Emin Ozkose
Emin Ozkose
在 ksu.edu.tr 的电子邮件经过验证
Cyllamyces aberensis gen. nov. sp. nov., a new anaerobic gut fungus with branched sporangiophores isolated from cattle
E Ozkose, BJ Thomas, DR Davies, GW Griffith, MK Theodorou
Canadian Journal of Botany 79 (6), 666-673, 2001
Diversity of anaerobic fungal populations in cattle revealed by selective enrichment culture using different carbon sources
GW Griffith, E Ozkose, MK Theodorou, DR Davies
fungal ecology 2 (2), 87-97, 2009
Effect of variety on chemical composition, in vitro gas production, metabolizable energy and organic matter digestibility of alfalfa hays
A Kamalak, O Canbolat, A Erol, C Kilinc, M Kizilsimsek, CO Ozkan, ...
Livestock Research for Rural Development 17 (7), 1707-1712, 2005
Chemical composition and its relationship to in vitro gas production of several tannin containing trees and shrub leaves
A Kamalak, O Canbolat, Y Gurbuz, O Ozay, E Ozkose
Asian-Australasian Journal of animal sciences 18 (2), 203-208, 2005
Prediction of relative feed value of alfalfa hays harvested at different maturity stages using in vitro gas production
O Canbolat, A Kamalak, CO Ozkan, A Erol, M Sahin, E Karakas, E Ozkose
Livestock Research for Rural Development 18 (2), 27, 2006
β-Glucanase-producing bacterial culture improves performance and nutrient utilization and alters gut morphology of broilers fed a barley-based diet
M Onderci, N Sahin, G Cikim, A Aydin, I Ozercan, E Ozkose, S Ekinci, ...
Animal feed science and technology 146 (1-2), 87-97, 2008
Expression of fungal cellulase gene in Lactococcus lactis to construct novel recombinant silage inoculants
E Ozkose, I Akyol, B Kar, U Comlekcioglu, MS Ekinci
Folia microbiologica 54, 335-342, 2009
Identification of spores in the polycentric anaerobic gut fungi which enhance their ability to survive
JL Brookman, E Ozkose, S Rogers, APJ Trinci, MK Theodorou
FEMS microbiology ecology 31 (3), 261-267, 2000
The effect of polyethylene glycol (PEG 8000) supplementation on in vitro gas production kinetics of leaves from tannin containing trees
A Kamalak, O Canbolat, M Sahin, Y Gurbuz, E Ozkose, CO Ozkan
South African Journal of Animal Science 35 (4), 229-237, 2005
Variation in metabolizable energy content of forages estimated using in vitro gas production technique.
A Kamalak, O Canbolat, Y Gurbuz, O Ozay, E Ozkose
Effect of polyethylene glycol on in vitro gas production, metabolizable energy and organic matter digestibility of Quercus cerris leaves
O Canbolat, A Kamalak, E Ozkose, CO Ozkan, M Sahin, P Karabay
Livestock research for rural development 17 (4), 2005
Hayvansal Biyoteknoloji Uygulamalarında Güncel Gelişmeler
E Mehmet Sait, A İsmail, K Mesut, E ÖZKÖSE
KSU. Journal of Science and Engineering 8 (2), 89-95, 2005
Cloning and characterization of cellulase and xylanase coding genes from anaerobic fungus Neocallimastix sp. GMLF1.
U Comlekcıoglu, E Ozkose, A Tutus, I Akyol, MS Ekıncı
Morphology and molecular ecology of anaerobic fungi
E Ozkose
University of Wales, 2001
Carboxymethylcellulase production by the anaerobic rumen fungusNeocallimastix sp. GMLF7
U Comlekcioglu, I Akyol, E Ozkose, B Kar, MS Ekinci
Annals of microbiology 58, 115-119, 2008
Polysaccharidase and glycosidase production of avicel grown rumen fungus Orpinomyces sp. GMLF5
U Comlekcioglu, E Ozkose, F Yazdic, I Akyol, M Ekinci
Acta Biologica Hungarica 61 (3), 333-343, 2010
Cloning of a xylanase gene xyn2A from rumen fungus Neocallimastix sp. GMLF2 in Escherichia coli and its partial characterization
I Akyol, U Comlekcioglu, B Kar, M Ekinci, E Ozkose
Biologia 64 (4), 664-670, 2009
Effects of sequential sub-culturing on the survival and enzyme activity of Neocallimastix hurleyensis
Turkish Journal of Biology 30 (3), 157-162, 2006
Cloning and Overexpression of the als, pflA, and adhB Genes in Streptococcus thermophilus and Their Effects on Metabolite Formation
I Akyol, FG Ozcelik, A Karakas-Sen, E Ozkose, Y Gezginc, MS Ekinci
Molecular biotechnology 57, 923-930, 2015
Effects of tannic acid on the fibrolytic enzyme activity and survival of some ruminal bacteria.
E Ozkose, R Kuloğlu, U Comlekcıoglu, B Kar, I Akyol, MS Ekıncı
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