Built environment and cardio‐metabolic health: systematic review and meta‐analysis of longitudinal studies M Chandrabose, JN Rachele, L Gunn, A Kavanagh, N Owen, G Turrell, ... Obesity reviews 20 (1), 41-54, 2019 | 217 | 2019 |
Examining associations between urban design attributes and transport mode choice for walking, cycling, public transport and private motor vehicle trips C Boulange, L Gunn, B Giles-Corti, S Mavoa, C Pettit, H Badland Journal of transport & health 6, 155-166, 2017 | 173 | 2017 |
Identifying appropriate land-use mix measures for use in a national walkability index S Mavoa, C Boulangé, S Eagleson, J Stewart, HM Badland, B Giles-Corti, ... Journal of Transport and Land Use 11 (1), 681-700, 2018 | 118 | 2018 |
Using spatial measures to test a conceptual model of social infrastructure that supports health and wellbeing M Davern, L Gunn, C Whitzman, C Higgs, B Giles-Corti, K Simons, ... Cities & health 1 (2), 194-209, 2017 | 103 | 2017 |
Quality of public open spaces and recreational walking T Sugiyama, LD Gunn, H Christian, J Francis, S Foster, P Hooper, ... American journal of public health 105 (12), 2490-2495, 2015 | 94 | 2015 |
Identifying destination distances that support walking trips in local neighborhoods LD Gunn, TL King, S Mavoa, KE Lamb, B Giles-Corti, A Kavanagh Journal of transport & health 5, 133-141, 2017 | 87 | 2017 |
Using walkability measures to identify train stations with the potential to become transit oriented developments located in walkable neighbourhoods D Jeffrey, C Boulangé, B Giles-Corti, S Washington, L Gunn Journal of transport geography 76, 221-231, 2019 | 66 | 2019 |
Designing healthy communities: creating evidence on metrics for built environment features associated with walkable neighbourhood activity centres LD Gunn, S Mavoa, C Boulangé, P Hooper, A Kavanagh, B Giles-Corti International journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity 14, 1-12, 2017 | 65 | 2017 |
Identifying, creating, and testing urban planning measures for transport walking: Findings from the Australian national liveability study H Badland, S Mavoa, C Boulangé, S Eagleson, L Gunn, J Stewart, ... Journal of transport & health 5, 151-162, 2017 | 57 | 2017 |
Australia in 2030: what is our path to health for all? K Backholer, F Baum, SM Finlay, S Friel, B Giles-Corti, A Jones, R Patrick, ... Medical Journal of Australia 214, S5-S40, 2021 | 46 | 2021 |
Improving planning analysis and decision making: The development and application of a Walkability Planning Support System C Boulange, C Pettit, LD Gunn, B Giles-Corti, H Badland Journal of Transport Geography 69, 129-137, 2018 | 45 | 2018 |
Physical activity-related health and economic benefits of building walkable neighbourhoods: a modelled comparison between brownfield and greenfield developments B Zapata-Diomedi, C Boulangé, B Giles-Corti, K Phelan, S Washington, ... International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 16, 1-12, 2019 | 41 | 2019 |
Best practice principles for community indicator systems and a case study analysis: How community indicators Victoria is creating impact and bridging policy, practice and research MT Davern, L Gunn, B Giles-Corti, S David Social indicators research 131, 567-586, 2017 | 41 | 2017 |
The role of the built environment on health across the life course: a call for CollaborACTION A Nathan, K Villanueva, J Rozek, M Davern, L Gunn, G Trapp, ... American journal of health promotion 32 (6), 1460-1468, 2018 | 38 | 2018 |
The cost-effectiveness of installing sidewalks to increase levels of transport-walking and health LD Gunn, Y Lee, E Geelhoed, A Shiell, B Giles-Corti Preventive medicine 67, 322-329, 2014 | 35 | 2014 |
Living liveable? RESIDE's evaluation of the “Liveable Neighborhoods” planning policy on the health supportive behaviors and wellbeing of residents in Perth, Western Australia P Hooper, S Foster, F Bull, M Knuiman, H Christian, A Timperio, L Wood, ... SSM-population health 10, 100538, 2020 | 33 | 2020 |
Walking for transportation and built environment in Sao Paulo city, Brazil AA Florindo, JPAS Barbosa, LV Barrozo, DR Andrade, BS de Aguiar, ... Journal of transport & health 15, 100611, 2019 | 27 | 2019 |
A method for the inclusion of physical activity-related health benefits in cost-benefit analysis of built environment initiatives B Zapata-Diomedi, L Gunn, B Giles-Corti, A Shiell, JL Veerman Preventive Medicine 106, 224-230, 2018 | 24 | 2018 |
Cost-effectiveness of investing in sidewalks as a means of increasing physical activity: a RESIDE modelling study JL Veerman, B Zapata-Diomedi, L Gunn, GR McCormack, LJ Cobiac, ... BMJ open 6 (9), e011617, 2016 | 20 | 2016 |
Building the road network for city-scale active transport simulation models A Jafari, A Both, D Singh, L Gunn, B Giles-Corti Simulation modelling practice and theory 114, 102398, 2022 | 18 | 2022 |