Geophysical surveys as landscape archaeology KL Kvamme American Antiquity 68 (3), 435-457, 2003 | 303 | 2003 |
Recent directions and developments in geographical information systems KL Kvamme Journal of Archaeological Research 7, 153-201, 1999 | 277 | 1999 |
An experiment in archaeological site location: modeling in the Netherlands using GIS techniques R Brandt, BJ Groenewoudt, KL Kvamme World archaeology 24 (2), 268-282, 1992 | 213 | 1992 |
Development and testing of quantitative models KL Kvamme Quantifying the present and predicting the past: theory, method, and …, 1988 | 203 | 1988 |
Southwestern pottery standardization: An ethnoarchaeological view from the Philippines WA Longacre, KL Kvamme, M Kobayashi Kiva 53 (2), 101-112, 1988 | 188 | 1988 |
Geographic information systems in regional archaeological research and data management KL Kvamme Archaeological method and theory 1, 139-203, 1989 | 176 | 1989 |
The fundamental principles and practice of predictive archaeological modeling KL Kvamme Mathematics and information science in archaeology: A flexible framework 3 …, 1990 | 169 | 1990 |
Magnetometry: Nature’s gift to archaeology KL Kvamme Remote sensing in archaeology: An explicitly North American perspective, J …, 2006 | 158 | 2006 |
Integrating multidimensional geophysical data KL Kvamme Archaeological Prospection 13 (1), 57-72, 2006 | 137 | 2006 |
There and back again: Revisiting archaeological locational modeling KL Kvamme GIS and archaeological site location modeling, 23-55, 2005 | 136 | 2005 |
One-sample tests in regional archaeological analysis: new possibilities through computer technology KL Kvamme American Antiquity 55 (2), 367-381, 1990 | 123 | 1990 |
Determining empirical relationships between the natural environment and prehistoric site locations: a hunter-gatherer example KL Kvamme For concordance in archaeological analysis: Bridging data structure …, 1985 | 119 | 1985 |
A predictive site location model on the High Plains: An example with an independent test KL Kvamme Plains Anthropologist 37 (138), 19-40, 1992 | 109 | 1992 |
Alternative procedures for assessing standardization in ceramic assemblages KL Kvamme, MT Stark, WA Longacre American Antiquity 61 (1), 116-126, 1996 | 108 | 1996 |
Computer processing techniques for regional modeling of archaeological site locations KL Kvamme Advances in Computer Archaeology 1 (1), 26-52, 1983 | 90 | 1983 |
Improvements in the permutation test for the spatial analysis of the distribution of artifacts into classes KJ Berry, KL Kvamme, PW Mielke American Antiquity 48 (3), 547-553, 1983 | 85 | 1983 |
Geografski informacijski sistemi KL Kvamme, K Oštir, Z Stančič, R Šumrada Znanstvenoraziskovalni center Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti, 1997 | 83 | 1997 |
Settlement pattern modelling through Boolean overlays of social and environmental variables Z Stancic, KL Kvamme BAR International Series 757, 231-238, 1999 | 78 | 1999 |
A View From Across the Water: The North American Experience in Archaeological GIS KL Kvamme Archaeology and Geographic Information Systems: A European Perspective, G …, 1995 | 78* | 1995 |
The environmental basis of Mesolithic settlement KL Kvamme, MA Jochim The Mesolithic in Europe: Papers Presented at the Third International …, 1989 | 72 | 1989 |