Mathias Diebig
Mathias Diebig
在 uni-trier.de 的电子邮件经过验证
A double-edged sword: Relationship between full-range leadership behaviors and followers' hair cortisol level
M Diebig, KC Bormann, J Rowold
The Leadership Quarterly 27 (4), 684-696, 2016
Day-level transformational leadership and followers’ daily level of stress: A moderated mediation model of team cooperation, role conflict, and type of communication
M Diebig, KC Bormann, J Rowold
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 26 (2), 234-249, 2017
Athlete characteristics and team competitive performance as moderators for the relationship between coach transformational leadership and athlete performance
KC Bormann, P Schulte-Coerne, M Diebig, J Rowold
Journal of sport and exercise psychology 38 (3), 268-281, 2016
Leader strain and follower burnout: Exploring the role of transformational leadership behaviour
M Diebig, U Poethke, J Rowold
German Journal of Human Resource Management 31 (4), 329-348, 2017
A “Tower of Babel”?–interrelations and structure of leadership constructs
J Rowold, L Borgmann, M Diebig
Leadership & organization development journal 36 (2), 137-160, 2015
Transformational leadership and communication: Evaluation of a two-day leadership development program
C Cohrs, KC Bormann, M Diebig, C Millhoff, K Pachocki, J Rowold
Leadership & Organization Development Journal 41 (1), 101-117, 2020
Entwicklung eines Fragebogens zur Erfassung zentraler Merkmale der Arbeit 4.0
U Poethke, KN Klasmeier, M Diebig, N Hartmann, J Rowold
Zeitschrift für Arbeits-und Organisationspsychologie A&O, 2019
Is cortisol as a biomarker of stress influenced by the interplay of work-family conflict, work-family balance and resilience?
SM Krisor, M Diebig, J Rowold
Personnel Review 44 (4), 648-661, 2015
The dynamic relationship between laissez-faire leadership and day-level stress: A role theory perspective
M Diebig, KC Bormann
German Journal of Human Resource Management 34 (3), 324-344, 2020
Inhalts-und prozessbezogene Anforderungen an die Gefährdungsbeurteilung psychischer Belastung im Kontext Industrie 4.0
M Diebig, F Jungmann, A Müller, IC Wulf
Zeitschrift für Arbeits-und Organisationspsychologie A&O, 2018
The effects of transformational and instrumental leadership on followers’ levels of cortisol
J Rowold, M Diebig, K Heinitz
German Journal of Human Resource Management 31 (3), 219-237, 2017
Following an uneven lead: Trickle-down effects of differentiated transformational leadership
KC Bormann, M Diebig
Journal of Management 47 (8), 2105-2134, 2021
Barriers and drivers of psychosocial risk assessments in German micro and small-sized enterprises: a qualitative study with owners and managers
V Pavlista, P Angerer, M Diebig
BMC public health 21, 1-12, 2021
Akteure der Gefährdungsbeurteilung psychischer Belastung–Perspektiven und Konflikte im betrieblichen Arbeits-und Gesundheitsschutz
IC Wulf, S Süß, M Diebig
Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft 71, 296-304, 2017
Effectiveness and cost effectiveness of a stress management training for leaders of small and medium sized enterprises–study protocol for a randomized controlled-trial
JAM Lehmann, E Schwarz, Z Rahmani Azad, S Gritzka, T Seifried-Dübon, ...
BMC Public Health 21, 1-16, 2021
Development and validation of a questionnaire to measure psychosocial work stressors in modern working environments
M Diebig, N Dragano, U Körner, T Lunau, IC Wulf, P Angerer
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 62 (3), 185-193, 2020
Impact of the digitization in the industry sector on work, employment, and health
M Diebig, A Müller, P Angerer
Handbook of Socioeconomic Determinants of Occupational Health: From Macro …, 2020
Datenauswertung mit SPSS
C Krüger, L Borgmann, T Antonik, AK Meyer, M Diebig, A Kay
Lehrstuhl für Personalentwicklung und Veränderungsmanagement, TU Dresden, 2012
Description and application of a method to quantify criterion-related cut-off values for questionnaire-based psychosocial risk assessment
M Diebig, P Angerer
International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health 94, 475-485, 2021
Psychische Belastungen in der Industrie 4.0
M Diebig, A Müller, P Angerer
Eine selektive Literaturübersicht zu (neuartigen) Belastungsbereichen. ASU …, 2017
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