Tidal deposits of the Campanian western interior seaway, Wyoming, Utah and Colorado, USA RJ Steel, P Plink-Bjorklund, J Aschoff Principles of tidal sedimentology, 437-471, 2012 | 93 | 2012 |
Anomalous clastic wedge development during the Sevier-Laramide transition, North American Cordilleran foreland basin, USA J Aschoff, R Steel Bulletin 123 (9-10), 1822-1835, 2011 | 93 | 2011 |
Basinward transport of Chicxulub ejecta by tsunami-induced backflow, La Popa basin, northeastern Mexico, and its implications for distribution of impact-related deposits … TF Lawton, KW Shipley, JL Aschoff, KA Giles, FJ Vega Geology 33 (2), 81-84, 2005 | 76 | 2005 |
Recognition and significance of bayhead delta deposits in the rock record: A comparison of modern and ancient systems JL Aschoff, C Olariu, RJ Steel Sedimentology 65 (1), 62-95, 2018 | 66 | 2018 |
Anatomy and development of a low-accommodation clastic wedge, upper Cretaceous, Cordilleran Foreland Basin, USA JL Aschoff, RJ Steel Sedimentary Geology 236 (1-2), 1-24, 2011 | 63 | 2011 |
Salt diapir-influenced, shallow-marine sediment dispersal patterns: Insights from outcrop analogs JL Aschoff, KA Giles AAPG bulletin 89 (4), 447-469, 2005 | 52 | 2005 |
Distinguishing syntectonic unconformity types to enhance analysis of growth strata: An example from the Cretaceous, southeastern Nevada, USA JL Aschoff, JG Schmitt Journal of Sedimentary Research 78 (9), 608-623, 2008 | 17 | 2008 |
Constraining the effects of dynamic topography on the development of Late Cretaceous Cordilleran foreland basin, western United States Z Li, J Aschoff GSA Bulletin 134 (1-2), 446-462, 2022 | 15 | 2022 |
Shoreline evolution in the Late Cretaceous North American Cordilleran foreland basin: an exemplar of the combined influence of tectonics, sea level, and sediment supply through … Z Li, J Aschoff Earth-Science Reviews 226, 103947, 2022 | 9 | 2022 |
Origin of Upper Cretaceous (latest Maastrichtian) massive, boulder-cobble conglomerates, Potrerillos Formation, La Popa basin, northeastern Mexico: Incised valley fill or … JL Aschoff, KA Giles, TF Lawton Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 33 (6), 202, 2001 | 7 | 2001 |
Controls on clastic wedge and growth strata development in foreland basins: examples from Cretaceous Cordilleran foreland basin strata, USA JL Aschoff University of Texas at Austin, 2008 | 6 | 2008 |
Sedimentation Patterns in a Salt-diapir Influenced Foreland Basin: Upper Cretaceous to Lower Tertiary Delgado Sandstone Tongue, Potrerillos Formation, La Popa Basin, Nuevo León … JL Aschoff New Mexico State University, 2003 | 6 | 2003 |
Principles of tidal sedimentology RJ Steel, P Plink-Björklund, J Aschoff, RA Davis, RW Dalrymple Springer Science+ Business Media, New York, USA, 2012 | 5 | 2012 |
Controls on the development of clastic wedges and growth strata in foreland basins: examples from Cretaceous Cordilleran Foreland Basin strata, USA JL Aschoff The University of Texas at Austin, 2008 | 5 | 2008 |
Integrating stratigraphic modelling, inversion analysis, and shelf‐margin records to guide provenance analysis: An example from the Cretaceous Colville Basin, Arctic Alaska J Zhang, P Flaig, M Wartes, J Aschoff, M Shuster Basin Research 33 (3), 1954-1966, 2021 | 4 | 2021 |
Preliminary regional sequence stratigraphic framework and characterization of potential fluvial reservoirs of the upper Mesaverde Group, Uinta Basin, Utah JL Aschoff Utah Geological Survey, 2010 | 4 | 2010 |
Evaluating the roles of sediment supply and tectonics using growth-strata analysis, sequence stratigraphy, forward stratigraphic modeling and sediment volume Calculations: An … J Aschoff, J Rountree An example from the Cordilleran Foreland Basin, 2012 | 3 | 2012 |
Preliminary Regional Sequence Stratigraphic Framework and Characterization of Potential Fluvial Reservoirs of the Upper Mesaverde Group, Uinta Basin, Utah (OFR-569) JL Aschoff Utah Geological Survey, 2010 | 3 | 2010 |
Synorogenic sedimentation along the Cordilleran thrust belt front, southern Nevada: alluvial systems, sediment dispersal, and growth strata development: Geological Society of … JG Schmitt, JL Aschoff Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 35, 642, 2003 | 3 | 2003 |
Location, extent, and magnitude of dynamic topography in the Late Cretaceous Cordilleran Foreland Basin, USA: New insights from 3D flexural backstripping Z Li, J Aschoff Basin Research 35 (1), 120-140, 2023 | 2 | 2023 |