Perspective on the therapeutics of anti-snake venom I Gómez-Betancur, V Gogineni, A Salazar-Ospina, F León Molecules 24 (18), 3276, 2019 | 75 | 2019 |
Main plants used in traditional medicine for the treatment of snake bites n the regions of the department of Antioquia, Colombia J Vásquez, JC Alarcón, SL Jiménez, GI Jaramillo, IC Gómez-Betancur, ... Journal of ethnopharmacology 170, 158-166, 2015 | 50 | 2015 |
Inhibition of the toxic effects of Bothrops asper venom by pinostrobin, a flavanone isolated from Renealmia alpinia (Rottb.) MAAS I Gómez-Betancur, D Benjumea, A Patiño, N Jiménez, E Osorio Journal of Ethnopharmacology 155 (3), 1609-1615, 2014 | 41 | 2014 |
Neuropharmacological effects of the ethanolic extract of Sida acuta DM Benjumea, IC Gómez-Betancur, J Vásquez, F Alzate, A García-Silva, ... Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia 26 (2), 209-215, 2016 | 40 | 2016 |
Traditional use of the genus Renealmia and Renealmia alpinia (Rottb.) Maas (Zingiberaceae)-a review in the treatment of snakebites I Gómez-Betancur, D Benjumea Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine 7, S574-S582, 2014 | 30 | 2014 |
Inhibitory effect of pinostrobin from Renealmia alpinia, on the enzymatic and biological activities of a PLA2 I Gómez-Betancur, JA Pereañez, AC Patiño, D Benjumea International journal of biological macromolecules 89, 35-42, 2016 | 27 | 2016 |
Interactions of Desmethoxyyangonin, a Secondary Metabolite from Renealmia alpinia, with Human Monoamine Oxidase‐A and Oxidase‐B ND Chaurasiya, F León, Y Ding, I Gómez-Betancur, D Benjumea, ... Evidence‐Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2017 (1), 4018724, 2017 | 21 | 2017 |
Antinociceptive activity of extracts and secondary metabolites from wild growing and micropropagated plants of Renealmia alpinia I Gómez-Betancur, N Cortés, D Benjumea, E Osorio, F León, SJ Cutler Journal of Ethnopharmacology 165, 191-197, 2015 | 19 | 2015 |
Bioactive Compounds Isolated from Marine Bacterium Vibrio neocaledonicus and Their Enzyme Inhibitory Activities I Gómez-Betancur, J Zhao, L Tan, C Chen, G Yu, P Rey-Suárez, ... Marine drugs 17 (7), 401, 2019 | 15 | 2019 |
Complete Genome of Vibrio neocaledonicus CGJ02-2, An active Compounds Producing Bacterium Isolated from South China Sea L Tan, I Gómez-Betancur, S Guo, Y Ge, J Zhao, C Chen, N Wang Current Microbiology 77, 2665-2673, 2020 | 6 | 2020 |
Antinociceptive activity of essential oils from wild growing and micropropagated plants of Renealmia alpinia (Rottb.) maas IC Gómez Betancur, DM Benjumea Gutiérrez, N Mejía, JF León, ... Acg Publishing Press Release, 2019 | 6 | 2019 |
In vitro inhibition of acetylcholinesterase, alphaglucosidase, and xanthine oxidase by bacteria extracts from coral reef in Hainan, South China Sea L Tan, S Guo, F Ma, C Chang, I Gómez-Betancur Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 6 (2), 33, 2018 | 5 | 2018 |
Una reconstrucción de las situaciones de transición de primera infancia al grado preescolar en la Institución Educativa rural Alegrías sede CER Pedro Zabala y la Institución … PA Villa Altamiranda, IC Gómez Betancur, EE Puerta Carmona Medellín, Colombia, 2023 | | 2023 |
Perspective on the therapeutics of anti-snake venom A Salazar Ospina, IC Gómez Betancur, V Gogineni, F León MDPI, 2019 | | 2019 |
Interactions of Desmethoxyyangonin, a Secondary Metabolite from Renealmia alpinia, with Human Monoamine Oxidase-A and Oxidase-B DM Benjumea Gutiérrez, IC Gómez Betancur, F León, BL Tekwani, ... Hindawi, 2017 | | 2017 |
Neuropharmacological effects of the ethanolic extract of Sida acuta DM Benjumea Gutiérrez, IC Gómez Betancur, J Vásquez Escobar, ... Sociedade Brasileira de Farmacognosia, 2016 | | 2016 |
Isolation and characterization of desmethoxyyangonin from Renealmia alpinia as a selective reversible inhibitor of human Monoamine Oxidase B ND Chaurasiya, F León, I Gómez-Betancur, D Benjumea, SJ Cutler, ... Planta Medica 81 (05), PB19, 2015 | | 2015 |
Estudio de las actividades analgésica e inhibitoria de los efectos tóxicos del veneno de Bothrops asper por extractos y compuestos aislados de Renealmia alpinia silvestre IC Gómez Betancur Medellín, Colombia, 2015 | | 2015 |