Documentation of older people’s end-of-life care in the context of specialised palliative care: a retrospective review of patient records M Sjöberg, AK Edberg, BH Rasmussen, I Beck BMC palliative care 20 (1), 91, 2021 | 2419 | 2021 |
The experience of quality of life among older people G Borglin, AK Edberg, IR Hallberg Journal of aging studies 19 (2), 201-220, 2005 | 315 | 2005 |
Strain in nursing care of people with dementia: nurses’ experience in Australia, Sweden and United Kingdom AK Edberg, M Bird, DA Richards, R Woods, P Keeley, V Davis-Quarrell Aging and Mental Health 12 (2), 236-243, 2008 | 251 | 2008 |
Hospital admissions among people 65+ related to multimorbidity, municipal and outpatient care A Condelius, AK Edberg, U Jakobsson, IR Hallberg Archives of gerontology and geriatrics 46 (1), 41-55, 2008 | 211 | 2008 |
Riksmaten-vuxna 2010-11: Livsmedels-och näringsintag bland vuxna i Sverige E Amcoff Livsmedelsverket, 2012 | 183* | 2012 |
Older people in Sweden with various degrees of present quality of life: their health, social support, everyday activities and sense of coherence G Borglin, U Jakobsson, AK Edberg, IR Hallberg Health & social care in the community 14 (2), 136-146, 2006 | 180 | 2006 |
Being different and vulnerable: experiences of immigrant African women who have been circumcised and sought maternity care in Sweden V Berggren, S Bergström, AK Edberg Journal of Transcultural Nursing 17 (1), 50-57, 2006 | 176 | 2006 |
Old people receiving municipal care, their experiences of what constitutes a good life in the last phase of life: A qualitative study M Andersson, IR Hallberg, AK Edberg International journal of nursing studies 45 (6), 818-828, 2008 | 175 | 2008 |
Self-reported health complaints and their prediction of overall and health-related quality of life among elderly people G Borglin, U Jakobsson, AK Edberg, IR Hallberg International journal of nursing studies 42 (2), 147-158, 2005 | 173 | 2005 |
Omvårdnad på avancerad nivå: kärnkompetenser inom sjuksköterskans specialistområden AK Edberg, A Ehrenberg, F Friberg, L Wallin, H Wijk, J Öhlén Studentlitteratur, 2013 | 161 | 2013 |
Having to focus on doing rather than being—Nurse assistants’ experience of palliative care in municipal residential care settings I Beck, A Törnquist, L Broström, AK Edberg International journal of nursing studies 49 (4), 455-464, 2012 | 149 | 2012 |
The transition from rookie to genuine nurse: narratives from Swedish nurses 1 year after graduation PL Andersson, AK Edberg The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing 41 (4), 186-192, 2010 | 143 | 2010 |
In search of legitimacy–registered nurses’ experience of providing palliative care in a municipal context A Törnquist, M Andersson, AK Edberg Scandinavian journal of caring sciences 27 (3), 651-658, 2013 | 140 | 2013 |
Being disconnected from life: meanings of existential loneliness as narrated by frail older people M Sjöberg, I Beck, BH Rasmussen, AK Edberg Aging & mental health 22 (10), 1357-1364, 2018 | 134 | 2018 |
Kognitiv svikt AK Edberg, A Orrung Wallin Studentlitteratur AB, 2019 | 132 | 2019 |
Effects of clinical supervision on nurse-patient cooperation quality: a controlled study in dementia care AK Edberg, IR Hallberg, L Gustafson Clinical Nursing Research 5 (2), 127-146, 1996 | 129 | 1996 |
Omvårdnadens grunder: Hälsa och ohälsa AK Edberg, H Wijk Studentlitteratur AB, 2014 | 123 | 2014 |
Att möta personer med demens AK Edberg Studentlitteratur AB, 2002 | 118 | 2002 |
Living with persistent pain: experiences of older people receiving home care K Blomqvist, AK Edberg Journal of advanced nursing 40 (3), 297-306, 2002 | 112 | 2002 |
Everyday ethical problems in dementia care: a teleological model IÅ Bolmsjö, AK Edberg, L Sandman Nursing ethics 13 (4), 340-359, 2006 | 110 | 2006 |