Julian Oldmeadow
Julian Oldmeadow
在 swin.edu.au 的电子邮件经过验证
Social inferences from faces: Ambient images generate a three-dimensional model
CAM Sutherland, JA Oldmeadow, IM Santos, J Towler, DM Burt, ...
Cognition 127 (1), 105-118, 2013
Attachment style, social skills, and Facebook use amongst adults
JA Oldmeadow, S Quinn, R Kowert
Computers in human behavior 29 (3), 1142-1149, 2013
Systemjustifying ideologies moderate status= competence stereotypes: Roles for belief in a just world and social dominance orientation
J Oldmeadow, ST Fiske
European Journal of Social Psychology 37 (6), 1135-1148, 2007
You are what you listen to: Young people's stereotypes about music fans
PJ Rentfrow, JA McDonald, JA Oldmeadow
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 12 (3), 329-344, 2009
Is the igeneration a ‘we’ generation? Social networking use among 9 to 13yearolds and belonging
S Quinn, JA Oldmeadow
British journal of developmental psychology 31 (1), 136-142, 2013
Geek or chic? Emerging stereotypes of online gamers
R Kowert, MD Griffiths, JA Oldmeadow
Bulletin of science, technology & society 32 (6), 471-479, 2012
To which world regions does the valence–dominance model of social perception apply?
BC Jones, LM DeBruine, JK Flake, MT Liuzza, J Antfolk, NC Arinze, ...
Nature human behaviour 5 (1), 159-169, 2021
Facial first impressions across culture: Data-driven modeling of Chinese and British perceivers’ unconstrained facial impressions
CAM Sutherland, X Liu, L Zhang, Y Chu, JA Oldmeadow, AW Young
Personality and social psychology bulletin 44 (4), 521-537, 2018
Social status and the pursuit of positive social identity: Systematic domains of intergroup differentiation and discrimination for high-and low-status groups
JA Oldmeadow, ST Fiske
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 13 (4), 425-444, 2010
Self-categorization, status, and social influence
JA Oldmeadow, MJ Platow, M Foddy, D Anderson
Social Psychology Quarterly, 138-152, 2003
The effects of boredom, loneliness, and distress tolerance on problem internet use among university students
J Skues, B Williams, J Oldmeadow, L Wise
International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction 14, 167-180, 2016
(A) Social reputation: Exploring the relationship between online video game involvement and social competence
R Kowert, JA Oldmeadow
Computers in Human Behavior 29 (4), 1872-1878, 2013
Face gender and stereotypicality influence facial trait evaluation: Counterstereotypical female faces are negatively evaluated
CAM Sutherland, AW Young, CA Mootz, JA Oldmeadow
British Journal of Psychology 106 (2), 186-208, 2015
Playing for social comfort: Online video game play as a social accommodator for the insecurely attached
R Kowert, JA Oldmeadow
Computers in human behavior 53, 556-566, 2015
A multi-country test of brief reappraisal interventions on emotions during the COVID-19 pandemic
K Wang, A Goldenberg, CA Dorison, JK Miller, A Uusberg, JS Lerner, ...
Nature human behaviour 5 (8), 1089-1110, 2021
Picture this: Emotional and political responses to photographs of the Kenneth Bigley kidnapping
A Iyer, J Oldmeadow
European Journal of Social Psychology 36 (5), 635-647, 2006
The martini effect and social networking sites: Early adolescents, mobile social networking and connectedness to friends
S Quinn, J Oldmeadow
Mobile media & communication 1 (2), 237-247, 2013
Integrating social and facial models of person perception: Converging and diverging dimensions
CAM Sutherland, JA Oldmeadow, AW Young
Cognition 157, 257-267, 2016
The stereotype of online gamers: New characterization or recycled prototype?
R Kowert, J Oldmeadow
Proceedings of Nordic DiGRA 2012 Conference, 2012
Facial stereotype visualization through image averaging
JA Oldmeadow, CAM Sutherland, AW Young
Social Psychological and Personality Science 4 (5), 615-623, 2013
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