1875, 2009
Multiparameter analysis of aero-icing problems using proper orthogonal decomposition and multidimensional interpolation
M Fossati, WG Habashi
AIAA journal 51 (4), 946-960, 2013
Evaluation of aerodynamic loads via reduced-order methodology
M Fossati
AIAA Journal 53 (8), 2389-2405, 2015
Eulerian modeling of supercooled large droplet splashing and bouncing
DR Bilodeau, WG Habashi, M Fossati, GS Baruzzi
Journal of Aircraft 52 (5), 1611-1624, 2015
SU2-NEMO: An open-source framework for high-Mach nonequilibrium multi-species flows
WT Maier, JT Needels, C Garbacz, F Morgado, JJ Alonso, M Fossati
Aerospace 8 (7), 193, 2021
Local reduced-order modeling and iterative sampling for parametric analyses of aero-icing problems
Z Zhan, WG Habashi, M Fossati
AIAA journal 53 (8), 2174-2185, 2015
FENSAP-ICE: Numerical prediction of ice roughness evolution, and its effects on ice shapes
IA Ozcer, GS Baruzzi, T Reid, WG Habashi, M Fossati, G Croce
SAE Technical Paper, 2011
Kinetic and continuum modeling of high-temperature air relaxation
SF Gimelshein, IJ Wysong, AJ Fangman, DA Andrienko, OV Kunova, ...
Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 36 (4), 870-893, 2022
Real-time regional jet comprehensive aeroicing analysis via reduced-order modeling
Z Zhan, WG Habashi, M Fossati
AIAA Journal 54 (12), 3787-3802, 2016
An ALE mesh movement scheme for long‐term in‐flight ice accretion
M Fossati, RA Khurram, WG Habashi
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 68 (8), 958-976, 2012
A 3D mesh deformation technique for irregular in‐flight ice accretion
A Pendenza, WG Habashi, M Fossati
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 79 (5), 215-242, 2015
Ice accretion effects on helicopter rotor performance, via multibody and CFD approaches
D Kelly, WG Habashi, G Quaranta, P Masarati, M Fossati
Journal of Aircraft 55 (3), 1165-1176, 2018
Kinetic node-pair formulation for two-dimensional flows from continuum to transitional regime
M Fossati, A Guardone, L Vigevano, K Xu
AIAA journal 51 (4), 784-796, 2013
Numerical study of shock interference patterns for gas flows with thermal nonequilibrium and finite-rate chemistry
C Garbacz, M Fossati, W Maier, JJ Alonso, J Scoggins, T Magin, ...
AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, 1805, 2020
A Jacobian-free edge-based Galerkin formulation for compressible flows
S Gao, WG Habashi, D Isola, GS Baruzzi, M Fossati
Computers & Fluids 143, 141-156, 2017
Numerical modeling and simulation of supersonic flows in propulsion systems by open-source solvers
JJO Hoste, V Casseau, M Fossati, IJ Taylor, R Gollan
21st AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonics Technologies Conference …, 2017
Effect of thermal nonequilibrium on the shock interaction mechanism for carbon dioxide mixtures on double-wedge geometries
C Garbacz, F Morgado, M Fossati
Physics of Fluids 34 (2), 2022
Shock interactions in inviscid air and flows in thermochemical non-equilibrium
C Garbacz, WT Maier, JB Scoggins, TD Economon, T Magin, JJ Alonso, ...
Shock Waves 31 (3), 239-253, 2021
Characterisation of the eddy dissipation model for the analysis of hydrogen-fuelled scramjets
J Hoste, M Fossati, IJ Taylor, RJ Gollan
The Aeronautical Journal 123 (1262), 536-565, 2019
Kinetic and continuum modeling of high-temperature oxygen and nitrogen binary mixtures
SF Gimelshein, IJ Wysong, AJ Fangman, DA Andrienko, OV Kunova, ...
Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 36 (2), 399-418, 2022
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