Beby Karina Fawzeea
Beby Karina Fawzeea
在 usu.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Pengaruh bauran pemasaran jasa dan kualitas pelayanan terhadap kepuasan mahasiswa program studi manajemen fakultas ekonomi universitas muhammadiyah sumatera utara
DK Gultom, P Ginting, BKF Sembiring
Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen dan Bisnis 14 (01), 2014
The influence of customer relationship management (CRM) indicators on customer loyalty of sharia based banking system
A Lubis, R Dalimunthe, Y Absah, BK Fawzeea
Lubis, A, 84-92, 2020
Social network ties, proactive entrepreneurial behavior and successful retail business: a study on Indonesia small enterprises
MDTP Nasution, ES Rini, Y Absah, BKF Sembiring
Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship 24 (1), 141-160, 2022
The effect of corporate communication and service quality on customer loyalty and satisfaction in sharia banking
A Lubis, R Dalimunthe, Y Absah, BK Fawzeea
The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business 8 (3), 1267-1274, 2021
The influence of seller reputation and online customer reviews towards purchase decisions through consumer trust from C2C e-commerce platform users in Medan, North Sumatera …
AN Zahara, ES Rini, BKF Sembiring
International Journal of Research and Review 8 (2), 422-438, 2021
Impact of eCommerce service quality, recovery service quality, and satisfaction in Indonesia
ES Rini, P Ginting, BKF Sembiring
2017 International Conference on Sustainable Information Engineering and …, 2017
The effect of online customer review and promotion through e-trust on the purchase decision of Bukalapakin Medan City
R Regina, ES Rini, BKF Sembiring
International Journal of Research and Review 8 (8), 236-243, 2021
The relationship of consumer preference, value creation, and global supply chain in the third wave coffee business in sumatera utara, Indonesia
LT Berampu, S Sirojuzilam, BK Sembiring
International Journal of Supply Chain Management 8 (6), 731-736, 2019
The Role Of Technology Marketing Micro Business, Small And Medium Enterprises (Smes) Agents For Repurchase Intention And Its Impact On The Community Satisfaction (Case In …
IM Beby Karina Fawzeea, Fivi Rahmatus Sofiyah, Ilyda Sudardjat
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research 8 (12), 1724, 2019
The Impact of life style and social media on purchasing decisions in B-One cafe, Medan
AT Lubis, N Irawati, KBF Sembiring
International Journal of Research and Review 7 (2), 32-40, 2020
The Influence Of Servicescape University And Relationship Quality On Student Satisfaction Through University Image In The Influence Of Servicescape University And Relationship …
H Mulyono, M Indonesia, B Karina, F Sembiring, P Gultom
November, 2020
The effect of social media, servicescape and customer experience on revisit intention with the visitor satisfaction as an intervening variables in the tree house on tourism …
WR Situmorang, ES Rini, BKF Sembiring
International Journal of Research and Review 7 (2), 79-84, 2020
Analysis of the influence of work motivation, locus of control, and organizational commitment to employee performance with Islamic work ethics as a moderating variable
LS Nasution, BKF Sembiring, RH Harahap
International Journal of Research and Review 8 (1), 615-623, 2021
The Influence of financial technology and quality of service on satisfaction and loyalty on employees of bank CIMB Niaga Bukit Barisan Branch on Grab App Users
I Harris, ES Rini, BKF Sembiring
International Journal of Research & Review 6 (2), 65-77, 2022
The influence of product quality and price on customer loyalty of Telkomsel users through customer satisfaction in Medan City
R Puspitaweni, ES Rini, BKF Sembiring
International Journal of Research and Review 8 (12), 580-586, 2021
The effect of viral marketing and customer trust on online shop purchase decisions based on application in faculty of economic and business Universitas Sumatera Utara
BKF Sembiring, S Ananda
Multi-Disciplinary International Conference University of Asahan, 2019
The Effect of Promotion and Servicescape on Impulsive Buying Behavior with Shopping Emotion as Intervening Variables for Consumers Store of Fashion H&M in Sun Plaza Medan …
A Prabowo, AN Lubis, BKF Sembiring
International Journal of Research and Review 8 (2), 235-252, 2021
Strategies to improve student satisfaction through the quality of online learning facilities and infrastructure, characteristics of academic staff, lecturers competence, and …
Y Absah, B Karina, RH Harahap
Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 12 (3), 671-675, 2021
Pengaruh E-Servqual dan E-Recovery Service Quality Terhadap E-Loyalty Melalui E-Satisfaction pada Marketplace E-Commerce di Indonesia
P Ginting, ES Rini, BKF Sembiring
Universitas Sumatera Utara, 2018
Pengaruh strategi bauran pemasaran ritel terhadap kepuasan dan loyalitas pelanggan minimarket Mes Mart Syariah
DA Pasaribu, BKF Sembiring
Jurnal Manajemen 2 (1), 1-10, 2013
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