Assessment of positive emotions in animals to improve their welfare A Boissy, G Manteuffel, MB Jensen, RO Moe, B Spruijt, LJ Keeling, ... Physiology & behavior 92 (3), 375-397, 2007 | 1748 | 2007 |
Why do pigs root and in what will they root?: A review on the exploratory behaviour of pigs in relation to environmental enrichment M Studnitz, MB Jensen, LJ Pedersen Applied animal behaviour science 107 (3-4), 183-197, 2007 | 467 | 2007 |
Quantifying behavioural priorities—Effects of time constraints on behaviour of dairy cows, Bos taurus L Munksgaard, MB Jensen, LJ Pedersen, SW Hansen, L Matthews Applied Animal Behaviour Science 92 (1-2), 3-14, 2005 | 441 | 2005 |
Play behaviour in dairy calves kept in pens: the effect of social contact and space allowance MB Jensen, KS Vestergaard, CC Krohn Applied Animal Behaviour Science 56 (2-4), 97-108, 1998 | 272 | 1998 |
The effect of reward duration on demand functions for rest in dairy heifers and lying requirements as measured by demand functions MB Jensen, LJ Pedersen, L Munksgaard Applied Animal Behaviour Science 90 (3-4), 207-217, 2005 | 271 | 2005 |
Discrimination of people by dairy cows based on handling L Munksgaard, AM De Passillé, J Rushen, K Thodberg, MB Jensen Journal of Dairy Science 80 (6), 1106-1112, 1997 | 215 | 1997 |
Behaviour around the time of calving in dairy cows MB Jensen Applied animal behaviour science 139 (3-4), 195-202, 2012 | 210 | 2012 |
Play behaviour in group-housed dairy calves, the effect of space allowance MB Jensen, R Kyhn Applied Animal Behaviour Science 67 (1-2), 35-46, 2000 | 188 | 2000 |
Calves’ motivation for access to two different types of social contact measured by operant conditioning L Holm, MB Jensen, LL Jeppesen Applied Animal Behaviour Science 79 (3), 175-194, 2002 | 164 | 2002 |
Effect of single versus group housing and space allowance on responses of calves during open-field tests MB Jensen, KS Vestergaard, CC Krohn, L Munksgaard Applied Animal Behaviour Science 54 (2-3), 109-121, 1997 | 160 | 1997 |
The effects of feeding method, milk allowance and social factors on milk feeding behaviour and cross-sucking in group housed dairy calves MB Jensen Applied Animal Behaviour Science 80 (3), 191-206, 2003 | 158 | 2003 |
Invited review: Lying time and the welfare of dairy cows CB Tucker, MB Jensen, AM de Passillé, L Hänninen, J Rushen Journal of Dairy Science 104 (1), 20-46, 2021 | 157 | 2021 |
Identification of diseased calves by use of data from automatic milk feeders C Svensson, MB Jensen Journal of Dairy Science 90 (2), 994-997, 2007 | 150 | 2007 |
Weaning and separation in two steps—A way to decrease stress in dairy calves suckled by foster cows JM Loberg, CE Hernandez, T Thierfelder, MB Jensen, C Berg, L Lidfors Applied animal behaviour science 111 (3-4), 222-234, 2008 | 149 | 2008 |
The effects of social contact and milk allowance on responses to handling, play, and social behavior in young dairy calves LR Duve, DM Weary, U Halekoh, MB Jensen Journal of dairy science 95 (11), 6571-6581, 2012 | 148 | 2012 |
Dairy calves social preferences and the significance of a companion animal during separation from the group G Færevik, MB Jensen, KE Bøe Applied Animal Behaviour Science 99 (3-4), 205-221, 2006 | 148 | 2006 |
Pair housing and enhanced milk allowance increase play behavior and improve performance in dairy calves MB Jensen, LR Duve, DM Weary Journal of Dairy Science 98 (4), 2568-2575, 2015 | 140 | 2015 |
Dairy cows seek isolation at calving and when ill KL Proudfoot, MB Jensen, DM Weary, MAG Von Keyserlingk Journal of dairy science 97 (5), 2731-2739, 2014 | 125 | 2014 |
Quantifying and characterizing behavior in dairy calves using the IceTag automatic recording device P Trénel, MB Jensen, EL Decker, F Skjøth Journal of dairy science 92 (7), 3397-3401, 2009 | 118 | 2009 |
What is animal happiness? LE Webb, R Veenhoven, JL Harfeld, MB Jensen Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1438 (1), 62-76, 2019 | 117 | 2019 |