Martin Mau
Martin Mau
在 health.sdu.dk 的电子邮件经过验证
The relationship between resilience and loneliness elucidated by a Danish version of the resilience scale for adults
IS Jakobsen, LMR Madsen, M Mau, O Hjemdal, O Friborg
BMC psychology 8, 1-10, 2020
Are long-distance walks therapeutic? A systematic scoping review of the conceptualization of long-distance walking and its relation to mental health
M Mau, A Aaby, SH Klausen, KK Roessler
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (15), 7741, 2021
Mental movements: How long‐distance walking influences reflection processes among middle‐age and older adults
M Mau, DS Nielsen, IS Jakobsen, SH Klausen, KK Roessler
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 62 (3), 365-373, 2021
Interpersonal problems of alcohol use disorder patients undergoing a physical exercise intervention–A randomised controlled trial
KK Roessler, M Mau, CT Ekstrøm
Nordic Psychology 70 (3), 245-255, 2018
Alcohol relapse and near-relapse experiences show that relapse models need to be updated
M Mau, AE Muller, KK Roessler
Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly 37 (3), 285-301, 2019
Becoming a person: How long-distance walking can lead to personal growth–A cultural and health-related approach
M Mau, SH Klausen, KK Roessler
New Ideas in Psychology 68, 100975, 2023
Walking against depression: a brief report
M Mau, KW Rasmussen, M Jacobsen, KK Roessler
SDU Research Portal 6, 2020
Keys to well-being in older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic: personality, coping and meaning
M Mau, AM Fabricius, SH Klausen
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being 17 (1 …, 2022
The importance of the outdoor environment for the recovery of psychiatric patients: a scoping review
M Hjort, M Mau, M Høj, KK Roessler
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20 (3), 2240, 2023
Validity and reliability of the Danish version of QUALIDEM
HH Lauridsen, M Mau, SL Midtiby, RM Dröes, T Ettema, HK Kristensen
Scandinavian journal of caring sciences 37 (2), 534-548, 2023
Can Rehabilitation in nature improve self-perceived interpersonal problems? A matched-control study
M Mau, ML Vang, A Mejldal, S Høegmark, KK Roessler
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (6), 3622, 2022
Art Therapy as a Liminal, Playful Space: Patient Experiences during a Cancer Rehabilitation Program
KK Roessler, NC Hvidt, K la Cour, M Mau, VP Graven, E Assing Hvidt
Experience on the Edge: Theorizing Liminality, 137-152, 2021
When the Process is the Destination: Long‐distance Walking as Slow Tourism
M Mau, KK Roessler
The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Tourism, 219-233, 2024
Self-Perceived Interpersonal Problems Among Long-Term Unemployed Individuals, and Vocational Rehabilitation Programs (In) ability to Change Them
M Mau, KK Roessler, LN Andersen, ML Vang
Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 1-8, 2024
Medborgerskab og demens-inkluderende lokalsamfund for mennesker med demens: Opsummering af et forskningsprojekt i samarbejde mellem Langeland Kommune og UCL Erhvervsakademi og …
H Peoples, MS Stougaard, M Andresen, PK Christiansen, LP Andersen, ...
Couplehood: hvordan mennesker med demens og deres nære genforhandler deres’ vi’gennem besøg på langelandsfortet
J Bønnelycke, MR Mau, PK Christiansen, LP Andersen, H Peoples
Demensdagene 2024, 2024
Øjeblikkets resonans: Sociomateriel forbindelsesskabelse gennem museumsbesøg for mennesker med demens og pårørende
J Bønnelycke, LP Andersen, MR Mau, PK Christiansen, H Peoples
Demensdagene 2024, 2024
Forventningen om bedring: en diskussion af begrebslige og teoretiske antagelser om den psykologiske virkning af vandring
M Mau
Walking alone: how movement in nature was used by older people in response to feelings of being alone during COVID-19
M Mau, DS Nielsen, IS Jakobsen, SH Klausen, KK Roessler
Nordic Psychology, 1-13, 2023
A systematic review on self-care in older bereaved adults
M Schmycker, M Mau, KB Dieperink, DS Nielsen, LR Minet
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