Abel Ghekiere
Abel Ghekiere
Post Doctoral researcher
在 vub.be 的电子邮件经过验证
Is labour market discrimination against ethnic minorities better explained by taste or statistics? A systematic review of the empirical evidence
L Lippens, S Baert, A Ghekiere, PP Verhaeghe, E Derous
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 48 (17), 4243-4276, 2022
The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on ethnic discrimination on the housing market
PP Verhaeghe, A Ghekiere
European Societies 23 (sup1), S384-S399, 2021
How does ethnic discrimination on the housing market differ across neighborhoods and real estate agencies?
A Ghekiere, PP Verhaeghe
Journal of Housing Economics 55, 101820, 2022
Ethnic discrimination on paper: uncovering realtors’ willingness to discriminate with mystery mails
A Ghekiere, L Lippens, S Baert, PP Verhaeghe
Applied Economics Letters 30 (9), 1235-1238, 2023
Is de etnische discriminatie op de Gentse woningmarkt structureel gedaald
PP Verhaeghe, A Ghekiere
Vakgroep Sociologie, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 2020
Introducing a vignette experiment to study mechanisms of ethnic discrimination on the housing market
A Ghekiere, PP Verhaeghe, S Baert, E Derous, S Schelfhout
PloS one 17 (10), e0276698, 2022
Identifying rental discrimination on the Flemish housing market: an intersectional approach
A Ghekiere, B Martiniello, PP Verhaeghe
Ethnic and Racial Studies 46 (12), 2654-2676, 2023
Discriminatie door makelaars op de huurwoningmarkt van Antwerpen: de nulmeting
PP Verhaeghe, B Martiniello, A Ghekiere
Brussel: Vakgroep Sociologie, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 2020
Discriminatie op de huurwoningmarkt van Brugge
B Martiniello, A Ghekiere, PP Verhaeghe
Vakgroep Sociologie, Vrije Universiteit, Brussel, 2022
Reducing ethnic discrimination in rental applications: The development of a training intervention
A Ghekiere, F D’hondt, E Derous, S Schelfhout, PP Verhaeghe
Housing Studies, 1-20, 2023
Addressing methodological assumptions of correspondence tests when measuring discrimination
A Ghekiere, B Martiniello, PP Verhaeghe
International Journal of Social Research Methodology 27 (2), 255-260, 2024
Discriminatie op basis van etnische afkomst en seksuele oriëntatie op de huurwoningmarkt van Kortrijk
A Ghekiere, B Martiniello, PP Verhaeghe
Brussel: Vakgroep Sociologie, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 2022
The perception of names in experimental studies on ethnic origin: a cross-national validation in Europe
A Ghekiere, B Martiniello, A Suarez, S van Oosten, M Fernández-Reino, ...
OSF, 2023
Better luck next time: New methodological approaches to understanding and reducing the mechanisms of rental discrimination
A Ghekiere
Les discriminations au logement à Namur: Première phase de tests
B Martiniello, A Ghekiere, PP Verhaeghe
Data of'Is labour market discrimination against ethnic minorities better explained by taste or statistics? A systematic review of the empirical evidence'
L Lippens, S Baert, A Ghekiere, PP Verhaeghe, E Derous
Kaggle, 2022
Is labour market discrimination against ethnic minorities better explained by taste or statistics? A systematic review of the empirical evidence
S Baert, PP Verhaeghe, L Lippens, A Ghekiere, E Derous
文章 1–17