Reliability-based optimization in structural engineering I Enevoldsen, JD Sørensen Structural safety 15 (3), 169-196, 1994 | 686 | 1994 |
Reliability-based optimization of series systems of parallel systems I Enevoldsen, JD Sørensen Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 119, issue 4, April 1993, 1990 | 76 | 1990 |
Effects of a Vibration Mass Damper in a Wind Turbine Tower* I Enevoldsen, KIJ Mørk Journal of Structural Mechanics 24 (2), 155-187, 1996 | 57 | 1996 |
Experience with probabilistic-based assessment of bridges I Enevoldsen Structural engineering international 11 (4), 251-260, 2001 | 51 | 2001 |
Reliability-based optimization as an information tool I Enevoldsen, JD Sørensen Journal of Structural Mechanics 22 (1), 117-135, 1994 | 48 | 1994 |
Adaptive response surface techniques in reliability estimation I Enevoldsen, MH Faber, JD Sørensen of ICOSSAR'93 (The 6th International Conference on Structural Safety and …, 1993 | 48 | 1993 |
Sensitivity analysis of reliability-based optimal solution I Enevoldsen, JD Sørensen Journal of Engineering Mechanics 120 (1), 198-205, 1994 | 47 | 1994 |
Probability-based assessment of highway bridges according to the new Danish guideline A O'Connor, I Enevoldsen Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 5 (2), 157-168, 2009 | 38 | 2009 |
Heavy Vehicles on Minor Highway Bridges: dynamic modelling of vehicles and bridges PH Kirkegaard, SRK Nielsen, I Enevoldsen Dept. of Building Technology and Structural Engineering, 1997 | 37 | 1997 |
Heavy Vehicles on Minor Highway Bridges: calculation of dynamic impact factors from selected crossing scenarios PH Kirkegaard, SRK Nielsen, I Enevoldsen Dept. of Building Technology and Structural Engineering, 1997 | 32 | 1997 |
Probability-based assessment and optimised maintenance management of a large riveted truss railway bridge A O’Connor, C Pedersen, L Gustavsson, IB Enevoldsen Structural Engineering International 19 (4), 375-382, 2009 | 29 | 2009 |
Practical implementation of probability based assessment methods for bridges I Enevoldsen Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 7 (7-8), 535-549, 2011 | 28 | 2011 |
Probability based bridge assessment O'Connor A., I Enevoldsen ICE Journal of Bridge Engineering 160 (3), 129 - 137, 2007 | 27 | 2007 |
Probability based modelling and assessment of an existing post-tensioned concrete slab bridge A O’Connor, I Enevoldsen Engineering Structures 30 (5), 1408-1416, 2008 | 24 | 2008 |
Bridge owner's benefits from probabilistic approaches J Lauridsen, JS Jensen, I Enevoldsen Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 3 (4), 281-302, 2007 | 23 | 2007 |
Reliability-based structural optimization I Enevoldsen Aalborg Universitetsforlag, 1991 | 23 | 1991 |
Sensitivity Analysis in Reliability-Based Shape Optimization JD Sørensen, I Enevoldsen Optimization and Artificial Intelligence in Civil Engineering, 617-638., 1992 | 19 | 1992 |
Computational wind simulations for cable-supported bridges I Enevoldsen, C Pedersen, SO Hansen, LT Thorbek, T Kvamsdal 10th ICWE conference Copenhagen, Denmark 21-24 June 1999, 1265-1270, 1999 | 18 | 1999 |
Optimization algorithms for calculation of the joint design point in parallel systems I Enevoldsen, JD Sørensen Structural optimization 4, 121-127, 1992 | 18* | 1992 |
Reliability-based Shape Optimization Using Stochastic finite element Methods I Enevoldsen, G Sigurdsson, JD Sørensen 3rd IFIP WG 7.5 Working Conference. Berkeley,California, USA, March 26.-28 …, 1990 | 16 | 1990 |