Farjana Nur
Farjana Nur
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A Bayesian network based approach for modeling and assessing resilience: A case study of a full service deep water port
NUI Hossain, F Nur, S Hosseini, R Jaradat, M Marufuzzaman, SM Puryear
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 189, 378-396, 2019
An assessment of probabilistic disaster in the oil and gas supply chain leveraging Bayesian belief network
N Sakib, NUI Hossain, F Nur, S Talluri, R Jaradat, JM Lawrence
International Journal of Production Economics 235, 108107, 2021
A two-stage stochastic programming model for biofuel supply chain network design with biomass quality implications
F Nur, M Aboytes-Ojeda, KK Castillo-Villar, M Marufuzzaman
IISE transactions 53 (8), 845-868, 2021
Metrics for assessing overall performance of inland waterway ports: A bayesian network based approach
NUI Hossain, F Nur, R Jaradat, S Hosseini, M Marufuzzaman, SM Puryear, ...
Complexity 2019 (1), 3518705, 2019
Assessing cyber resilience of additive manufacturing supply chain leveraging data fusion technique: A model to generate cyber resilience index of a supply chain
S Rahman, NUI Hossain, K Govindan, F Nur, M Bappy
CIRP journal of manufacturing science and technology 35, 911-928, 2021
A decision support model for selecting unmanned aerial vehicle for medical supplies: Context of COVID-19 pandemic
D Banik, NU Ibne Hossain, K Govindan, F Nur, K Babski-Reeves
The International Journal of Logistics Management 34 (2), 473-496, 2023
Modelling and assessing sustainability of a supply chain network leveraging multi Echelon Bayesian Network
S El Amrani, NUI Hossain, S Karam, R Jaradat, F Nur, MA Hamilton, J Ma
Journal of Cleaner Production 302, 126855, 2021
A Bender’s based nested decomposition algorithm to solve a stochastic inland waterway port management problem considering perishable product
A Aghalari, F Nur, M Marufuzzaman
International Journal of Production Economics 229, 107863, 2020
An analytical study of hazards and risks in the shipbuilding industry
NUI Hossain, F Nur, RM Jaradat
Proceedings of American Society for engineering management annual conference …, 2016
Last mile delivery drone selection and evaluation using the interval-valued inferential fuzzy TOPSIS
F Nur, A Alrahahleh, R Burch, K Babski-Reeves, M Marufuzzaman
Journal of Computational Design and Engineering 7 (4), 397-411, 2020
Solving a stochastic inland waterway port management problem using a parallelized hybrid decomposition algorithm
A Aghalari, F Nur, M Marufuzzaman
Omega 102, 102316, 2021
Vessel routing and optimization for marine debris collection with consideration of carbon cap
G Duan, F Nur, M Alizadeh, L Chen, M Marufuzzaman, J Ma
Journal of cleaner production 263, 121399, 2020
Optimizing inland waterway port management decisions considering water level fluctuations
F Nur, M Marufuzzaman, SM Puryear
Computers & Industrial Engineering 140, 106210, 2020
An integrated framework of applying line balancing in apparel manufacturing organization: a case study
MM Rahman, F Nur, S Talapatra
Journal of Mechanical Engineering 44 (2), 117-123, 2014
Achieving competitive advantage through practicing TQM tools in pharmaceuticals company
NUI Hossain, F Nur, MA Habib
Journal of Mechanical Engineering 43 (2), 103-109, 2014
Inland waterway ports selection and evaluation using stochastic analytical hierarchy process
F Nur, M Marufuzzaman, SM Puryear, ES Wall, R Burch
International Journal of Systems Science: Operations & Logistics 8 (3), 217-237, 2021
Analyzing the competitiveness of inland waterway ports: An application of stochastic analytical hierarchy process
F Nur, M Marufuzzaman, R Burch, SM Puryear, ES Wall
IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings, 47-52, 2018
Enhancing Benders decomposition algorithm to solve a combat logistics problem
M Marufuzzaman, F Nur, AE Bednar, M Cowan
OR Spectrum 42, 161-198, 2020
RF i Strawderman, L.(2021)
F Nur, D Harrison, S Deb, V Burch
Identification of interventions to improve employee morale in physically …, 0
Handheld technology selection, evaluation, and risk mitigation using stochastic analytical hierarchical process: A standardization of the request for proposal process
F Nur, RF Burch V, M Marufuzzaman, BK Smith
Engineering Management Journal 34 (1), 85-98, 2022
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