Dennis M. Feehan
Dennis M. Feehan
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Estimation of potential global pandemic influenza mortality on the basis of vital registry data from the 1918–20 pandemic: a quantitative analysis
CJL Murray, AD Lopez, B Chin, D Feehan, KH Hill
The Lancet 368 (9554), 2211-2218, 2006
Assessing the effect of the 2001–06 Mexican health reform: an interim report card
E Gakidou, R Lozano, E González-Pier, J Abbott-Klafter, JT Barofsky, ...
The Lancet 368 (9550), 1920-1935, 2006
Benchmarking of performance of Mexican states with effective coverage
R Lozano, P Soliz, E Gakidou, J Abbott-Klafter, DM Feehan, C Vidal, ...
The Lancet 368 (9548), 1729-1741, 2006
Quantifying population contact patterns in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic
DM Feehan, AS Mahmud
Nature communications 12 (1), 893, 2021
Validation of the symptom pattern method for analyzing verbal autopsy data
CJL Murray, AD Lopez, DM Feehan, ST Peter, G Yang
PLoS Medicine 4 (11), e327, 2007
Generalizing the network scale-up method: a new estimator for the size of hidden populations
DM Feehan, MJ Salganik
Sociological methodology 46 (1), 153-186, 2016
Evaluación comparativa del desempeño de los sistemas estatales de salud usando cobertura efectiva
R Lozano, P Soliz, E Gakidou, J Abbott-Klafter, DM Feehan, C Vidal, ...
salud pública de méxico 49, s53-s69, 2007
Quantity versus quality: A survey experiment to improve the network scale-up method
DM Feehan, A Umubyeyi, M Mahy, W Hladik, MJ Salganik
American journal of epidemiology 183 (8), 747-757, 2016
Evaluación del impacto de la reforma mexicana de salud 2001-2006: un informe inicial
E Gakidou, R Lozano, E González-Pier, J Abbott-Klafter, JT Barofsky, ...
salud pública de méxico 49, s88-s109, 2007
Using an online sample to estimate the size of an offline population
DM Feehan, C Cobb
Demography 56 (6), 2377-2392, 2019
The network survival method for estimating adult mortality: Evidence from a survey experiment in Rwanda
DM Feehan, M Mahy, MJ Salganik
Demography 54 (4), 1503-1528, 2017
Quantifying interpersonal contact in the United States during the spread of COVID-19: first results from the Berkeley Interpersonal Contact Study
D Feehan, A Mahmud
Separating the signal from the noise: Evidence for deceleration in old-age death rates
DM Feehan
Demography 55, 2025-2044, 2018
Measuring excess mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic in low-and lower-middle income countries: the need for mobile phone surveys
V Adjiwanou, A Nurul, L Alkema, G Asiki, AA Bawah, D Béguy, V Cetorelli, ...
Survey methods for estimating the size of weak-tie personal networks
DM Feehan, V Hai Son, A Abdul-Quader
Sociological Methodology 52 (2), 193-219, 2022
Perfil dos usuários de crack e/ou similares no Brasil
FT Bastos, N Bertoni, M Salganik, D Feehan
Livreto Epidemiológico. Secretaria Nacional de Políticas sobre Drogas 1, 25-184, 2013
Estimating adult death rates from sibling histories: A network approach
DM Feehan, GM Borges
Demography 58 (4), 1525-1546, 2021
The networkreporting package
DM Feehan, MJ Salganik
R package version 0.1 1, 2014
Describing the safety of abortion at the population level using network-based survey approaches
C Rossier, O Owolabi, S Kouanda, M Bangha, CR Kim, B Ganatra, ...
Reproductive Health 19 (1), 231, 2022
Network reporting methods
DM Feehan
Princeton University, 2015
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