Cardiovascular Mathematics: Modeling and simulation of the circulatory system L Formaggia, A Quarteroni, A Veneziani Springer Science & Business Media, 2010 | 1047 | 2010 |
On the coupling of 3D and 1D Navier–Stokes equations for flow problems in compliant vessels L Formaggia, JF Gerbeau, F Nobile, A Quarteroni Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 191 (6-7), 561-582, 2001 | 828 | 2001 |
One-dimensional models for blood flow in arteries L Formaggia, D Lamponi, A Quarteroni Journal of engineering mathematics 47, 251-276, 2003 | 634 | 2003 |
Finite element Euler computations in three dimensions J Peraire, J Peiro, L Formaggia, K Morgan, OC Zienkiewicz International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 26 (10), 2135-2159, 1988 | 429 | 1988 |
Numerical treatment of defective boundary conditions for the Navier--Stokes equations L Formaggia, JF Gerbeau, F Nobile, A Quarteroni SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 40 (1), 376-401, 2002 | 421 | 2002 |
Multiscale modelling of the circulatory system: a preliminary analysis L Formaggia, F Nobile, A Quarteroni, A Veneziani Computing and visualization in science 2, 75-83, 1999 | 421 | 1999 |
Computational modelling of 1D blood flow with variable mechanical properties and its application to the simulation of wave propagation in the human arterial system SJ Sherwin, L Formaggia, J Peiro, V Franke International journal for numerical methods in fluids 43 (6‐7), 673-700, 2003 | 414 | 2003 |
Mathematical modelling and numerical simulation of the cardiovascular system A Quarteroni, L Formaggia Handbook of numerical analysis 12, 3-127, 2004 | 411 | 2004 |
A stability analysis for the arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian formulation with finite elements F Nobile, L Formaggia East-West Journal of Numerical Mathematics 7 (2), 105-132, 1999 | 345 | 1999 |
New anisotropic a priori error estimates L Formaggia, S Perotto Numerische Mathematik 89 (4), 641-667, 2001 | 269 | 2001 |
Numerical modeling of 1D arterial networks coupled with a lumped parameters description of the heart L Formaggia, D Lamponi, M Tuveri, A Veneziani Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering 9 (5), 273-288, 2006 | 256 | 2006 |
Stability analysis of second-order time accurate schemes for ALE–FEM L Formaggia, F Nobile Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 193 (39-41), 4097-4116, 2004 | 199 | 2004 |
A reduced model for Darcy's problem in networks of fractures L Formaggia, A Fumagalli, A Scotti, P Ruffo ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 2014 | 190 | 2014 |
Anisotropic error estimates for elliptic problems L Formaggia, S Perotto Numerische Mathematik 94, 67-92, 2003 | 186 | 2003 |
Acceleration of a fixed point algorithm for fluid-structure interaction using transpiration conditions S Deparis, MA Fernández, L Formaggia ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 37 (4), 601-616, 2003 | 148 | 2003 |
Anisotropic mesh adaptation in computational fluid dynamics: application to the advection–diffusion–reaction and the Stokes problems L Formaggia, S Micheletti, S Perotto Applied Numerical Mathematics 51 (4), 511-533, 2004 | 144 | 2004 |
On the stability of the coupling of 3D and 1D fluid-structure interaction models for blood flow simulations L Formaggia, A Moura, F Nobile ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 41 (4), 743-769, 2007 | 130 | 2007 |
Expansion and drug elution model of a coronary stent F Migliavacca, F Gervaso, M Prosi, P Zunino, S Minisini, L Formaggia, ... Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering 10 (1), 63-73, 2007 | 124 | 2007 |
Mimetic finite difference approximation of flows in fractured porous media PF Antonietti, L Formaggia, A Scotti, M Verani, N Verzott ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 50 (3), 809-832, 2016 | 121 | 2016 |
A one dimensional model for blood flow: application to vascular prosthesis L Formaggia, F Nobile, A Quarteroni Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Simulation in Continuum Mechanics …, 2002 | 113 | 2002 |