Netzwerke des Marktes: Ordoliberalismus als Politische Ökonomie WO Ötsch, S Pühringer, K Hirte Springer-Verlag, 2018 | 109* | 2018 |
The financial crisis as a heart attack: Discourse profiles of economists in the financial crisis S Pühringer, K Hirte Journal of Language and Politics 14 (4), 599-625, 2015 | 87* | 2015 |
What economics education is missing: the real world S Pühringer, L Bäuerle International Journal of Social Economics 46 (8), 977-991, 2018 | 57 | 2018 |
Paradigms and Policies: The state of economics in the german-speaking countries J Kapeller, S Pühringer, C Grimm Review of International Political Economy, 2021 | 51* | 2021 |
The political economy of academic publishing: On the commodification of a public good S Puehringer, J Rath, T Griesebner PloS one 16 (6), e0253226, 2021 | 46 | 2021 |
Think Tank networks of German neoliberalism: Power structures in economics and economic policies in post-war Germany S Pühringer Nine lives of Neoliberalism, 283-308, 2020 | 41* | 2020 |
Neoliberalism and right-wing populism: Conceptual analogies S Pühringer, WO Ötsch Forum for social economics 47 (2), 193-203, 2018 | 36 | 2018 |
Markets as “ultimate judges” of economic policies S Pühringer On the Horizon 23 (3), 246-259, 2015 | 34 | 2015 |
Power and influence of economists: Contributions to the social studies of economics J Maesse, S Pühringer, T Rossier, P Benz Routledge, 2021 | 33 | 2021 |
Wirtschaft(lich) Studieren: Erfahrungsraeume von Studierenden der Wirtschaftswissenschaften L Baeuerle, W Ötsch, S Pühringer Springer VS, 2020 | 30* | 2020 |
ÖkonomInnen und Ökonomie in der Krise?! Eine diskurs-und netzwerkanalytische Sicht K Hirte, S Pühringer Wirtschafts-und Sozialpolitische Zeitschrift des ISW (WISO) 15, 159-178, 2014 | 29 | 2014 |
The success story of ordoliberalism as guiding principle of German economic policy S Pühringer Ordoliberalism, Law and the Rule of Economics, 143-158, 2018 | 28 | 2018 |
Zum Profil der deutschsprachigen Volkswirtschaftslehre: Paradigmatische Ausrichtung und politische Orientierung deutschsprachiger Ökonom_innen C Grimm, J Kapeller, S Pühringer FGW Studies 2, 69, 2017 | 27 | 2017 |
Right-wing populism and market-fundamentalism: Two mutually reinforcing threats to democracy in the 21st century WO Ötsch, S Pühringer Journal of Language and Politics 16 (4), 497-509, 2017 | 25 | 2017 |
Neoliberal Think Tanks as (new) actors in Austrian socio-political discourses. The case of the Hayek Institute and Agenda Austria S Pühringer, C Stelzer-Orthofer SWS-Rundschau 56 (1), 75-96, 2016 | 24* | 2016 |
Divided we stand? Professional consensus and political conflict in academic economics KM Beyer, S Pühringer Journal of Economic Issues 56 (3), 883-903, 2022 | 18 | 2022 |
The trade (policy) discourse in top economics journals M Aistleitner, S Puehringer New political economy 26 (5), 748-764, 2021 | 18* | 2021 |
From the ‘planning euphoria’to the ‘bitter economic truth’: the transmission of economic ideas into German labour market policies in the 1960s and 2000s S Pühringer, M Griesser Critical Discourse Studies 17 (5), 476-493, 2020 | 18* | 2020 |
Marktradikalismus als Politische Ökonomie: Wirtschaftswissenschaften und ihre Netzwerke in Deutschland ab 1945 WO Ötsch, S Pühringer ICAE Working Paper Series, 2015 | 16 | 2015 |
Wie wirken OekonomInnen und Oekonomik auf Politik und Gesellschaft? Darstellung des gesellschaftlichen und politischen Einflusspotenzials von OekonomInnen anhand eines … S Pühringer ICAE Working Paper Series, 2015 | 15 | 2015 |