Lucy D Gunn
Lucy D Gunn
Research Fellow, RMIT University
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Built environment and cardio‐metabolic health: systematic review and meta‐analysis of longitudinal studies
M Chandrabose, JN Rachele, L Gunn, A Kavanagh, N Owen, G Turrell, ...
Obesity reviews 20 (1), 41-54, 2019
Examining associations between urban design attributes and transport mode choice for walking, cycling, public transport and private motor vehicle trips
C Boulange, L Gunn, B Giles-Corti, S Mavoa, C Pettit, H Badland
Journal of transport & health 6, 155-166, 2017
Identifying appropriate land-use mix measures for use in a national walkability index
S Mavoa, C Boulangé, S Eagleson, J Stewart, HM Badland, B Giles-Corti, ...
Journal of Transport and Land Use 11 (1), 681-700, 2018
Using spatial measures to test a conceptual model of social infrastructure that supports health and wellbeing
M Davern, L Gunn, C Whitzman, C Higgs, B Giles-Corti, K Simons, ...
Cities & health 1 (2), 194-209, 2017
Quality of public open spaces and recreational walking
T Sugiyama, LD Gunn, H Christian, J Francis, S Foster, P Hooper, ...
American journal of public health 105 (12), 2490-2495, 2015
Identifying destination distances that support walking trips in local neighborhoods
LD Gunn, TL King, S Mavoa, KE Lamb, B Giles-Corti, A Kavanagh
Journal of transport & health 5, 133-141, 2017
Using walkability measures to identify train stations with the potential to become transit oriented developments located in walkable neighbourhoods
D Jeffrey, C Boulangé, B Giles-Corti, S Washington, L Gunn
Journal of transport geography 76, 221-231, 2019
Designing healthy communities: creating evidence on metrics for built environment features associated with walkable neighbourhood activity centres
LD Gunn, S Mavoa, C Boulangé, P Hooper, A Kavanagh, B Giles-Corti
International journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity 14, 1-12, 2017
Identifying, creating, and testing urban planning measures for transport walking: Findings from the Australian national liveability study
H Badland, S Mavoa, C Boulangé, S Eagleson, L Gunn, J Stewart, ...
Journal of transport & health 5, 151-162, 2017
Australia in 2030: what is our path to health for all?
K Backholer, F Baum, SM Finlay, S Friel, B Giles-Corti, A Jones, R Patrick, ...
Medical Journal of Australia 214, S5-S40, 2021
Improving planning analysis and decision making: The development and application of a Walkability Planning Support System
C Boulange, C Pettit, LD Gunn, B Giles-Corti, H Badland
Journal of Transport Geography 69, 129-137, 2018
Physical activity-related health and economic benefits of building walkable neighbourhoods: a modelled comparison between brownfield and greenfield developments
B Zapata-Diomedi, C Boulangé, B Giles-Corti, K Phelan, S Washington, ...
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 16, 1-12, 2019
Best practice principles for community indicator systems and a case study analysis: How community indicators Victoria is creating impact and bridging policy, practice and research
MT Davern, L Gunn, B Giles-Corti, S David
Social indicators research 131, 567-586, 2017
The role of the built environment on health across the life course: a call for CollaborACTION
A Nathan, K Villanueva, J Rozek, M Davern, L Gunn, G Trapp, ...
American journal of health promotion 32 (6), 1460-1468, 2018
The cost-effectiveness of installing sidewalks to increase levels of transport-walking and health
LD Gunn, Y Lee, E Geelhoed, A Shiell, B Giles-Corti
Preventive medicine 67, 322-329, 2014
Living liveable? RESIDE's evaluation of the “Liveable Neighborhoods” planning policy on the health supportive behaviors and wellbeing of residents in Perth, Western Australia
P Hooper, S Foster, F Bull, M Knuiman, H Christian, A Timperio, L Wood, ...
SSM-population health 10, 100538, 2020
Walking for transportation and built environment in Sao Paulo city, Brazil
AA Florindo, JPAS Barbosa, LV Barrozo, DR Andrade, BS de Aguiar, ...
Journal of transport & health 15, 100611, 2019
A method for the inclusion of physical activity-related health benefits in cost-benefit analysis of built environment initiatives
B Zapata-Diomedi, L Gunn, B Giles-Corti, A Shiell, JL Veerman
Preventive Medicine 106, 224-230, 2018
Cost-effectiveness of investing in sidewalks as a means of increasing physical activity: a RESIDE modelling study
JL Veerman, B Zapata-Diomedi, L Gunn, GR McCormack, LJ Cobiac, ...
BMJ open 6 (9), e011617, 2016
Building the road network for city-scale active transport simulation models
A Jafari, A Both, D Singh, L Gunn, B Giles-Corti
Simulation modelling practice and theory 114, 102398, 2022
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