The principles and practice of statistics in biological research RR Sokal, FJ Rohlf WH Freeman and company, 1969 | 104462* | 1969 |
NTSYS-pc: numerical taxonomy and multivariate analysis system FJ Rohlf Applied Biostatistics Inc. NY: Exeter Publishing, Ltd, 1989 | 9339* | 1989 |
NTSYSpc numerical taxonomy and multivariate analysis system version 2.0 user guide FJ Rohlf Applied Biostatistics Inc., 1998 | 8794 | 1998 |
Statistical tables FJ Rohlf, RR Sokal Macmillan, 1995 | 6172* | 1995 |
Extensions of the Procrustes method for the optimal superimposition of landmarks FJ Rohlf, D Slice Systematic zoology 39 (1), 40-59, 1990 | 4711 | 1990 |
Geometric morphometrics: ten years of progress following the ‘revolution’ DC Adams, FJ Rohlf, DE Slice Italian journal of zoology 71 (1), 5-16, 2004 | 3008 | 2004 |
A revolution morphometrics FJ Rohlf, LF Marcus Trends in ecology & evolution 8 (4), 129-132, 1993 | 2860 | 1993 |
tpsDig, version 2.10 FJ Rohlf http://life. bio. sunysb. edu/morph/index. html, 2006 | 2846* | 2006 |
The comparison of dendrograms by objective methods RR Sokal, FJ Rohlf Taxon, 33-40, 1962 | 2337 | 1962 |
tpsDig, digitize landmarks and outlines, version 2.05 FJ Rohlf Department of Ecology and Evolution, State University of New York at Stony Brook, 2005 | 1186 | 2005 |
Shape statistics: Procrustes superimpositions and tangent spaces FJ Rohlf Journal of classification 16, 197-223, 1999 | 1088 | 1999 |
The tps series of software FJ Rohlf Hystrix 26 (1), 9-12, 2015 | 1070 | 2015 |
Biometría RR Sokal, FJ Rohlf Blume, Madrid, 1979 | 1023 | 1979 |
Use of two-block partial least-squares to study covariation in shape FJ Rohlf, M Corti Systematic biology 49 (4), 740-753, 2000 | 953 | 2000 |
A field comes of age: geometric morphometrics in the 21st century D Adams, FJ Rohlf, D Slice | 951 | 2013 |
Relative warp analysis and an example of its application to mosquito wings FJ Rohlf Contributions to morphometrics 8, 131-159, 1993 | 765 | 1993 |
Comparative methods for the analysis of continuous variables: geometric interpretations FJ Rohlf Evolution 55 (11), 2143-2160, 2001 | 705 | 2001 |
A comparison of Fourier methods for the description of wing shape in mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) FJ Rohlf, JW Archie Systematic Zoology 33 (3), 302-317, 1984 | 700 | 1984 |
Rohlf. FJ 1981. Biometry RR Sokal San Francisco, 8 | 634 | 8 |
Morphometrics FJ Rohlf Annual Review of ecology and Systematics, 299-316, 1990 | 590 | 1990 |