Sungwook Hong
Sungwook Hong
在 sejong.ac.kr 的电子邮件经过验证
A comparison between major artificial intelligence models for crop yield prediction: Case study of the midwestern United States, 2006–2015
N Kim, KJ Ha, NW Park, J Cho, S Hong, YW Lee
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 8 (5), 240, 2019
Spatial and temporal variability of sea surface temperature and warming trends in the Yellow Sea
KA Park, EY Lee, E Chang, S Hong
Journal of Marine Systems 143, 24-38, 2015
Satellite-based evaluation of the post-fire recovery process from the worst forest fire case in South Korea
JH Ryu, KS Han, S Hong, NW Park, YW Lee, J Cho
Remote Sensing 10 (6), 918, 2018
Flood monitoring using satellite-based RGB composite imagery and refractive index retrieval in visible and near-infrared bands
HJ Ban, YJ Kwon, H Shin, HS Ryu, S Hong
Remote Sensing 9 (4), 313, 2017
Geostatistical integration of coarse resolution satellite precipitation products and rain gauge data to map precipitation at fine spatial resolutions
NW Park, PC Kyriakidis, S Hong
Remote Sensing 9 (3), 255, 2017
A physically-based inversion algorithm for retrieving soil moisture in passive microwave remote sensing
S Hong, I Shin
Journal of hydrology 405 (1-2), 24-30, 2011
Detection of small-scale roughness and refractive index of sea ice in passive satellite microwave remote sensing
S Hong
Remote sensing of Environment 114 (5), 1136-1140, 2010
Detection of the Hebei Spirit oil spill on SAR imagery and its temporal evolution in a coastal region of the Yellow Sea
TS Kim, KA Park, X Li, M Lee, S Hong, SJ Lyu, S Nam
Advances in Space Research 56 (6), 1079-1093, 2015
Wind speed retrieval based on sea surface roughness measurements from spaceborne microwave radiometers
S Hong, I Shin
Journal of applied meteorology and climatology 52 (2), 507-516, 2013
SAR-derived wind fields at the coastal region in the East/Japan Sea and relation to coastal upwelling
TS Kim, KA Park, X Li, S Hong
International journal of remote sensing 35 (11-12), 3947-3965, 2014
Surface roughness and polarization ratio in microwave remote sensing
S Hong
International Journal of Remote Sensing 31 (10), 2709-2716, 2010
Global trends of sea ice: Small-scale roughness and refractive index
S Hong, I Shin
Journal of Climate 23 (17), 4669-4676, 2010
Very short-term rainfall prediction using ground radar observations and conditional generative adversarial networks
Y Kim, S Hong
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 60, 1-8, 2021
Nighttime reflectance generation in the visible band of satellites
K Kim, JH Kim, YJ Moon, E Park, G Shin, T Kim, Y Kim, S Hong
Remote Sensing 11 (18), 2087, 2019
Statistical modeling of sea ice concentration using satellite imagery and climate reanalysis data in the Barents and Kara Seas, 1979–2012
J Ahn, S Hong, J Cho, YW Lee, H Lee
Remote Sensing 6 (6), 5520-5540, 2014
Sea fog detection based on Normalized Difference Snow Index using advanced Himawari imager observations
HS Ryu, S Hong
Remote Sensing 12 (9), 1521, 2020
Investigation of potential volcanic risk from Mt. Baekdu by DInSAR time series analysis and atmospheric correction
JR Kim, SY Lin, HW Yun, YL Tsai, HJ Seo, S Hong, YS Choi
Remote Sensing 9 (2), 138, 2017
Estimation of near surface air temperature using MODIS land surface temperature data and geostatistics
HS Shin, E Chang, S Hong
Spatial Information Research 22 (1), 55-63, 2014
Retrieval of refractive index over specular surfaces for remote sensing applications
S Hong
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 3 (1), 033560, 2009
Detection of Asian dust (Hwangsa) over the Yellow Sea by decomposition of unpolarized infrared reflectivity
S Hong
Atmospheric Environment 43 (37), 5887-5893, 2009
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