Raúl Castaño
Raúl Castaño
Tampere University
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Towards a multiple-indicator approach to energy poverty in the European Union: A review
R Castaño-Rosa, J Solís-Guzmán, C Rubio-Bellido, M Marrero
Energy and Buildings 193, 36-48, 2019
Energy poverty goes south? Understanding the costs of energy poverty with the index of vulnerable homes in Spain
R Castaño-Rosa, J Solís-Guzmán, M Marrero
Energy Research & Social Science 60, 101325, 2020
Prevalence of energy poverty in Japan: A comprehensive analysis of energy poverty vulnerabilities
R Castaño-Rosa, S Okushima
Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 145, 111006, 2021
The critical role of trust in experiencing and coping with energy poverty: Evidence from across Europe
K Grossmann, G Jiglau, U Dubois, A Sinea, F Martín-Consuegra, ...
Energy Research & Social Science 76, 102064, 2021
Energy poverty and emerging debates: Beyond the traditional triangle of energy poverty drivers
A Stojilovska, R Guyet, K Mahoney, JP Gouveia, R Castaño-Rosa, ...
Energy Policy 169, 113181, 2022
A novel Index of Vulnerable Homes: Findings from application in Spain
R Castaño-Rosa, J Solís-Guzmán, M Marrero
Indoor and Built Environment 29 (3), 311-330, 2020
Cooling degree models and future energy demand in the residential sector. A seven-country case study
R Castaño-Rosa, R Barrella, C Sánchez-Guevara, R Barbosa, ...
Sustainability 13 (5), 2987, 2021
Transferring the index of vulnerable homes: Application at the local-scale in England to assess fuel poverty vulnerability
R Castaño-Rosa, G Sherriff, H Thomson, JS Guzmán, M Marrero
Energy and Buildings 203, 109458, 2019
The validity of the index of vulnerable homes: evidence from consumers vulnerable to energy poverty in the UK
R Castaño-Rosa, G Sherriff, J Solís-Guzmán, M Marrero
Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy 15 (2), 72-91, 2020
Resilience in the built environment: Key characteristics for solutions to multiple crises
R Castaño-Rosa, S Pelsmakers, H Järventausta, J Poutanen, L Tähtinen, ...
Sustainable Cities and Society 87, 104259, 2022
Ten questions concerning residential overheating in Central and Northern Europe
J Taylor, R McLeod, G Petrou, C Hopfe, A Mavrogianni, R Castano-Rosa, ...
Building and Environment 234, 110154, 2023
Towards a just energy transition, barriers and opportunities for positive energy district creation in Spain
AX Hearn, R Castaño-Rosa
Sustainability 13 (16), 8698, 2021
HEREVEA tool for economic and environmental impact evaluation for sustainable planning policy in housing renovation
MR Ruiz-Pérez, MD Alba-Rodríguez, R Castaño-Rosa, J Solís-Guzmán, ...
Sustainability 11 (10), 2852, 2019
Midiendo la pobreza energética. Una revisión de indicadores
R Castaño Rosa, J Solís Guzmán, M Marrero
Revista hábitat sustentable 10 (1), 9-21, 2020
Adaptive thermal comfort potential in mediterranean office buildings: a case study of Torre Sevilla
R Castaño-Rosa, CE Rodríguez-Jiménez, C Rubio-Bellido
Sustainability 10 (9), 3091, 2018
Post-occupancy evaluation in residential buildings: A systematic literature review of current practices in the EU
M Elsayed, S Pelsmakers, L Pistore, R Castaño-Rosa, P Romagnoni
Building and Environment, 110307, 2023
Energy poverty in Finland: reality and challenges in the face of climate change
R Castaño-Rosa, J Taylor, S Pelsmakers, M Gullman, H Sukaden
Energy Poverty Alleviation: New Approaches and Contexts, 185-208, 2022
Compendium: On existing and missing links between energy poverty and other scholarly debates
A Stojilovska, L Zivcic, R Barbosa, K Grossmann, R Guyet, ...
Planning energy interventions in buildings and tackling fuel poverty: Can two birds be fed with one scone?
MH Abbasi, B Abdullah, R Castano-Rosa, MW Ahmad, A Rostami, ...
Energy Research & Social Science 93, 102841, 2022
Energy poverty in developing regions: strategies, indicators, needs, and technological solutions
U Ruiz-Rivas, Y Tahri, MM Arjona, M Chinchilla, R Castaño‐Rosa, ...
Energy Poverty Alleviation: New Approaches and Contexts, 17-39, 2022
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