Yousef A. M. Qasem
Yousef A. M. Qasem
Researcher at UPM
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Cloud computing adoption in higher education institutions: A systematic review
YAM Qasem, R Abdullah, YY Jusoh, R Atan, S Asadi
Ieee access 7, 63722-63744, 2019
A multi-analytical approach to predict the determinants of cloud computing adoption in higher education institutions
YAM Qasem, S Asadi, R Abdullah, Y Yah, R Atan, MA Al-Sharafi, ...
Applied Sciences 10 (14), 4905, 2020
Intercultural learning challenges affecting international students’ sustainable learning in Malaysian higher education institutions
AA Yassin, N Abdul Razak, YAM Qasem, MA Saeed Mohammed
Sustainability 12 (18), 7490, 2020
Continuance use of cloud computing in higher education institutions: A conceptual model
YAM Qasem, R Abdullah, Y Yaha, R Atana
Applied Sciences 10 (19), 6628, 2020
Towards the Development of a Comprehensive Theoretical Model for Examining the Cloud Computing Adoption at the Organizational Level
YAM Qasem, R Abdullah, Y Yah, R Atan, MA Al-Sharafi, M Al-Emran
Recent Advances in Intelligent Systems and Smart Applications 295, 63-74, 2020
Mapping and analyzing process of cloud-based education as a service (CEaaS) model for cloud computing adoption in higher education institutions
YAM Qasem, R Abdullah, R Atan, YY Jusoh
2018 Fourth international conference on information retrieval and knowledge …, 2018
A Mobile Knowledge as a service (mKaaS) model of knowledge management system in facilitating knowledge sharing of cloud education community environment
R Abdullah, YAM Alsharaei
2016 Third International Conference on Information Retrieval and Knowledge …, 2016
Analyzing continuance of cloud computing in higher education institutions: Should we stay, or should we go?
YAM Qasem, R Abdullah, YY Jusoh, R Atan, S Asadi
Sustainability 13 (9), 4664, 2021
Cloud computing adoption in higher education: an integrated theoretical model
MA Al-Sharafi, Q AlAjmi, M Al-Emran, YAM Qasem, YM Aldheleai
Recent Advances in Technology Acceptance Models and Theories, 191-209, 2021
Cloud-Based Education As a Service (CEAAS) System Requirements Specification Model of Higher Education Institutions in Industrial Revolution 4.0
YAM Qasem, R Abdullah, R Atan, YY Jusoh
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering 8 (2 S 8), 1382 …, 2019
The Influence of Perceived Trust on Understanding Banks' Customers behavior to Accept Internet Banking Services
M Al-Sharafi A, RA Arshah, Q Alajmi, F Herzallah AT, YAM Qasem
Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 2018
Conceptualizing a model for continuance use of cloud computing in higher education institutions
YAM Qasem, R Abdullah, YY Jusoh, R Atan
Towards developing a cloud-based education as a service (CEAAS) model for cloud computing adoption in higher education institutions
YA Qasem, R Abdullah, R Atan, YY Jusoh
Complexity 6 (7), 19-20, 2018
Intercultural learning challenges affecting international students’ sustainable learning in Malaysian higher education institutions. Sustainability (Switzerland), 12 (18), 1–19
AA Yassin, NA Razak, YAM Qasem, MAS Mohammed
A systematic review of literature on sustaining decision-making in healthcare organizations amid imperfect information in the Big Data era
GU Orlu, RB Abdullah, Z Zaremohzzabieh, YY Jusoh, S Asadi, ...
Sustainability 15 (21), 15476, 2023
Towards the Development of a Comprehensive Theoretical Model for Examining the Cloud Computing
YAM Qasem, YY Rusli Abdullah, R Atan, MA Al-Sharafi, M Al-Emran
Recent Advances in Intelligent Systems and Smart Applications 295, 63, 2020
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